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  • Rudi and Michaela

    Posted by Kevin Stackhouse on 05/05/2020 at 23:02

    I may be wrong but I don’t recall ever seeing an interview with either Rudi or Michaela. I know they are justifiably proud of your achievements to date but it would be nice to hear from them about the whole MLT phenomenon.

    Jung Roe replied 4 years, 3 months ago 9 Members · 9 Replies
  • 9 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/05/2020 at 23:02

    Hi Kevin! They are the best 🙂  I know they are very proud of us but so are we of them. It’s a great big group effort and we’re glad to be doing this together and to have their immense support and love!

    I see why you’d find their take on our whole stories interesting. Maybe in a documentary one day 🙂 ♥

  • Stephen Krogh

    06/05/2020 at 03:47

    I for one would love such a documentary to be done very soon!

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/05/2020 at 04:39

    That would be a groovy worthwhile docufamilymusicmentary??☮

  • Jung Roe

    06/05/2020 at 05:23

    I’d wait in line the night before for the opening of that documentary!  🙂

  • Howard

    06/05/2020 at 05:31

    Yes, a MLT documentary featuring Rudolf and Michaela would be awesome. I remember that fabulous day when I first discovered the MLT, messaging them and mentioning how fortunate they were to have a father like Rudolf, but that he was also lucky to have not just one, but two, passionate, hard working and adorable daughters. Michaela completes the ideal package as the perfect Mumager.

    I think both Rudolf and Michaela have been content to remain in the background and let Mona and Lisa shine as the MLT magical mystery music phenomenon continues. Although it would be nice to hear both of them talk about their pre MLT careers and their contribution to the whole MLT experience, I also understand their desire for a little privacy. If it was an exclusive MLT Club project it of course would be ‘private’.

  • Thomas Randall

    08/05/2020 at 14:17

    [postquote quote=92366][/postquote]

    I’ll be right behind you. 6 feet away with a mask on of course!

  • Michael Thompson

    08/05/2020 at 15:59

    I agree! Make it happen! I love the behind the scenes stuff!

  • Greg Dent

    08/06/2020 at 08:12

    I’m intrigued by the photo at the 2012 Late-Summer Festival where Michaela is sitting at a picnic table with the band, leaning on one hand and staring wearily into space. I don’t know how long she had been in the family at the time, but I wonder what she was thinking, which couldn’t possibly have been how the girls’ music would just get better and better, and they would all happen into Liverpool one day and decide, on the spot, to move there, and the girls would be playing 100 dates at the place where the Beatles started out, and she would be there documenting it, and she would be involved with a massive and spectacular website serving millions of pageviews, including music that she played on, to fans around the world, and the through it all, the girls would happily continue to work tirelessly to produce songs, videos, interviews, online fun and games with fans, and more and, meanwhile, as far as I can tell, remain completely unselfconscious and normal and fun and friends to the world.

  • Jung Roe

    09/06/2020 at 08:29

    …indeed, and much, much more great things yet to come!  In the last radio interview a few weeks ago, as Mona and Lisa said despite 8 albums, 100+ you tube videos and all they’ve accomplished, it feels like just the beginning.

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