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  • Howard

    22/10/2018 at 21:00

    Welcome to the club Robert. Lots to do and see here!

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/10/2018 at 21:06

    Hi there and Welcome…and that’s a Groovy 10-4????✌️☮️????????????

  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/10/2018 at 20:18

    And we are very glad you’re here too, thank you so much for joining! Pacific Northwest – that’s some beautiful scenery and woodlands there! Hopefully we get to visit (and play!) there one day.

    For now, greetings back from Liverpool!

    • Robert Blume

      27/10/2018 at 01:21

      Thanks Mona,

      I’m lucky to live here. In addition to the scenic beauty that surrounds us, it’s a cool town for music. So, a little backpacking, some awesome seafood, a few performances for adoring fans. This sounds like a great idea for your next U.S. trip.

  • Jung Roe

    27/10/2018 at 00:32

    Hello neighbor from just north of you.   Was in your lovely city last month where my avitar picture was taken.  A warm welcome!

  • Robert Blume

    27/10/2018 at 01:02

    Hi Jung,


    Yep, I see Alaskan Way behind you and the Pier 57 Wheel. You picked a pretty nice day to visit, maybe our last one for awhile.

    Hmm, just to the north? Are you from British Columbia? Vancouver maybe?

  • Jung Roe

    27/10/2018 at 01:38

    Hi Bob

    Yes it was a beautiful day at the Pike Place market in Seattle.

    I’m up in Vancouver now.  Lived in Seattle when I was a kid for a few monthes and visited there growing up a lot so very fond of Seattle.

    Would love to have MLT come out to the Pacific Northwest for a concert one day and see our beautful little corner of the world as Mona mentioned.  Wouldn’t that be nice?  🙂

  • Steve

    28/10/2018 at 22:24

    Welcome Seattle Bob.  I spent two years in Tacoma back in the 70’s while stationed at McChord AFB.  I had a friend that lived in Seattle so I spent a lot of time there, caught a lot of Sonics NBA games and the old Seattle Totems from the old Western Hockey League.  Went to Mt. Ranier many times and loved that restaurant just outside the main entrance to the park that served fresh fish, fresh berry pies, fresh bread.  OMG, I’m getting hungry and I just finished supper.  I always considered Mt. Ranier to be Gods country and there were days when it was so clear it looked as if someone painted it on the skyline.  I really enjoyed living out there despite the persistent rain.  Musically I remember a program that aired on Saturday nights on KZOK called Your Mother Won’t Like It where a listener would play their favorite songs for I believe an hour.  And boy did I ever hear some bizarre music.  If they ever had a show like that where I live, for one hour the listeners would get all the MLT music I could squeeze in and my segment would be called Your Mother Will Love It.

    • Robert Blume

      28/10/2018 at 23:58

      Hi Steve,

      You got a fully rounded taste (literally) of the Northwest while you were here. It’s a great place. During that period I worked for a radio station called KASY located in the Auburn Valley between Seattle and Tacoma (long gone with the sands of time). I had aspirations of eventually working for a bigger station like KZOK (I remember that Mother campaign very well). I had a friend on the sales staff there.  FM was coming into its own then and he was really doing well. I was totally jealous. But finally the ad agency business got me and I left radio for good after 6 years. Without a doubt MLT would have been a regular part of our rotation. This new cover would have been perfect for us. KZOK was a really edgy. Lots of progressive stuff. I guess you’d call it album oriented rock. By contrast, KASY did The Eagles, Stealers Wheel, Linda Ronstadt, Roberta Flack, Elton John, etc; You get the idea. Our DJ’s and listeners would have loved MLT.

      Steve, are you any relation to the wonderful writer Bill Crider?

  • Steve

    29/10/2018 at 01:03

    No relation to Bill Crider that I’m aware of.  However, I am a wanna be author that just never got published.  I’m guessing we might be around the same age.  Might you know of a Tom Williams?  He was the friend I have in Seattle who was also my sponsor when I did a tour in Northern England.  He still lives in Seattle and we still stay in touch via email.  Other than some Saturday nights with KZOK, my station of choice was KOL in Seattle where I would set up my reel-to-reel and record a few hours then move what I wanted to cassette. Sounds kind of archaic by today’s standards.  KTNT in Tacoma was next then of course KOMO and KIRO for the Sonics and Totems games.  Yeah, I did enjoy living out there and thought about staying when I got out of the Air Force but then I got homesick and headed back to PA after my discharge.

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