MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs Should we only respond to posts here after the Twins have already responded?

  • Howard

    26/12/2018 at 08:33

    Not sure if you’ll get a reply from Tim. Haven’t heard from him for some time. I know when he commenced at the Club he was a prolific poster but always said he would withdraw after a few weeks when he was satisfied the Club was going to thrive. It is thriving and he is either quiet or ‘has left the building’, so to speak!

    • Michael Triba

      27/12/2018 at 07:24

      Thanks Howard; I hope your buddy is alright.  I read his bio and see that he had a very serious health issue.  I hope he is okay and did not suffer a relapse.

      “He would withdraw after a few weeks when he was satisfied the Club was going to thrive?”  I don’t really understand that.  If it was not thriving, did he think he was going to “save it” or something?  He seemed to also be a huge MLT fan, so why would he not want to stay and continue to enjoy all of Mona’s and Lisa’s surprises with the rest of us?  Perhaps, he could not afford it and was embarrassed to say anything.  Many people throughout the globe are really strapped, as we know.

      Hard to say, and maybe we shall never know the answers.  People will come and go here frequently, eh?  Nonetheless I wish him well, and he seemed to be a nice guy.  I’m sure he will continue to follow MLT, and hopefully we will see him again here.

      In addition, did you ever find out what happened to our buddies, the Picasso Bros?

      BTW, my question #3 addressed to Lisa is coming up in 8 days.  I already know what I shall ask her!  😉  TTYL, buddy!

  • Howard

    27/12/2018 at 08:15

    Tim had experienced fan clubs before, including one where he was the main administrator. He had said that these clubs usually thrive for a few weeks and then  people become less enthusiastic and the activity drops off and the club dies. He indicated that it was important to keep it interactive for the first few weeks with sometimes controversial posts to keep the responses happening. He advised that when he was satisfied that the club was strong, he would slow down, but I didn’t expect him to leave completely.

    As for the Picasso Bros (aka Picasso Twins), I don’t know who they were, where they came from, where they went to, or why! Bit of a mystery!

    I always explained to Tim that in my view the MLT Club would be successful whether there was regular activity in the Forum or not as there is much more to this club than just the Forum,  as we have just witnessed with the Advent Calendar.

    I don’t think Tim’s issues were financial and I do share your concerns regarding his health.

    • Michael Triba

      03/01/2019 at 20:41

      Hi again Howard; always a pleasure!  Thanks for your further insights here.  A few final thoughts from me on this subject and then I shall move forward.

      1.  He may have been an admin in another fan club, but not here.  It is not up to any of us fans to be satisfied this club is strong.  That is entirely up to the Wagner family.  A person who thinks otherwise, is over-stepping his boundaries and might be a master of self-deception.

      2.  This is not just another fan club.  This is a forum, or place to dwell that belongs to the stars, and in which they are actively involved.  Plus, as you implied, it is just part of a hugely important and successful website.

      3.  We need controversy to keep interest going here?  I totally disagree with that!  This is a place of love and harmony as personified by Lisa and Mona and their parents.

      4.  People are free to come and go as they choose and there are a variety of reasons why they would do so.  There are no fences or walls here.  Nonetheless, when a person leaves it is like taking a cup of water out of a full 55-gallon drum.  The hole is quickly covered over and one would barely notice the ripple.

      The bottom line is that some of the stuff he told you makes little sense to me.  I totally agree with what you told him, buddy.  If and when he comes back, I’ll be glad, and hopefully he and I can become friends.  Thanks!

  • Howard

    04/01/2019 at 04:18

    Hi Mike. Nice to hear from you in 2019. Hope it’s a good one for you. Some of your comments require further consideration.

    I agree with some of your reply, but not all. First, I was just sharing my insights into Tim’s participation only, he may have a slightly different perspective.

    I do however think that, perhaps his participation in another club influenced his participation here, unnecessarily in my opinion, and I had reassured him that this club was different and was much more than just the Forum.

    As for “It is not up to any of us fans to be satisfied this club is strong”, I totally disagree with you here. We know the Wagner’s set up the Club as one way of assisting the financing of their projects and I personally believe it is also an excellent way for them to gain some income from the many YouTube videos they provide for free. Consequently, I believe it is very important for their many fans to ensure the Club is successful. The Wagner’s can make the Club attractive to us, but only supporters can ensure its viability. If it is not strong and doesn’t survive, we all lose, Wagners as well.

    As for, “This is a forum, or place to dwell that belongs to the stars, and in which they are actively involved.” I believe Mike that the ‘stars’ intended the Forum to be more for the members and that they would participate when time permits or is required for technical/clarification purposes.

    “The “General Discussion” forum is intended for MLT related topics and conversations amongst all MLT Club members although we will certainly be reading and be available there too. We’re especially keen to read your feedback and ideas about the Club there!”

    The ‘Ask The MonaLisa Twins’ is the part of the Forum where the Twins are more active. I think that we all need to keep reminding ourselves why the Wagners set up the Club and the following quote is just one of those reasons

    “Sadly, we find ourselves struggling more and more to keep on top of our overflowing inboxes and response times reasonable. Most people are very understanding of that and don’t expect an answer anyway but we would love to give our most supportive members – you guys – a better way to contact us.

    That’s why we created the MLT Club Forum.”

    Consequently, I believe it is in everyone’s interest that we help keep the Club strong by encouraging participation while at the same time restraining ourselves from placing too many burdens on the MLT, which would distract them from their creative projects – which in the end, we their supporters benefit from.

    As for ‘controversy’, perhaps a bad choice of word. I think ‘enthusiastic discussion’ is more appropriate. And as for your ‘full 55-gallon drum’ analogy, yes, we are insignificant in the scheme of things but MLT have a way of making us all feel special!

    • Michael Triba

      05/01/2019 at 06:04

      Hi Howard; thanks again for your participation.  One clarification from me buddy, and I will ride off into the sunset in this thread.  My point was that it is not up to any singular one fan to make this place strong and active.  It is up to all of us together aka “strength in numbers.”

      Thus my illustration of one cup out of a 55-gallon drum.  But if many of us left en masse, then a 10 gallon drop in the level of water would definitely be felt and noticed.

      I think you and I agree on much more than we don’t agree on.  We are on the same team, and not opposing sides here.  Everyone here is a big MLT fan, and if not a true and loyal one, they will not stay.  Henceforth, let us truly enjoy this experience together, and focus on common ground and the positives.  I apologize if it seems I was dumping on your buddy.  Some of what was relayed struck me as odd.  I should just let some stuff go.

      Right now another big MLT fan and I are contending with someone on YouTube that called MLT a “cover band.”  That is so untrue, and I had to challenge it.  But doing so is truly a waste of my time.  One likes to defend one’s friends though.

      Now I have another question for Lisa, since the Advent season is over.  See you around, buddy!

  • Jung Roe

    04/01/2019 at 07:44

    I hope Tim is doing OK and returns to the forum.  Always appreciated his input here.

  • Howard

    05/01/2019 at 06:40

    MLT are much more than just a “cover band”, as you and I obviously realise and yes, I think we both have the interests of the MLT experience foremost in our support of their club.

    • Michael Triba

      05/01/2019 at 08:46

      One more thing Howard, that I just noticed in another thread:  I like your new photo that shows more of your face.  What made you decide to switch?  IMHO, it appears kinder and gentler than the other one.  I too wear sunglasses when outdoors; as my baby blues are very sensitive to bright sunlight and even indoor overhead lights.

      My photo here is the same one I have on Facebook; my wife Lenore and I in 2015, right after she returned home from her annual visit with her parents and siblings in CA.  Her father passed away this past spring at age 89.  He and Lenore’s mom were married for 69 years.  Lenore and I celebrated our 37th on my 68th birthday in November.

      Ha ha; my photo on YouTube is a tad bit misleading!  It was shot in the summer of 1973 when I was just 22, had energy, was fit and trim, and was pretty; lol!  But since it was 7 years before I met my bride, I would not trade my life now to go back.  I am a much happier man now.  It seems like a million years ago, buddy!

  • Jacki Hopper

    05/01/2019 at 23:00

    OmahaMike’s… My newest nickname is:  PoeticPurpleJukeBoxJax (as of January 2019 )

  • Howard

    06/01/2019 at 06:26

    I always intended to switch photos Mike as I never liked the original and I have just switched again.

    Now Jacki, I thought nicknames were supposed to be either abbreviations or names that were easier for us to remember and say. I’m not sure ‘PoeticPurpleJukeBoxJax’ ticks those boxes! Do you mind if we call you PP for short?

    • Michael Triba

      06/01/2019 at 16:42

      Yes Howard, methinks this is the best of your 3 photos.  I am terrible at posting photos and my wife is not enamored that I put her in this one.  We have shied away from cameras for decades like a vampire from a crucifix.  It took me 2-3 months to even figure out how to put this one on Facebook.  I don’t own a phone that takes pictures and never will; too old school.

      Ha ha; I thought the same as you about nicknames, but decided not to say anything.  For Ms. Hopper, I’ll go with PPJBJ for short, but need to write that down.  I think the final “J” has some kind of meaning, maybe short for her first name.

    • Jacki Hopper

      06/01/2019 at 19:12

      Okay, to make things simple….I do use another nickname on another music forum  but I’ll add an extra letter…so Please refer to me with this nickename if you like/must :   PPJBR… (Originally PurpleJukeBoxRose but now I’ve added the PoeticPurpleJukeBoxRose. ) besides the Poetic addition just makes it sound a whole better…. but  with flecks of Positivity thrown in fer good measure 😉 …Now that is it settled  for time being, until I decide to change  it up again….as I do…I enjoy keeping things zippyzing ….

  • Howard

    06/01/2019 at 22:50

    Hate to sound difficult Jacki, but just incase we meet in person one day, how do you pronounce ‘PPJBR’? PP is so much easier to remember and say. And yes, I am just trying to get Mike’s stats up for this post!

    • Michael Triba

      07/01/2019 at 01:14

      Ha ha; JBJ it is then!  Yeah, PP does not sound so good; lol!  But Howard, I don’t want stats up on this one; this is Timmy’s thread!!!  Mine is the one about 26 Questions.  With you, can we go back to Howie or maybe Stevie?

  • Jacki Hopper

    06/01/2019 at 23:00

    Howard…I adamantly Do Not like PP and do not wish that for my nickname…besides this nickname in is a running inside gag between OmahaMike and I…Just call me JukeBoxJax okay!?…Moving On from this subject….

  • Howard

    06/01/2019 at 23:04

    Okay Jacki! Say no more! JukeBoxJax it is!

  • Howard

    07/01/2019 at 03:35

    Well I got that one wrong. Thought it was your Topic for some reason. And no, as I stated earlier, I’m not into nicknames as such and don’t like the sound of Mikey! So sorry Jacki, didn’t mean to offend you, just trying to draw out a name I could easily pronounce. Might just stick with Jacki if you don’t mind!

    • Michael Triba

      09/01/2019 at 02:05

      Oops; now it is my turn to have a “senior moment’ Howard; lol!  It was not my “26 Questions” post I wanted to refer to; it is in “General Discussion” and the one about “Is this where I ask fellow fans.”  It is the one about what our Top 10 Bands are.  It is up to 59 and I’m about to make it 60.

      Yeah, about the nicknames:  I was not really asking to be Mikey, but wanted to see if you had changed your mind about Howie.  I guess not; ha ha!  Maybe we can go to one syllable i.e. Mike, Jack, How, Jer, Rick, and even Leeze and Mone.  Or maybe not; LMAO!!!

  • Paul Wright

    07/01/2019 at 16:35

    Hi all hoping everyone had a good festive period. I just thought I would offer my view. I have been a member since it first started and although I do not post regularly I religiously  check in and read the new content. Sometimes we may not have time to contribute. Thanks to Mona and Lisa being so “approachable” and their willingness to interact with their followers, I cannot see support for the forum declining any time soon. Looking forward to more new material from them soon. Peace and love.       Paul.

  • Michael Triba

    25/10/2018 at 04:23

    Works for me Jacki!  It will keep the name of my city it front of MLT!  I have too many nicknames for you though.  Can we stick with one, please?  “Queen Purple Buzz” or something else?  YOU tell ME, young lady!

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