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  • David Herrick

    22/11/2022 at 04:20

    Averaged over the past week, Make Show is at V = 500 and C = 1.42.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    22/11/2022 at 04:59

    It seems Make Show had a sudden drop last week, then the numbers plateaued?

  • David Herrick

    22/11/2022 at 23:40

    It’s certainly dropping a lot slower than it had been, Tomás, but it’s hard to say whether it’s really plateaued yet.

    If I had the time, I’d make some plots of viewing rate versus time for various videos and see if there’s a standard pattern that could be used to forecast the trajectory of a given song.

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      29/11/2022 at 04:47

      If you can share the numbers in an excel/ csv format, I can make graphs pretty easily.

    • David Herrick

      29/11/2022 at 06:00

      Thanks, Tomás. Unfortunately the only numbers I’ve put in Excel are the monthly ones that I use for the monthly reports. The daily numbers at the beginning are what I’d like to use to generate the predictions, and the only place they’re recorded is here in the forum.

      Over the holidays I should have some time to go through some of those and plot a few graphs, and see if a pattern emerges that could be used to estimate the long-term plateau levels. I’m hoping it would be something as simple as a typical time that it takes for the viewership to decline by a certain percentage, like a half-life.

  • David Herrick

    26/11/2022 at 05:25

    Neve’s career as a rock star has taken flight! For Pretty Little Thing, for the last hour of November 25th, V = 4416 and C = 5.26. For November 26th, V = 2444 and C = 2.91. For November 27th, V = 1422 and C = 1.69. For November 28th, V = 863 and C = 1.03. For November 29th, V = 544 and C = 0.65.

  • David Herrick

    29/11/2022 at 05:00

    Averaged over the past week, Make Show is at V = 516 and C = 1.46. (Maybe it IS plateauing!)

  • David Herrick

    01/12/2022 at 17:15

    Continuing with Pretty Little Thing, for November 30th and the first half of December 1st — sorry, forgot last night due to visions of advent calendars dancing in my head — V = 373 and C = 0.45. For the second half of December 1st, V = 449 and C = 0.53. For December 2nd, V = 300 and C = 0.36. For December 3rd, V = 302 and C = 0.36. For December 4th, V = 268 and C = 0.32.

  • David Herrick

    03/12/2022 at 07:10

    Here’s the November report. All data are averaged over the period from November 2nd through December 2nd, except for the most recent two videos, Make Show and Pretty Little Thing, which are based on the numbers for the last four days and the last one day respectively.


    simultaneous views:

    1) Please Mr. Postman / Wipe Out: C = 11.87 (-1.20)

    2) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: C = 3.83 (+0.87)

    3) Drive My Car (2012): C = 3.63 (+1.86)

    4) Here Comes the Sun: C = 2.80 (-0.16)

    5) Wish You Were Here: C = 2.58 (+0.69)

    6) I Saw Her Standing There: C = 2.05 (+0.28)

    7) Money (That’s What I Want): C = 2.02 (+1.18)

    8) Vincent: C = 1.91 (-0.35)

    9) You Can’t Do That: C = 1.86 (+0.21)

    10) When I’m Sixty-Four: C = 1.72 (+0.03)

    11) If I Fell: C = 1.70 (+0.01)

    12) Africa: C = 1.69 (+0.21)

    13) Day Tripper: C = 1.33 (+0.27)

    14) Make Show: C = 1.29 (new)

    15) Nowhere Man: C = 1.27 (+0.16)

    16) Twist and Shout (w/ Mike Sweeney): C = 1.27 (+0.21)

    17) Sound of Silence: C = 1.22 (+0.10)

    18) Monalisa Twins Interview 2016: C = 1.21 (-0.02)

    19) Till There Was You: C = 1.19 (+0.07)

    20) This Boy: C = 1.19 (+0.10)


    views per day:

    1) Please Mr. Postman / Wipe Out: V = 4186 (-422)

    2) Drive My Car (2012): V = 1876 (+958)

    3) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: V = 1209 (+275)

    4) Here Comes the Sun: V = 1152 (-66)

    5) I Saw Her Standing There: V = 872 (+122)

    6) You Can’t Do That: V = 854 (+93)

    7) When I’m Sixty-Four: V = 849 (+13)

    8) If I Fell: V = 770 (+4)

    9) Money (That’s What I Want): V = 769 (+448)

    10) Wish You Were Here: V = 764 (+205)

    11) Vincent: V = 645 (-119)

    12) Till There Was You: V = 629 (+38)

    13) Day Tripper: V = 582 (+119)

    14) Nowhere Man: V = 566 (+72)

    15) Twist and Shout (w/ Mike Sweeney): V = 521 (+86)

    16) Sound of Silence: V = 513 (+40)

    17) Please Please Me: V = 512 (+55)

    18) I’m Looking Through You: V = 510 (-13)

    19) This Boy: V = 506 (+40)

    20) Africa: V = 503 (+63)


    16 of the top 20 videos increased in viewership: perhaps a bump from the release of the new album? The biggest surprise was Money, which jumped in views from #28 to #9. Make Show was ranked #22 in views, and Pretty Little Thing was #33.

  • David Herrick

    09/12/2022 at 06:50

    How are the numbers going to evolve for Reacting to Our First Music Videos? The simultaneous views should stay relatively high for quite a while due to the length of the video, but I’m going to predict that the views per day will drop a little faster than they would for a standard song video. We’ll see!

    For the last hour of December 8th, V = 9864 and C = 123.

  • David Herrick

    10/12/2022 at 15:10

    Continuing with Reacting to Our First Music Videos, for December 9th, V = 4615 and C = 57.5.

  • David Herrick

    12/12/2022 at 04:25

    Averaged over the past week, Pretty Little Thing is at V = 175 and C = 0.21.

  • David Herrick

    17/12/2022 at 05:00

    Here are the daily numbers for the past week for Reacting to Our First Music Videos:

    For December 10th, V = 2641 and C = 32.9. For December 11th, V = 2367 and C = 29.5. For December 12th, V = 1670 and C = 20.8. For December 13th, V = 1183 and C = 14.7. For December 14th, V = 973 and C = 12.1. For December 15th, V = 807 and C = 10.1. And for December 16th, V = 676 and C = 8.42.

  • David Herrick

    19/12/2022 at 04:25

    Averaged over the past week, Pretty Little Thing is at V = 84 and C = 0.10.

  • David Herrick

    24/12/2022 at 05:30

    Averaged over the last five days, Pretty Little Thing is at V = 75 and C = 0.09.

    Averaged over the past week, Reacting to Our First Music Videos is at V = 451 and C = 5.62.

    For the last hour of December 23rd, Junk is at V = 28392 and C = 44.4.

    Due to the current lack of functionality for editing these comments, I’ll post further daily data on Junk a few days from now.

  • David Herrick

    29/12/2022 at 04:40

    Here are some recent stats for Junk:

    For December 24th, V = 19659 and C = 30.7. For December 25th, V = 8046 and C = 12.6. For December 26th, V = 5687 and C = 8.89. For December 27th, V = 3019 and C = 4.72. And for December 28th, V = 2825 and C = 4.41.

  • David Herrick

    31/12/2022 at 04:45

    Averaged over the past week, Pretty Little Thing is at V = 58 and C = 0.07, and Reacting to Our First Music Videos is at V = 281 and C = 3.50.

    The December report should be ready by early Tuesday or Wednesday.

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