MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Rolling Stone “In My Room” Series

  • Jung Roe

    30/03/2020 at 04:24

    Here is the Rolling Stone magazine feature that kicked off with Brian Wilson.  Despite the  mental illness and the demons he struggles with to this day, his heroic undying dedication and passion to his music always inspires me.  For 2020, even as recent as late February he was tweeting out his world tour concert dates in Japan and other places, that all unfortunately got cancelled.


  • David Herrick

    30/03/2020 at 05:40

    And the latest installment is from Graham Nash.

    “Love and Mercy” is the first track on Brian’s 1988 solo album.  Even though he was deep in the clutches of Eugene Landy at the time, the album has always sounded to me like he picked up right where he left off after Pet Sounds.  And apparently some music critics agree.


  • Howard

    30/03/2020 at 10:45
  • David Herrick

    30/03/2020 at 18:40

    Okay, how about this alternate ending for “Uncle Albert / Admiral Halsey”:


    Haaaaaaaaaands in soapy water.  (Water.)

    Haaaaaaaaaands all clean and dry.


    Scrub a little.  Be hygenic.

    Get it done.  (Get it done.)

    Get your hands washed, everyone.

    Scrub a little.  Get it done.


  • David Herrick

    20/04/2020 at 16:30

    In this era where we’re all looking for quick smiles, here’s the maestro of catchy ditties:


  • Jung Roe

    21/04/2020 at 05:00

    Except for Calendar Girl, I guess I’m not very familiar with Neil Sedaka, but some nice catchy tunes there in his medley.  Thanks for sharing it David.

  • Jacki Hopper

    21/04/2020 at 05:19

    Jung… Have you been stuck hiding under a music Boulder…. Lol…?!?!

    I grew up liking Neil Sedaka stuff thanks to my late Mom who had excellent music tastes, “Calendar Girl” was one of her faves, she’d sing it whenever it came on radio and even in the long term care hospital for the last 10 yrs of her life, if she heard it come on the radio beside her bed, she’d try humming it or singing”ddeeedeeddeeelalala” as she couldn’t speak properly anymore due to her brain stroke damage… She could sing tunewiseor hum right on cue, just not to sing the words… I grew up exposed to a plethora of music tastes in our household…. Country, Gospel, Bluegrass,  Easy Contemporary Listening, Folk, Rock, Southern Rock, Pop, Big Band, Connie Francis, Doris Day, Beatles, Styx, Led Zeppelin, Kiss, CCR, The Guess Who, etc…

  • David Herrick

    21/04/2020 at 05:30

    Thanks, Jung.  I may be the only big Neil Sedaka fan in this club, but after the Beatles, Goffin/King and Sedaka/Greenfield are the songwriters I go to when I need an instant infusion of happy, so I was excited to see that he is still alive and capable of performing.  Of course, his voice was a lot crisper 60 years ago!

    If you have a few minutes, check out some of his original recordings from the 50’s and 60’s.  (Not the sappy stuff from the 70’s.)  The style of his self-harmonies reminds me of MLT’s harmonies on the “When We’re Together” album.

    Edit:  I just read your comment, Jacki, so I don’t feel quite so alone now.  I hate to remember this, but I first heard Calendar Girl, with greatly modified lyrics, in a TV commercial for Purina Cat Chow.


  • Jacki Hopper

    21/04/2020 at 06:26

    Yes David, it seems like you and I have similar music tastes…. Lol…

    I’m not sure about the Purina Dog Food TV ad, but that was the dry dog food we gave our dogs when I was a kid…. Later in my 20s, the last 2 dogs we had after other 2 previous died…. I gave them Purina/Iams, Gainsburgers, Pep canned dog food… Lol….

    Have a Goodnight…. 1:30am….time I hit the hay…. Zzzzzz

  • David Herrick

    21/04/2020 at 06:40

    As I feared, nothing ever dies in the age of YouTube:


  • Jung Roe

    21/04/2020 at 07:08

    Here is Steve Perry from Journey doing a vocal only rendition of Beach Boys “In My Room” a few days ago while in isolation.


  • David Herrick

    22/04/2020 at 01:20

    Hey, Jung.  “In My Room” is one of my very favorite Beach Boys songs.  The beautiful harmonies contrast with the introverted lyrics to produce a bittersweet masterpiece.

    But this version… not so much in my opinion.  He has a good voice, but he doesn’t keep a steady tempo, and of course the harmonies are missing.  I guess you could call it a “haunting” rendition, but I’m not looking to be haunted right now.


  • Howard

    22/04/2020 at 03:16

    Funny you should mention Purina Jacki and David. A week ago I adopted a cat from “Pet Rescue” and his food is Purina for cats.


  • Jacki Hopper

    22/04/2020 at 04:06

    Lol.. David  and Howard…..

    Yeppers… Still can see the neon green Purina Dog food bag in my mind…. And the Gainsburger Dog food and TV ads for it and our previous 2 dogs I grew up with during childhood also ate canned dog food too as well as the Purina…. But our last 2 dogs we owned  before house sold (they died  B4 house sold sadly… One from head injuries when ran out on road chasing groundhog and the other was old age with blindness, deaf, dog dementia) … after the previous two died old aged respectively…. Lol… The later dogs were treated to Iams, Gainsburger, and people food once in awhile as with my childhood dogs…. Lol

    Jung: Steve Perry is a good singer but sometimes, even with best intentions, the song choice /song style, well, just not quite working, such as this interpretation of his for this song… Sorry to say…

  • Jung Roe

    22/04/2020 at 05:50

    Congrats Howard on your cat!  🙂  I hope you find years of love and joy with your cat.  I had 3 different cats through my life and loved each one dearly.  #3 (Milo – orange tabby) is 18 years old (got him in 2002) and still feisty and active as ever.  Lives with my sister currently.  One advice I can offer is consider giving your cat something like Orijen or Science Diet brand cat food.  Usually something recommended by a vet.  They cost more, but in the long run you avoid them getting sick and incurring huge vet bills down the road.  Brands like Purina that are highly marketed and sold at supermarkets are not the best for long term health of pets causing diabetes and other conditions.  Check some of the pet websites for recommendation/rating of the healthiest pet foods in Australia.  I learned the hard way with our first cat.  Anyway didn’t want to sound critical, but just wanted to be helpful.

    Jacki, David.  Yes Steven Perry’s version lacks the brightness of the original.  Steve’s version is a more hauntingly somewhat beautiful one.

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