MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum Support & Suggestions Search Function Not Working Adequately

  • Rudolf Wagner

    09/11/2018 at 03:20

    Hi Howard,

    I tried what you said, putting in “Indigo Girls vs. MonaLisa Twins” and results were coming up.
    So, that seems to work.


    Then I thought maybe you have used the site search for a forum search.

    In that case it is clear that nothing came up because the standard site search doesn’t include the forum. Otherwise lots of restricted pages would get shown for non MLT Club members.

    Did you use the search function in the forum?

    Search functions for forum

    1 and 2 are for forum search.

    Or did you use this?
    I found that in some forum topics a wrong sidebar was showing up:

    wrong sidebar forum

    This is the Site Search. If you have used this no results from the forum would show up.
    So it seems we have to fix the problem that a wrong sidebar sometimes appears in the forum and to make clear what a specific search field is meant for. Forum for forum content only and Site search for everything else except forum content.

    Does that address your issue or did you maybe mean something completely different (… the old Monty Python Joke, I know …) 😉

  • Howard

    09/11/2018 at 04:34

    Yes Rudi, ‘and now for something completely different’! I was at the right age as a young adolescent to really appreciate ‘Monty Python’s Flying Circus’ and their movies that followed. They continued the tradition of ‘The Goon Show’ which I was also a fan of, although that was mainly a radio show.

    Thanks for taking the time to investigate my issue. Sometimes just the ‘Search’  button appears in the side bar and sometimes the ‘Search Forum’ button appears as you have stated. I do get the Search result you got but that only includes 2 Voices and 2 Posts while the original includes 2 Voices and 7 Posts. I know I’m being pedantic so please don’t spend anymore time on this than you feel is absolutely necessary. Following is the link to the original Post.

    Indigo Girls vs. MonaLisa Twins

  • Rudolf Wagner

    09/11/2018 at 04:44

    See what you mean. It was something completely different, hahaha.
    Yes, the standard search function of this forum is not state of the art.
    It is on my list. The challenge is to find a good search plugin that doesn’t slow down the site further and is forum specific. But we’ll get there somehow 😉

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