• Jung Roe

    25/10/2021 at 04:25

    Hi Jacki, I had different friends over the years that taught me some Spanish and French, and for some reason the swear words have stuck while everything else kind of got lost! 🙂 I don’t know why that is. LOL.

  • Tom Fones

    28/10/2021 at 04:37
    Jurgen, did i read you correctly?

    Céline Dion competed for Switzerland in 1988. !?!

    “La marraine du Canada” ? Pour la suisse? Fur der schweiz ?

    Jung, Jacki – are you getting this ?

    I have her Live a Paris CD, plus her collaboration with her buddy JJG.

    I wonder if Celine and Jean-Jacques Goldman are well known in Germany.

    I meant to say before that it looks like the keyboard player for Wolkenfrei is in a new band. I guess he wanted to sing.

    But when all is said and done …

    Mein herz nein schlact schlager. Mein herz schlact Rock-n-Roll.

    • Jürgen

      28/10/2021 at 14:38

      Oui, oui Tom, c’était vraiment comme ça: Céline Dion won for Switzerland in 1988 with the song “Ne partez pas sans moi”. As you may know Switzerland is trilingual (German, French and Italian). At big train stations (e.g. Basel) all three languages are signposted at the same time: That’s very practical, you can’t get lost there.

      At the Eurovision Song Contest 1988, two out of three elements of the song had to be from the respective country: Composer, Lyricist or Performer. As far as I know, both the composer and the lyricist were Swiss. So Céline Dion was allowed to compete. Nowadays this is no longer a prerequisite. Good singers are simply bought in. Just like in international soccer. Crazy, isn’t it?

      Céline Dion was initially only known in France, but has been very popular in Germany at least since her movie song for „Titanic“: My Heart Will Go On. Jean-Jacques Goldman, on the other hand, is little known here. He was considered an insider tip in the student scene.

      The keyboarder of „Wolkenfrei“ was named Marc Fischer. Unfortunately, I can’t tell you what he does today, after the band split up.

      “Mein Herz schlägt ebenfalls für Rock’n Roll“. My heart also beats for Rock’n Roll.


  • Tom Fones

    28/10/2021 at 04:57

    Well one more thing.

    As a small departure from Schlagermusik, i wonder how Rammstein is doing?

    • Jürgen

      28/10/2021 at 14:48

      Ramstein, wow. Connoisseur of the scene Tom? Yes Ramstein is different than German Schlager. Actually the absolute opposite. The band belongs musically to “Neue deutsche Härte” (New German Hardness) A terrible term. Ramstein is still very active. A big tour was planned for 2020, which unfortunately could not take place for known reasons. However, the tour will probably be made up for. Ramstein likes to work with flashy stage shows (pyrotechnics, fire breathers, etc. and have almost torched themselves once). These guys are already too weird for me, but I like the song “Engel” (the presentation of the band and their pronounced tendency to provoke on the other hand, I don’t like at all. It reminds me a lot of Alice Cooper or Marilyn Manson)

      I have chosen an orchestral cover version here. If you want to see the original, there is for example a concert recording from 2010 at Madison Square Garden / Manhattan on youtube, including English translation. The concert was sold out after only 30 minutes.

      PS: The children’s choir sings the german lyrics with a strong russian accent (at least as strong as russian vodka. This is soon even crazier than the original). John and Paul sang much, much better German. Which brings us back to the topic „Sie liebt dich“.


  • Tom Fones

    28/10/2021 at 15:44

    Juergen, that keyboard player is singing in the video “PUR -Lena” you provided above.

    Ramstein has been over here – like you say. You learn about Ramstein from your friends kids. They make our heavy metal seem like our Lawrence Welk, or Schlager. So i have heard … “Other bands cook, Ramstein burns” !

    I really could do without Cooper or Manson as well. But Let me check out this video.

    Tri-lingual Switzerland: I spent a month in Lausanne taking French classes half-day. I rode around the train a lot. I distinctly recall the announcement(s) approaching the airport. “Next stop – Geneva airport. … Prochaine arrete – Geneve aeroport … Nachster halt – Genff flughaven”. Not much Italian around Geneva. Go figure.

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