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  • Howard

    05/05/2020 at 05:47

    Well David, I bet those two cats wouldn’t be looking so grumpy if either Lisa or Mona was holding them.

    I’ve always been a dog person too Jacki. However, since looking after both cats and dogs while house sitting late last year, I’ve now also become a cat person, especially since I adopted Luca from “Pet Rescue” recently. He has several nicknames, including Lord Luca and His Royal Highness and he’s now King of the house.

    This is him enjoying his balcony garden, which he loves.




  • Jung Roe

    05/05/2020 at 05:58

    Lord Luca’s a lucky cat Howard.  Looks like he’s loving his home!

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/05/2020 at 15:46

    Howard, that’s a cute photo of Luca that I don’t mind enjoying from a safe distance……

    You know you have developed a severe allergy to cats when it affects one’s working environment not once but twice, and therefore made it clear that cannot have clients with cats…..also realizing  at same time that it was evident though I didn’t  make connection at those earlier times in my younger days of cat allergy reactions until after cat client incidents , I put the pieces of reaction puzzle together….whenever I would spend time at one friend’s house, it would affect me, I couldn’t  understand what from, she thought it was cat, I said maybe, it was awful, same with clients place, it was bad…then I recall as a kid being at an uncle’s  place, they had and I hate the Siamese breed of cats in particular…I would react but at that time, didn’t know what cat allergies or allergies were at that time.

    I did have a demented demonic cat growing up…though if I was allergic,  it wasn’t  as bad…it showed up more so with longhaired shedding fur cats, than with shorthaired but still affects me regardless…best option…just avoid contact at all cost with cats. Both my older brothers own cats, and my oldest bro of the two, have a dog, to which I’m allergic to as it sheds…so thankfully  I don’t be at their place often, but when I do, their cats are kept down in basement,  I need to take allergy pills to kind of calm down allergies but best if not in environment  at all, seems to work best.. yes, when tested for my nut allergies  years back, it turns out to confirm my cat allergies and some dog breed allergies, but I still love dogs over cats anyday….I also  love reading about animal  rescue sanctuarires that have animals that are from all walks of life, with disabilities,  deformities, etc. Those animals deserve equal love as with their abled counterparts…

    By the way Howard, did you receive my YT clip I sent to you on Instagram about a week ago !?… I never got a reply from you saying if you had or had not….!?

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/05/2020 at 16:52

    Ok…since Howard and Jung, have posted their beloved pets…here’s my pet brood from over the years…the last 2 dogs that we had:   wee white one, Corky, and his sidekick Big Buddy …the demonic demented cat from hell Fluffy, and Taffy #2 ( Taffy#1 killed before I was born or shortly thereafter)  Duke that you see outside in side the penned off area …and I believe there were other dogs and cats before my time that were pets , but these were my pets, and we also had 2 goldfish that belonged to my brothers that Fluffy kept eyeing in the built in china cabinet with door slightly open, but she never got her claws or mouth upon…


  • Howard

    06/05/2020 at 05:51

    Hi Jacki. Thanks for sharing the photos of your family pets.

    ”By the way Howard, did you receive my YT clip I sent to you on Instagram about a week ago !?… I never got a reply from you saying if you had or had not….!?”

    I am not much into social media, except for my motorcycle club, football club and especially the MLT Club. However, I will endeavour to follow up on your Instagram clip.

    This is Luca resting on a cushion on my lap right now.


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