MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Simultaneous MLT YouTube Views

  • David Herrick

    15/09/2022 at 03:10

    I agree, Jung. The numbers have held up much better than I predicted. Must be the ridiculously adorable thumbnail for the video: it just keeps drawing you back in!

  • David Herrick

    21/09/2022 at 04:20

    Averaged over the past week, the Neve video is at V = 146 and C = 1.78. Pretty honking impressive!

    Meanwhile, That’s Life is just a few hours away from becoming the first MLT original song to reach half a million YouTube views! Update: the odometer rolled over to 500,000 at 11:30 AM New York time today.

  • Jung Roe

    22/09/2022 at 15:47

    Yay good to hear about That’s Life David. May the new originals all soar to great heights. It is very honking nice to see Neve attracting all those views. Neve is so adorable.

  • David Herrick

    28/09/2022 at 05:20

    Averaged over the past week, the Neve video is at V = 125 and C = 1.53.

    Monthly report coming up soon!

  • David Herrick

    01/10/2022 at 06:50

    Here’s the monthly report for September. Almost all data are taken over the period from September 1st through September 30th. The Neve video grew up fast and has already flown south of the top 20 views list for the winter: averaged over the last three days of the month, it’s at V = 113 and ranked at number 36. Neve’s C value below is also averaged over the last three days.


    simultaneous views:

    1) Please Mr. Postman / Wipeout: C = 7.14 (-4.75)

    2) Here Comes the Sun: C = 3.05 (-0.54)

    3) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: C = 3.01 (-0.72)

    4) Vincent: C = 2.58 (-1.21)

    5) Drive My Car (2012): C = 1.85 (-0.79)

    6) When I’m Sixty-Four: C = 1.77 (-0.28)

    7) If I Fell: C = 1.77 (-0.14)

    8) I Saw Her Standing There: C = 1.57 (-0.02)

    9) Wish You Were Here: C = 1.57 (-0.62)

    10) You Can’t Do That: C = 1.53 (-0.27)

    11) Abandoned Wild Gosling (Neve): C = 1.38 (new)

    12) Africa: C = 1.25 (-0.38)

    13) Nowhere Man: C = 1.11 (-0.34)

    14) I’ll Follow the Sun: C = 1.11 (-0.27)

    15) Day Tripper: C = 1.09 (-0.12)

    16) This Boy: C = 1.08 (-0.06)

    17) Monalisa Twins Interview 2016: C = 1.07 (-0.28)

    18) I’m a Believer: C = 1.05 (-0.18)

    19) Sound of Silence: C = 1.05 (-0.31)

    20) Till There Was You: C = 1.05 (-0.19)


    views per day:

    1) Please Mr. Postman / Wipeout: V = 2517 (-1675)

    2) Here Comes the Sun: V = 1255 (-221)

    3) Drive My Car (2012): V = 957 (-411)

    4) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: V = 950 (-227)

    5) When I’m Sixty-Four: V = 875 (-135)

    6) Vincent: V = 871 (-409)

    7) If I Fell: V = 799 (-63)

    8) You Can’t Do That: V = 705 (-123)

    9) I Saw Her Standing There: V = 670 (-5)

    10) Till There Was You: V = 551 (-105)

    11) I’m Looking Through You: V = 511 (-519)

    12) Nowhere Man: V = 493 (-151)

    13) Day Tripper: V = 477 (-53)

    14) Wish You Were Here: V = 465 (-182)

    15) This Boy: V = 460 (-25)

    16) I’ll Follow the Sun: V = 443 (-107)

    17) Sound of Silence: V = 441 (-132)

    18) I’m a Believer: V = 421 (-71)

    19) Please Please Me: V = 396 (-4)

    20) You’re Going to Lose That Girl: V = 387 (+1)


    So it was a down month across the board for the top 20, although the two newest covers (Here Comes the Sun and Vincent) are both holding up strong. With the new album coming out soon, perhaps the numbers will pick back up.

  • David Herrick

    03/10/2022 at 05:20

    Normally MLT posts a new video on YouTube on the last Sunday of the month. This one was a week late, and I was getting rather… tired of waiting!

    For the last hour of October 2nd, the numbers for Tired of Waiting are V = 14328 and C = 32.8. For October 3rd, V = 9576 and C = 22.0. For October 4th, V = 4994 and C = 11.4. For October 5th, V = 4508 and C = 10.3. For October 6th, V = 5127 and C = 11.7.

  • David

    03/10/2022 at 05:37

    Hi David, thanks for tracking these numbers. I’ve started tracking daily views for the channel and subscribers. Youtube doesn’t give precise numbers, so I can only see when subscribers go up another thousand. I started tracking in early August, so I don’t have much of a trend yet. I didn’t know the last Sunday of the month was the usual MLT upload day. It’ll be interesting to see if that correlates with a bump in subscribers as well as views. Views will be a bit easier to see, since subscribers only tick up in increments of 1,000. I wish that were a weekly occurrence, but I don’t think the channel gets enough activity to capture new subscribers at that rate.

  • David Herrick

    03/10/2022 at 16:10

    Very cool, David! I never looked around enough to see that there’s a place where the total number of channel views is listed. I once figured it out by adding up the views of all the videos, but that wasn’t a lot of fun to do…

  • David Herrick

    08/10/2022 at 13:15

    Continuing with Tired of Waiting, for October 7th, V = 3754 and C = 8.60. For October 8th, V = 3346 and C = 7.67. For October 9th, V = 3589 and C = 8.22. For October 10th, V = 4577 and C = 10.5. And for October 11th, V = 4938 and C = 11.3. (That’s three daily increases in a row!)

    The new “Why” short is great to see, but it won’t be possible to track its views accurately because, unless I’m missing something, views of shorts are only displayed to the nearest hundred after reaching 1,000 views, and to the nearest thousand after reaching 10,000 views.

  • David Herrick

    19/10/2022 at 04:20

    Averaged over the past week, Tired of Waiting is at V = 1652 and C = 3.79.

  • David Herrick

    26/10/2022 at 04:20

    Averaged over the past week, Tired of Waiting is at V = 592 and C = 1.36.

    New monthly stats next week!

    • Jung Roe

      27/10/2022 at 04:21

      Thanks David, looking forward to the stats!

  • David Herrick

    30/10/2022 at 03:20

    What sort of show will Make Show make? For the next-to-last hour of October 29th, V = 7128 and C = 20.2. For October 30th, V = 5972 and C = 16.9. For October 31st, V = 3678 and C = 10.4. For November 1st, V = 2582 and C = 7.32. For November 2nd, V = 1999 and C = 5.67.

  • David Herrick

    02/11/2022 at 14:15

    Here’s the October report. All data are averaged over the period from October 1st through November 1st, except for Tired of Waiting, which is listed just for the last week, and Make Show, which is still evolving rapidly and not included yet. (Tired of Waiting has actually already dropped out of the top 20 at V = 417 (#23) and C = 0.96 (#24).)


    simultaneous views:

    1) Please Mr. Postman / Wipe Out: C = 13.07 (+5.93)

    2) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: C = 2.96 (-0.05)

    3) Here Comes the Sun: C = 2.96 (-0.09)

    4) Vincent: C = 2.26 (-0.32)

    5) Wish You Were Here: C = 1.89 (+0.32)

    6) Drive My Car (2012): C = 1.77 (-0.08)

    7) I Saw Her Standing There: C = 1.77 (+0.20)

    8) When I’m Sixty-Four: C = 1.69 (-0.08)

    9) If I Fell: C = 1.69 (-0.08)

    10) You Can’t Do That: C = 1.65 (+0.12)

    11) Africa: C = 1.48 (+0.23)

    12) Monalisa Twins Interview 2016: C = 1.23 (+0.26)

    13) Sound of Silence: C = 1.12 (+0.07)

    14) Till There Was You: C = 1.12 (+0.07)

    15) I’ll Follow the Sun: C = 1.11 (0.00)

    16) Nowhere Man: C = 1.11 (0.00)

    17) This Boy: C = 1.09 (+0.01)

    18) I’m a Believer: C = 1.06 (+0.01)

    19) Day Tripper: C = 1.06 (-0.03)

    20) I’m Looking Through You: C = 1.06 (+0.02)


    views per day:

    1) Please Mr. Postman / Wipe Out: V = 4608 (+2091)

    2) Here Comes the Sun: V = 1218 (-37)

    3) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: V = 934 (-16)

    4) Drive My Car (2012): V = 918 (-39)

    5) When I’m Sixty-Four: V = 836 (-39)

    6) If I Fell: V = 766 (-33)

    7) Vincent: V = 764 (-107)

    8) You Can’t Do That: V = 761 (+56)

    9) I Saw Her Standing There: V = 750 +80)

    10) Till There Was You: V = 591 (+40)

    11) Wish You Were Here: V = 559 (+94)

    12) I’m Looking Through You: V = 523 (+12)

    13) Nowhere Man: V = 494 (+1)

    14) Sound of Silence: V = 473 (+32)

    15) This Boy: V = 466 (+6)

    16) Day Tripper: V = 477 (-14)

    17) Please Please Me: V = 457 (+61)

    18) I’ll Follow the Sun: V = 445 (+2)

    19) Africa: V = 440 (+68)

    20) Twist and Shout: V = 435 (+104)


    All in all, not a lot of changes since last month, apart from a big surge back to the stratosphere by PMP. Here Comes the Sun appears to be shaping up to be a perennial contender for the #2 spot on the view list.

    • Jung Roe

      03/11/2022 at 03:13

      Thanks David! Make Show had a great surge at 7000 views a day, and it will keep growing into the millions, Godspeed!

      What’s with Pleaes Mr Postman, it’s amazing. It’s at 2.9M and should be crossing the 3M threshold soon.

  • David Herrick

    04/11/2022 at 04:05

    Continuing with Make Show, for November 3rd, V = 1705 and C = 4.83. For November 4th, V = 1413 and C = 4.01. For November 5th and the first half of November 6th, V = 1074 and C = 3.05. For the second half of November 6th, V = 1362 and C = 3.86. And for November 7th, V = 696 and C = 1.97.

  • David Herrick

    15/11/2022 at 04:20

    Averaged over the past week, Make Show is at V = 620 and C = 1.76.

Page 13 of 22

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