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  • Howard

    27/04/2020 at 13:24

    Certainly not one from my youth David, but the following song from Englishman, Charlie Drake, was a #1 hit in Australia when I was an infant back in 1961. I’m sure Jacki would appreciate Charlie. At under 5 foot 2 inches, he would have to be the worlds shortest comedian.

  • David Herrick

    27/04/2020 at 15:05

    That’s an interesting one, Howard.  I had never heard it, despite the fact that it nearly reached the top 20 in the U.S.  I read that it was produced by none other that George Martin!

    I do know “Tie Me Kangaroo Down, Sport” (one version of which was also produced by George Martin), but I think that’s the extent of my familiarity with Australian novelty songs from that era.


  • Jacki Hopper

    27/04/2020 at 16:06

    I’m sorry to say that, I’m not at all familiar with any of these Aussie novelty songs both David/Howard speak of here… I’m only familiar with a few Aussie bands…. Lol… Air Supply, INXS, Kylie Minogue,  Midnight Oil…. And of a their hit songs…..and Olivia Newton John…. ?

  • David Herrick

    27/04/2020 at 16:35

    Jacki, if the Seekers aren’t on your list of familiar Aussie bands, you should remedy that situation!  They have some broad similarities to the Mamas & Papas:  a heavy folk influence, rich harmonies, and a powerful female lead vocal.


  • Howard

    28/04/2020 at 04:02

    Yes David, but Jacki is more a seventies/eighties gal, like those groups she mentioned. She also forgot that other Aussie group From the Sixties, The EasyBeats.

    I posted the video attached in another Topic. It is another great Tom Springfield song written for The Seekers. They had a huge 1965 # 1 hit in The UK with it. And dare I say, it’s another wonderful song begging for a MLT Duo Session cover. An opportunity for the twins to get those favourite twelve string guitars out.

    The video also highlights the rather primitive recording processes of the sixties. No doubt David would see the lyrics as being ripe for a Covid 19 parody.

    The Seekers – “I’ll never find another you”

    This song had an alternative title of “The Kiwi Lament” Downunder. A somewhat poor taste joke that you’d need to be an Aussie or a Kiwi to understand.

  • David Herrick

    28/04/2020 at 04:30

    I know, Howard, but Jacki is an M&P fan also, as I’m sure she’ll point out soon.

    I remember when you posted this video.  It was right after I joined the club and asked Mona and Lisa about doing a Seekers cover.  I suggested “A World of our Own” (also by Tom Springfield), based more on the vocals than the instrumentation, but “I’ll Never Find Another You” is better known in the U.S. and would sound wonderful from them too.

    I actually wrote a teaching-related parody of “I’ll Never Find Another You” a few years ago, about a student who signs up for an on-line class, does no work at all, and then pleads to withdraw just before the end of the semester.  It was called “I Won’t Reward You with a W”.

    And just this evening I dashed off an MLT COVID-19 parody, but it doesn’t really work.  I tried to make it about someone who was way over-concerned about the possibility of having acquired the virus, but then I realized that at this point it’s difficult to picture what over-concern would look like, so I don’t think it comes off as amusing.


  • Jacki Hopper

    28/04/2020 at 04:43

    Ahem… I’d like to politely correct /respectfully Disagree with Howard of his presumption not sure if appropriate word?!) of categorizing myself as more of a 70s /80s  person.. That is not accurate…. In fact it’s the 50s-60s mostly, I relate better to,  and even stuff from 20s-40s…. True, I do like music from different eras and of different genres… While 70s/80s were more for my liking to dance to to, well sing but more dance to, it’s the lyrics, etc of 50s/60s that resonate moreso with me,… In general, I enjoy different eras/genres of music…. If it moves me physically, emotionally, musically, lyrically, then it’s worthy of my appreciation.

    Also… To be fair… .I’m not familiar with  much of these Australian bands you mention because, perhaps in Canada, they were not known, or just barely, and being born in 1969, I wouldn’t have known of their existence…. I only know what I was exposed to growing up…. Beatles, Zep, Elvis, old school country, southern rock, bluegrass, gospel, Tom Jones, Bobby Vinton, Big Band stuff. I have 2 older brothers whose music tastes differed from each other.. My oldest bro is more  into the Boston,  southern rock, country, whereas my 2nd oldest bro is into Rock n Roll, Blues – Blues/Jazz… I share tastes from both of them, what my parents liked and my own preferences so, I can’t say I belong to being in a specific Era as you put me as being (70s/80s kinda gal).

    I’m sorry but that is my take on this…This is how I perceived your reply…. If, I’m wrong, my apologies…

    Also, David is correct, I’m a big M & P fan and of the solo stuff from both Cass and Denny respectively.

  • Howard

    28/04/2020 at 05:15

    Well Jacki, you have misunderstood me. I wasn’t referring to your musical preferences, but rather your age in that unlike me, you weren’t a teenager growing up in the sixties, listening to all those sixties bands. And yes, I am well aware you are a massive fan of the M&Ps and am also aware of how excited you would have been when you first discovered Mona and Lisa’s (as fourteen year olds) cover of “California Dreaming”.

    Those sixties songs are implanted on my brain as I listened to them on the radio everyday as well on the records I had, and occasionally saw them on the old boxy black and white TV.

  • Jacki Hopper

    28/04/2020 at 05:47

    Well Howard.. My apologies but the way in which you had worded it so, that was the way I had interpreted to be meaning of, had you worded it differently as to something like…. When Jacki was a youngster growing up post 60s….that would of come off better and I would of understood from get go, your meaning.. Lol.. It matters how people state things, as it gets lost easily in miscommunication of sorts…. It happens….

    I was born in wrong Era… Lol… I relate better to things of the past… I enjoy old school music, old movies, history, old buildings, working with elderly… Lol… I could sit for hrs listening to  my Grandma, look through her photos, singing oldies with an uncle and my mom, aunts

    By the way, I sent you a YT clip msg on your Instagram??

    On that note…. Going on near 1 am, this old gal of 51, (when my knees act up, I feel more like in my 80s) needs  to get somewhat of a sort of beauty rest…. Good Evening from across the continent…. ?

  • Jung Roe

    05/05/2020 at 00:51

    While the lock down continues, I got this from a text message from my little sister whom I haven’t seen in months now, and our 2 orange tabbies.  Milo to the left (18 years old), and Cooper (4 years old) to the right.  Milo has been more mine over the years (miss the little trouble maker), and Cooper is my sisters.  Since our pets are susceptible to the virus, social distancing to keep them safe and avoid seeing them would apply as well.

    Milo with Cooper


  • Jung Roe

    05/05/2020 at 00:56

    Here is the latest In My Room series.  I remember when this song, Message In A Bottle, first came out when I was in my late teens trying to figure out what to do with my life.  A memorable song that transports me back always to those times.


  • David Herrick

    05/05/2020 at 03:45

    [postquote quote=92290][/postquote]

    Man, I miss having cats.  I was just thinking how cute it would be to see a picture of Mona and Lisa holding cats, but unfortunately this was the closest thing I could find:


  • Jung Roe

    05/05/2020 at 04:50

    David.  That’s a cute portrait of the Mona Lisa holding two grumpy cats!  They should have that one up in the Louvre too! 🙂

    Here is a heartwarming one with Mona with a cat from Lanzarote.  This one almost looks like my sisters cat Cooper (a huge cat!)  I can’t recall a picture of one with Lisa holding a cat, although she took videos of some, and there was Yoko Ono.   Mona and Lisa seem to have an affinity with animals from the many pictures and videos.  Animals also are attracted to good people!

    Mona with cat


  • David Herrick

    05/05/2020 at 05:05

    Thanks, Jung!  That’ll do nicely.  I thought I had seen a cat or two in one of their photos, but I couldn’t remember where.


  • Jacki Hopper

    05/05/2020 at 05:14

    Though, I’m a definite dog person over cats…lol… Any cat photo with MLT is cute and an exception but I love their photos with them having dogs, rabbits, chickens(hens), etc in them more so than cats…lol…sorry cat lovers, I’m  pro dog  all the way….lol…I have a Woofinity and Barkifinity while the rest of you for most part are having the Cat’s Meow?….time for Zzzzland for me, Goodnight?

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