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  • Rudi and Michaela''s musical background

    Posted by Richard McGlenn on 26/10/2018 at 23:08

    We’ve got a pretty good idea of how Mona and Lisa got involved with music and their musical background. I’m curious about Rudi and Michaela’s musical background. How young were they when they picked up an instrument to play and which instrument(s) did they start with? When did Rudi get involved with becoming a professional musician, producer and studio owner? What kind of bands did he play in and what instruments did he specialize on and when did he start writing his own original music? Did Michaela study music or mainly play in school band? Has she written original music of her own and play a part in the Twins original songs?

    Just a few questions that I think a lot of fans would find interesting to know the answers to.


    Michael Triba replied 5 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 8 Replies
  • 8 Replies
  • Timothy Connelly

    26/10/2018 at 23:47

    Count me in as being very interested. Great questions, Rich!

  • Richard McGlenn

    12/11/2018 at 09:01

    Guess we’ll have to wait for the book or the movie to find out the details.1102171549a

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/11/2018 at 20:10

    Yes… I’ve wondered about this very thing as well…. and we’ll keep on being intrigued…. Good Q Rich????????????

  • Rudolf Wagner

    20/11/2018 at 21:03

    Hi Rich!

    I’m really sorry for not getting back to this sooner. I actually started typing up an answer weeks ago and it turned from a quick overview into quite the lengthy post that I then didn’t have time to finish yet.

    I’m thinking of getting the detailed write up done for a blog post one day as there are so many interesting stories and things to talk about and expand on. So for now I will answer them bullet point style 🙂

    How young were they when they picked up an instrument to play and which instrument(s) did they start with?
    Dad picked up the piano at 8, Michaela learned how to play recorder, melodica and piano in primary and junior high school. Dad learned to play bass and Michaela the saxophone only in 2007 to be able to accompany us for our first live concert where she also played percussion and for one song helped out on the keys while Dad was on the drums. Both of them also learned guitar basics, you can hear them on our Christmas recording from 2009.

    When did Rudi get involved with becoming a professional musician, producer and studio owner?
    He formed a prog-rock band in his late teens with which he wanted to build a studio together in order to record their own music. Under the workload of actually building an entire studio from scratch, the band kind of scattered, some got married, moved away etc. So Dad ended up building and finishing it himself which he then turned into one of Austria’s most successful recording studios.

    What kind of bands did he play in and what instruments did he specialize on and when did he start writing his own original music?
    In his main band he played the keys and was the singer. He also wrote most of the tunes. Back then they were very into Yes, Genesis and Pink Floyd and he’d describe what they were going for as progressive rock. During his studio days he worked on some solo projects (when he wrote “No More Worries Company” – back then titled “No More Working Company” for example). It was quite conceptual, sociocritical with a rather big and electronic sound. He signed some major label contracts as artist as well as a producer and gained some experience of working in the industry from both point of views.

    Did Michaela study music or mainly play in school band?
    Michaela played music in her youth and teens but was more into dance and art (she painted a lot and had her own exhibitions) later on in life. She also worked as a graphic designer for many years.


    Has she written original music of her own and play a part in the Twins original songs?We often come to her when we’re stuck or struggling with lyrics and to get an opinion on songs we’re working on. She helps us shape and refine and points out blind spots we develop in the songwriting process 🙂

    Thanks for the questions!

    • Richard McGlenn

      20/11/2018 at 21:23


      Thanks so very much for answering my questions on the rest of the family’s musical background. I think a lot of fans have been curious about how the other half of Team MLT learned their skills. I still think a book and movie screenplay are in the future when you have the time…  My hat’s off to your Dad for playing such good bass lines if he’s only being playing the bass for a little over 10 years. I really enjoy his melodic style. The bass line for Dreams is one of my favorites.

      So much talent available for you all to draw from it’s no wonder your music is so pleasing to the ear.

    • Michael Triba

      23/11/2018 at 05:12

      Great series of questions from Richard and thanks so much for your insightful replies, Mona.  I am truly blown away by your papa Rudi’s mastery of the piano; the instrument I play and the one I love the most.

  • Timothy Connelly

    20/11/2018 at 22:11

    Like Rich, I’m very appreciative for the update on the musical background of Rudolf and Michaela! Thanks Mona for all the time you guys put into everything.

  • Howard

    21/11/2018 at 04:18

    Me three! Nice to have such a detailed account from you Mona and I’m sure all club members appreciate you taking the time to educate us on Rudolf’s and Michaela’s musical history. Your father must be a fast learner considering he was playing the bass so well in your 2007 concert, considering he had only taken up playing in that year. Michaela excellent too after such a short time learning the alto saxophone!its

    It’s no wonder so many of us have no artistic talent. Your family have taken it all!

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