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  • Howard

    22/04/2020 at 07:17

    Thanks for the advice Jung. I’m only providing Purina at the moment as that is what his foster carer was providing. I intend to change his diet progressively but didn’t want to make too many changes after his trauma of moving to a new, strange home. He came from a house which had six cats, all rescues in foster care.

    I’ll soon be introducing him to fresh kangaroo meat in the evenings like the previous cats that I’d been looking after for their owners. He’s only ten months old and very intelligent and active. Finding it hard to keep up with him so lots of new toys and I intend to purchase him a “Rolls Royce” super duper scratch pole with platforms and cubby to keep him active and engaged.

    I’ll be taking him to a vet soon to have him weighed and work out a suitable diet. At the moment he’s on an all day buffet diet like where he came from. They told me cats only eat as much as they need, but I’m not so sure!

    He’s been vaccinated, wormed, de-flead and neutered. Pet Rescue only allow indoor cats (both to protect them and native wildlife).

    He is a short hair black/white cat called Luca and here he is resting on the balcony, which he really likes as he has a good view of the constant passing parade (mainly people exercising and walking their dogs).


  • Jung Roe

    22/04/2020 at 08:40

    Wow Howard, Luca is adorable, and handsome too!  And he looks very happy and content!  I think it is a great idea to progressively change his diet.

    Our cat Milo has been an indoor cat all his life as it was just too dangerous outside with traffic and wildlife like coyotes in our neighborhood, so we kept him indoors.  As long as they get the daily attention and play time, they do perfectly well indoors.

    Cats have such unique and individual personalities like little people, they make such wonderful companions.  Thanks for sharing a picture of him.

  • David Herrick

    22/04/2020 at 15:00

    I agree with Jung, Howard; Luca is adorable!  Does he live on the second floor?  (Sorry, 80’s music reference…)

    Yay, now we’re talking about cats!  I’m a cat person myself, but my wife is allergic, so I have to live vicariously and from old memories.

    When I was in graduate school I had two kittens that were rescue cats in the most literal sense.  One of the other students that I shared a house with left her boyfriend’s house one day and found a kitten in her car and decided to bring it home.  During the drive she heard some additional meowing, and stopped to find another kitten perched on the wheel well.  Presumably they came from the litter in the yard next door after an animal attacked, because we later learned that they had all disappeared.

    A cat would certainly be a great companion right now, when I could hang out with him all day.  I envy you, Howard!


  • Jacki Hopper

    22/04/2020 at 15:46

    Okdokey… Lol… Just to spice things up a tad…. I’m Pro Dog  and Anti Cat…. There I said it… Lol… Though we did have a demented demonic cat from hell when I was a kid, the feeling of hatred between cat and family… Was mutual… Only time she was safe to be around… While on catnip… Until it wore off.. I’m sure she had something wrong with her mental wise from get-go… Hot her from one of my cousins whose cat had kitties, possibly an inbred of sort creation… Meanwhile we also had 2 dogs, one was an outside dog, the other, mostly indoor but was outside too.   Fast fwd many moons later…. Decided after awhile after both said dogs passed, wanted a dog, got one, then I wanted another, we got another…. Mine lived to be 16, while sadly the other succumbed around 4-6 yrs old to head injuries sustained being hit by car while chasing groundhog across road in front of our place… The wee dog of mine was chasing it too but saw other dog get hit… Traumatized…

    I at some point developed cat allergies (an uncle had 2 Siamese cats, and whenever we visited, I got all stuffed up, wheeze, sneezed… Didn’t make connection as I had no allergies with our demon cat)… Then as a teen another friend had cat at her house, same symptoms, she suggested I may be allergic… Started working after hig school, ha clients with cats, same thing… So anytime  after that,  it was confirmed… Cats and I… Do not gel, can’t be in the same room…

    I did a stupid thing awhile back, I was meeting my one bro at his place to go out for supper, his cat, my first time to meet him, in person, decides to rub up against my leg, my bro says from his bedrm…. Just quickly pet him, he likes you, will leave you alone…. I did, then we left to go out to car… My eyes itch, I scratch/rub with… You guessed it, hand I petted with… In the hurrying off, I forgot to wash hand off… By the time arrived at restaurant, my eyes swelled almost shut, then, my bro was finally convinced when I told him I have cat allergies…. Lol…. I had washed my hands like 5-6x & rinsed my eyes with cold water a few times at restaurant before the eyes resumed normal appearance.. And my other bro has a dog and cat… I’m allergic to both… How convenient… Lol

    So yes, I like looking at oux/videos of cats/kitties but not to have as pets… I choose dogs as pets over cats always… ??

  • David Herrick

    22/04/2020 at 16:45

    That’s okay, Jacki.  As long as you have a note from your doctor about your allergies, you can still play with us.


  • Jacki Hopper

    22/04/2020 at 17:50

    Note From Jacki’s Allergist Dr. :

    With allergy medication, Jacki can somewhat control her cat, some dog breed allergies, but has an epipen for her far more life threatening nut/sesame/seafood allergies… It is advised that you keep all cats locked away in her presence, photos only would be what is reccomend Ed, as she can handle cat photos, just not the real deal….

    She does love her animals, it’s her allergies, that have a different opinion…and continues to fight to prove their point…

    Thankyou for understanding…


    Dr. AllergyKnowHow?

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/04/2020 at 17:54

    Luca is a fine name for your newly adopted cat, Howard,   Enjoy what your about to embark upon and hoping you don’t take upon a severe cat allergy, it sure is not funny, and quite scary when your eyes swell and can’t breathe… Other than that… Enjoy when you give Luca catnip… Dazed and Meowed Out?

  • Howard

    22/04/2020 at 18:10

    I understand where you are coming from Jacki. I too have suffered from many allergies in my lifetime. The main ones would have to be hay fever and dust mites. However, I have also had food allergies. It took a long time to realise I’m lactose intolerant and now have soy milk with my coffee and cereals and lactose free cheese on my pizzas.

    Like you, I’m also a dog person and was actually looking for one when Luca came along. I was never a cat person until I started house sitting and pet minding late last year, and six cats came with one of my house sits. I really thought they’d play havoc with my sinuses but was pleasantly surprised to find I was okay, apart from a little eye irritation from time to time. I had to vacuum regularly though.

    I came to really appreciate cats during the 3.5 weeks I was there. They all had their own unique personalities. Luca is just wonderful and he actually has some dog qualities. I spent the evening playing fetch with him. He brings one of his favourite toys to me and drops it. I throw it as far as I can in any direction and he will fetch it and return it to me while I’m sitting in my lounge chair. No work for me and plenty of exercise for him.

  • David Herrick

    22/04/2020 at 18:55

    Jacki, why do I suspect that your doctor’s note was signed “Epstein’s mother”?  (A little insider joke there.)


  • Jacki Hopper

    22/04/2020 at 19:36

    Uh David….about the”Epstein’s Mother inside joke”…. I’m not certain/sure or familiar as to what you mean by it.. Is it a Welcome Back Kotter reference to the Epstein character or is it in regards to something else altogether…. You had me curious with your commentary there… As that’s the only thing coming to mind for what you were meaning by it…. Or am I am that clueless…. Lol….

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/04/2020 at 19:50

    Thankyou Howard for your in depth reply, I’m glad you know where I am coming from on this… The photo you shared of Luca on chair is adorable…. Kangaroo Meat….?!?!… I only think of Kangaroos as in photos, alive, not as a source of food…. I don’t think I could eat KM… I was traumatized one time when it was the first and last time I ever ate rabbit…. I love bunnies,  but not to eat… One time friends of my parents gave us a rabbit to eat… I didn’t know nor was going to be told until after I ate it… So my parents planned… That is, until I walked into kitchen just as Mom or Dad had roast lid off the pan,… (we had a wall oven–1960s kitchen trend in houses at the time it was built) as they took it out of oven to check… I knew then it was a rabbit… Boy did I raise a ruckus… I said I’d starve before I eat that… Had to be forced to try a bit, not happy was I, and to this day, never touched rabbit meat since… I’ve had Moise/Venison… Venison not bad, it was cooked properly by someone who knew how to do so… Whereas the Moose meat… Not really… Ick, ewww… No thanks, did not like it from getgo, Mom had to be the one cooking it the week we were up at a friend of Dad’s hunting camp, but in her defence, she had never cooked game meat before then so she cooked only how she knew to… And as a lovely token of our week’s staying there… We were complimented with like a few months worth of Moose meat…. Lol… Let’s just say, I ate different on those nights…. I’m a Bacon/ham/roast beef /steak/chicken/turkey kinda gal?????

  • David Herrick

    22/04/2020 at 20:50

    Yes, Jacki, it was a Kotter reference.  Epstein always used to hand Mr. Kotter excuse notes that were invariably signed “Epstein’s mother”.


  • Jung Roe

    23/04/2020 at 08:43

    Saw on the news today reports of pet cats in New York testing positive for covid 19.  Looks like our pets are susceptible to the virus too.

  • David Herrick

    23/04/2020 at 15:25

    Well, that’s kind of dispiriting, especially if the transmission isn’t mainly just cat-to-cat.  I had just heard on the news that a lot of animal shelters are empty for the first time ever due to the massive demand for pets now.

    I’ve always been one to try to keep my opinions to myself, but I’m gonna stick my neck out here and declare that I don’t really care much for this virus.


  • David Herrick

    24/04/2020 at 22:00

    Like Jacki, I had never really contemplated the notion of kangaroo meat, Howard.  However, you did remind me of this song from an album I had as a kid:

    Do all Australian kids know this one by heart?


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