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  • Selecting Songs

    Posted by Alan Smith on 23/10/2018 at 08:41

    How do you decide which songs to cover and do you take suggestions? For example, I would think a cover of Paul’s “Maybe I’m Amazed” by you would be incredible. I do love your Beatle Covers and I think “God only knows” is as good as what I first heard off of Pet Sounds. I also want to say you do a great job at song writing. I do like what you do, I picked up guitar after my deployment in the Gulf (back in 1990/91) and I play the most of same songs you do. You inspired me to get some equipment to hook up to my computer to record some songs while I can still play ( medical issues are slowly putting an end to my joy of playing). “I’ll follow the Sun” is a great selection, two of my favorites to play that I feel often gets over looked is “Norwegian Wood” and “You’ve got to hide your love away”.  That one has a flute piece that is just begging for Mona to add her special touch to. : ) Thanks for staying groovy.

    Grace, Peace, and Love!

    Michael Triba replied 5 years, 10 months ago 3 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/10/2018 at 02:00

    First of all, WELCOME TO THE CLUB Alan! Thanks for joining us here and for leaving a question (and of course for all the kind compliments!). I guess it goes without saying that the absolutely most crucial criterion when picking a song to cover is that we really, really like it 🙂 But on top of that there are a few other “reasons” of why we choose the songs we choose. Like wanting a good challenge, thinking that our voices/style would suit a particular song, wanting to get more comfortable with a particular style of playing, having a good idea for an alternative/slightly altered arrangement, wanting to do something we haven’t done before, covering a specific song for a specific occasion, someone making a great suggestion we haven’t thought of, collaborating with other artists on a song etc.

    In short, if we’re excited about it and think we could make something beautiful with it, and if it fits into our schedule, we might give it a go. We’re also focusing a lot on writing our own music again, so sometimes we concentrate less on playing other people’s music but it’s probably something we’ll always do from time to time (it’s just too much fun ;-))

    Love your song suggestions! We’ll keep them in mind for … “MonaLisa Twins play Beatles & more” Vol … 4??? Who knows 😀

    • Michael Triba

      21/11/2018 at 04:13

      Lisa, I guess that since CREAM and WHITE ROOM is considered Prog-Rock, there is a hope some day for a cover from Peter’s fave band and/or my fave band?

      Did you ever get a Round Tuit to enable you and Mona to watch the concert DVD’s I sent you in the FMF parcel 2 years ago?  Were you ever intrigued enough to try one of the 20 songs in the sheet music book?

      Do you know why I have never asked you to do a cover (although I am getting dangerously close to doing so here)?

      It is mostly for the reasons you gave Alan.  I know the BEST covers you do are for the songs you and Mona LOVE.  In addition, you would not need me to ask you for which band I would die (or kill) for you to do a cover, because you already know, and you would also pick out the perfect song.  Best leave it alone, because I would keel over on the spot and there would be no more MLT2 Mike!  😉

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