• Jürgen

    25/11/2022 at 08:17

    Okay, more of a mellow tune than a rock song, but the atmosphere in the video reminds me of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol”


  • Jürgen

    25/11/2022 at 08:19

    Just like these crazy little guys here:


  • Daryl Jones

    26/11/2022 at 03:30

    I’ll have a Christmas wish and sentiment for everyone as soon as I can find my go to recording. It isn’t music, but it is a very touching story written by a very great and generous soul and gets airplay every season since I was a young lad in my teens. Stay tuned folks, I promise it will be worth it.

  • Jürgen

    12/12/2022 at 09:08

    Not only since “Last Christmas” by Wham we know that Christmas is not always as smooth and harmonious as many people would like to have. And indeed: surprisingly many artists take Christmas as an occasion to talk about sorrow and separation. Perhaps for all people who also have to spend the Christmas Celebration alone a small consolation.

    A song that was covered several times, among others by U2:


  • Jürgen

    12/12/2022 at 09:09

    A melancholic song marked by loneliness and pain of separation…


  • Jürgen

    12/12/2022 at 09:09

    …just like this piece…


  • Jürgen

    12/12/2022 at 09:10

    …and finally a song about unfulfilled dreams and longings:


  • Tom Fones

    13/12/2022 at 02:03

    Let me help Jacki little.

    I hope this works


  • Tom Fones

    13/12/2022 at 02:16

    <div>Dan Fogelberg’s classic – Old Lang Syne</div><div>




    • Jürgen

      13/12/2022 at 14:06

      Hi Tom,

      great that you are back again. How are you doing? I’m listening to that song for the first time right now and I really like it. It’s wonderful.


  • Tom Fones

    13/12/2022 at 15:25

    I am FINALLY getting reply notifications to my new email account.

    I had about given up. I had to create MLT account.

    Getting your email hacked is hell. Cheers

  • Jürgen

    13/12/2022 at 15:46

    It’s so nice to have you back, Tom. We already missed you.

    PS: I found another nice Christmas video here. It doesn’t have anything to do with music, but it’s still very educational. Everyone knows it and everyone hates it: standing in line in front of a scanner checkout. I’ve always wondered how scanner cash registers actually work. Digitize numbers and display them as barcodes. I never believed that. The secret is finally out…


    • Tom Fones

      14/12/2022 at 01:11

      <div>Thanks Juergen,</div><div>

      it seems that the Swiss have a sense of humor. Who Knew.

      I remember Migros in Lausanne as a BIG department with a basement.

      I guess Migros Weihnachten is like Walmart Christmas.


      Here is another one of their Christmas videos.

      I think this is very beautiful. I wish i could decypher the german.



    • Tom Fones

      14/12/2022 at 01:13

      On 2nd inspection,

      did i hear some french in there?

      “Toute ensemble … “

    • Tom Fones

      14/12/2022 at 01:14

      And Italian!

      Now i know Migros is swiss!

    • Tom Fones

      14/12/2022 at 01:31

      I hear Italian as well.

      Do i hear Romansch in here?


  • Jürgen

    14/12/2022 at 09:44

    Hi Tom,

    thanks for the contributions. I know you lived in Switzerland for a while. I haven’t made it to Lousanne yet (seems great, located right on Lake Geneva). I have been to Basel twice so far. The historic old town there is very beautiful. You have a wonderful view of the Rhine from there (see photo). Otherwise I know Switzerland only from passing through. When I traveled with my family to Italy, we spent the night there (I described it in another topic: with a VW Beetle over the Swiss Alpine passes. Pure adventure). Switzerland, that is in my memory: mountains, mountain passes, lots of snow and mountains again. 🙂

    Yes the Swiss have a rather subtle and quiet humor, but very entertaining. It’s no problem that you can’t decypher the german in this song. I don’t really understand them either. The song is sung in „Schwizerdütsch“, a dialect that understands no one but the Swiss. Sometimes they don’t want to be understood, the Swiss call it tradition… . I agree with you: a very nice song that I never heard before, thanks.

    You are right in the song there is French and also Italian (The Swiss language triad: German, French and Italian). The Italian singing sounds like Eros Ramazotti. An Italian musician who was very popular with us. Especially the women melted like snow in the sun when he was singing (somehow a womanizer). And no Italian restaurant without his music in the background. Eros Ramazzotti sounds like an Italian culinary specialty: a glass of delicious red wine in your hand and a wonderfully fragrant pizza (or steaming pasta) on your plate.

    Feliz Navidad (Si Tú Quieres) / Merry Christmas (If you want to)


    • Tom Fones

      14/12/2022 at 15:14

      Hi Juergen,

      I thought it might be Schwitze-duetsch.

      But i can’t distinguish it from haute-deutsch.

      Can you understand Beatrice Egli? Wir Lieben laut.

      I am aware of Eros Ramazzoti. I have a couple of CDs.

      I first heard Eros over here on a Latina radio station.

      “Hoy como siempre – estoy pensando en ti.”

      I think he covers many of his italian songs in spanish as well.

      One slow saturday afternoon i translated “E per te” into spanish.

      “Es por ti… esto beso en el viento


      Esta pasando Noviembre – e tu, tienes viente (anos) por siempre.

      I am sorry but that video won’t load over here.

      “The uploader has not made this video available in your country”

      Here is a video of him with Helene Fischer.

      That lady does like to collaborate.


      It’s wonderful to hear “The Sparrow” again.

      Vraiment une belle chanson

  • Jürgen

    14/12/2022 at 09:52

    La Chanson française. A French specialty that sounds like a walk along the Seine at night, when the lights of the lanterns are reflected in the waves. Sometimes also like a crispy croissant in a cafe in Montmartre.

    Le Noël de la rue / Christmas in (from) the street


  • Jürgen

    15/12/2022 at 07:48

    Hi Tom,

    I’m surprised again what you know. I would not have thought that you own Eros Ramazottis CDs. My girlfriend likes his music. I didn’t know “Hoy como siempre – estoy pensando en ti“ and so I just listened to it: it sounds really cool. Do you also know “Alice” and “Gianna Nannini”? Two also quite successful Italian rock musicians. But I don’t think they sang in Spanish. Only Italian and later also English.

    Beatrice Egli sings “Wir lieben laut” in perfect high German. There is no accent to be heard. Another song of hers “Mini Schwiiz, mini Heimat” („My Switzerland, my homeland“) is again in Schwitzerdütsch. From this song I understand only single words, the rest is somehow a foreign language for me.

    We had already talked about Helene Fischer. She has a beautiful voice, but for me mostly the wrong music style. However, she is said to be one of the world’s best-earning femal musicians. So she did everything right. Yes, she likes to perform together with other artists. The song she sings together with Eros Ramazotti sounds really good (that surprised me now).

    Unfortunately some of the music videos are only available in certain regions. The music video of Sarah McLachlan “River” that you posted is not available in our country. That’s the way it is with the worldwide music rights… . I’ll try a new link for “Eros Ramazotti: Feliz Navidad (Si Tú Quieres)”. No official videoclip, only the pure song. Maybe it works better with this one:


    • Tom Fones

      15/12/2022 at 16:02

      Thanks Juergen,

      let’s try this video. Do you remember Tina Turner ?


      I never heard of the other Italian artists.

      If Eros didn’t have something on American Latina stations – i probably

      would never have heard of him.

      When i first heard that song i though it was Juan Luis Guerra but his voice had gotten a little deeper.

      I need time to listen to the other songs.

      I forgot to mention that Dido is a nice discovery. Thanks

    • Tom Fones

      15/12/2022 at 16:03

      I forgot to mention Eros accent is so thick i had to convince my that it is Spanish.

    • Jürgen

      16/12/2022 at 08:32

      Sure, I remember Tina Turner. After her unhappy breakup with Ike Turner, she made it big again in the 80s. I have heard this song („Cosas de la Vida“) before at some point, only to forget it again, so thanks Tom, I like it very much. The voices of Eros and Tina harmonize well with each other and suit the piece well. Cool sound.

      Eros singing spanish: Then I’m reassured Tom: I really wasn’t sure if he was singing in Italian or Spanish. Spanish with a fat italian accent, ok.

  • Jürgen

    15/12/2022 at 07:52

    Yes, „The Sparrow“ sang wonderful Chasons. Here’s another nice song in French.

    Béatrice Mireille Martin better known as „Cour de pirate“ was born in Montreal. I’ve presented her music here before. This time a nice Christmas carol from her:


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