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  • David Herrick

    20/07/2023 at 04:00

    Recent data for Paint it Black:

    For July 15th, V = 5743 and C = 14.6. For July 16th, V = 3483 and C = 8.83. For July 17th, V = 1498 and C = 3.80. For July 18th, V = 1069 and C = 2.71. And For July 19th, V = 985 and C = 2.50.

    Meanwhile, averaged over the past week, for June, V = 475 and C = 1.24, and for Hey Bulldog, V = 1913 and C = 4.43.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    20/07/2023 at 04:05

    And While My Guitar Gently Weeps gets 6 Million views! 🎉🍾

    • David Herrick

      20/07/2023 at 04:40

      Ah, good catch, Tomás! I saw last night that it was within a few hundred, but forgot to check on it today. The second video to reach 6 million!

  • David Herrick

    22/07/2023 at 03:55

    Recent data for She’s a Woman:

    For July 17th, V = 41670 and C = 117. For July 18th, V = 34944 and C = 98.3. For July 19th, V = 20386 and C = 57.3. For July 20th, V = 10882 and C = 30.6. And for July 21st, V = 11379 and C = 32.0.

    My older data are a bit scattered now, but this may well be the top-performing MLT video in its first week in the nearly two years that I’ve been keeping records!

  • David Herrick

    24/07/2023 at 05:20

    For the last hour of July 23rd, For What it’s Worth is at V = 13944 and C = 36.5… for what it’s worth.

  • David Herrick

    27/07/2023 at 04:55

    Recent data for She’s a Woman:

    For July 22nd, V = 8288 and C = 23.3. For July 23rd, V = 6904 and C = 19.4. For July 24th, V = 3049 and C = 8.58. For July 25th, V = 2031 and C = 5.71. And for July 26th, V = 1031 and C = 2.90.

    Meanwhile, averaged over the past week, Paint it Black is at V = 815 and C = 2.06, June is at V = 313 and C = 0.82, and Hey Bulldog is at V = 2119 and C = 4.91.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    28/07/2023 at 01:03

    I just noticed “This Boy Is Mine” is now the most viewed original. “That’s Life” had been the top original for a very long time.

    • David Herrick

      28/07/2023 at 02:25

      Hey, that’s true! Great observation, Tomás! I just went back and checked the numbers, and This Boy Is Mine has been getting more views per month than That’s Life for about the last year. It looks like the “pass” occurred in late April.

  • David Herrick

    29/07/2023 at 04:55

    Recent data for For What it’s Worth:

    For July 24th, V = 12983 and C = 34.0. For July 25th, V = 5749 and C = 15.0. For July 26th, V = 2445 and C = 6.40. For July 27th, V = 2268 and C = 5.93. And for July 28th, V = 976 and C = 2.55.

  • David Herrick

    31/07/2023 at 04:55

    For the last hour of July 30th, She Loves You is at V = 41328 and C = 84.7.

  • David Herrick

    01/08/2023 at 05:40

    Here are the numbers for July. All data cover the range from July 1st through July 31st, except for the really recent videos: Hey Bulldog, June, Paint it Black, and She’s a Woman are for just the last five days, and For What it’s Worth is for just the last day. She Loves You is not included because it was just released yesterday and is rapidly evolving, but the early numbers for it look spectacular!


    simultaneous views:

    1) Please Mr. Postman / Wipe Out: C = 5.85 (+0.08)

    2) Drive My Car (2012): C = 5.09 (+0.93)

    3) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: C = 3.29 (+0.37)

    4) She’s a Woman: C = 3.25 (new)

    5) Hey Bulldog: C = 2.89 (new)

    6) Here Comes the Sun: C = 2.83 (+0.73)

    7) You Can’t Do That: C = 2.27 (+0.35)

    8) Paint it Black: C = 2.14 (new)

    9) For What it’s Worth: C = 2.01 (new)

    10) I Saw Her Standing There: C = 1.76 (+0.08)

    11) Tell Me Why: C = 1.63 (+0.15)

    12) Nowhere Man: C = 1.50 (+0.20)

    13) Day Tripper: C = 1.50 (+0.23)

    14) When I’m Sixty-Four: C = 1.45 (-0.01)

    15) If I Fell: C = 1.45 (+0.04)

    16) Wish You Were Here: C = 1.39 (+0.08)

    17) San Francisco: C = 1.26 (-0.03)

    18) Africa: C = 1.24 (+0.14)

    19) This Boy: C = 1.17 (-0.02)

    20) I’m a Believer: C = 1.17 (+0.14)


    views per day:

    1) Drive My Car (2012): V = 2636 (+484)

    2) Please Mr. Postman / Wipe Out: V = 2065 (+30)

    3) Hey Bulldog: V = 1250 (new)

    4) Here Comes the Sun: V = 1163 (+297)

    5) She’s a Woman: V = 1134 (new)

    6) You Can’t Do That: V = 1043 (+162)

    7) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: V = 1039 (+120)

    8) Tell Me Why: V = 905 (+83)

    9) Paint it Black: V = 844 (new)

    10) For What it’s Worth: V = 767 (new)

    11) I Saw Her Standing There: V = 749 (+33)

    12) When I’m Sixty-Four: V = 717 (-2)

    13) Nowhere Man: V = 670 (+90)

    14) If I Fell: V = 656 (+16)

    15) Day Tripper: V = 654 (+98)

    16) Till There Was You: V = 617 (+20)

    17) San Francisco: V = 554 (-10)

    18) This Boy: V = 499 (-9)

    19) I’m Looking Through You: V = 473 (+51)

    20) I’m a Believer: V = 468 (+55)


    It appears the saturation bombing strategy has paid off: almost all the top videos show increased viewership, probably riding the coattails of the new releases, all of which are doing very well. (The Cavern Club version of June currently ranks in the low 30’s.) And Drive My Car has padded its lead over Please Mr. Postman, so maybe this is a real trend at the top.

  • David Herrick

    03/08/2023 at 03:55

    Recent data for For What it’s Worth:

    For July 29th, V = 930 and C = 2.43. For July 30th, V = 820 and C = 2.14. For July 31st, V = 767 and C = 2.01. For August 1st, V = 754 and C = 1.97. And for August 2nd, V = 451 and C = 1.18.

    Meanwhile, averaged over the past week, June is at V = 343 and C = 0.89, Paint it Black is at V = 801 and C = 2.03, and She’s a Woman is at V = 1085 and C = 3.05.

  • Fred van der Wees

    03/08/2023 at 12:27

    David, and others,

    thanks for all the statistics, I find it interesting reading material. I also see that you try to explain the numbers e.g. why one months more views then an other months. My thoughts about this are

    a) the simplest one is number of days in a months

    b) M&L often release a new video on the last Sunday of a months, if that Sunday is also the last day of a month the impact on the release month is very limited

    c) some months have more weekend days (I expect most people watch in the weekend)

    d) the weather, if the weather is good a lot of people will go outdoors and will look less youtube videos (at least that is what I do).

    e) what kind of video is released in the month, music, Q&A, Goose story; I think music videos attract more people then other videos and as we can see the last weeks Beatles videos attract even more people.

    I am sure you all know you have lies, bigger lies and then statistics.

    • David Herrick

      03/08/2023 at 17:40

      Hi, Fred! Thanks for the feedback. A new video being released to YouTube every week is keeping me really busy with the stats! I feel almost apologetic for cluttering the forum lately with so many numbers, but I’m glad you find it entertaining, or at least informative.

      All the points you make are good ones! My inner scientist keeps trying to correct for these factors and find an underlying universal trajectory for viewership, but I’m probably eventually going to throw up my hands and blame people in general for being just too unpredictable.

    • Tim Arnold

      07/08/2023 at 18:33

      Hi David, I appreciate all the Stats you provide and enjoy looking at them. After I retired I use to joke that my current occupation was studying human behavior in Monroe County, WI. Lol. I think my conclusion is, I will never understand human behavior (even my own sometimes), but it is still a lot of fun just to observe humans being humans. It reminds me of an old bit in a Looney Toons cartoon where the bulldog is on his adding machine and saying, “Mouse doesn’t like cheese, mouse wants cat to eat him, cat doesn’t want to eat mouse, cat wants dog to pulverize him”. He then rings it up and scratches his head and says “It just doesn’t add up”!!

    • David Herrick

      07/08/2023 at 21:00

      Thank you, Tim! I guess I expected the human factors to be just a little bit of noise sprinkled on an otherwise clear signal, but obviously the signal-to-noise ratio isn’t that high.

      That cartoon reference sounds vaguely familiar. Tom and Jerry, maybe?

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    04/08/2023 at 06:51

    David, I enjoy seeing your stats, thank you for taking the time.

    I’m always looking at them trying to spot trends, especially unexpected ones. I think it’s not just what people might look at, which is a great part obviously, but also what YouTube will show them. I don’t think there’s “one” algorithm, but a bunch of rules, that either boost the video or pull it back, like a rating of what to show. One rule is if it has a lot of views show it more, people like it. Does the account post videos regularly. This last move of uploading a video every week, might have triggered something like that, because the numbers have gone up substantially.

    I don’t know, just looking and wondering.

    Thank you for the stats!

    • David Herrick

      04/08/2023 at 17:25

      Thanks, Tomás. Yes, I imagine “the algorithm” plays a big part in determining the viewing trends, in all the ways you cited. I’ve been keeping track long enough now that I sometimes think I can predict how things are going to go, but I’m still wrong just as often as I’m right.

      I had an idea about perhaps why Drive My Car has started getting more views recently than Please Mr. Postman. All the new videos have brought MLT to the attention of a lot of people who weren’t previously familiar with them. Many of those who decided to explore MLT further clicked on the “popular” button to sequence the videos in decreasing order of total number of views, watched the first one (Drive My Car), and then decided that was enough exploration for now. Again, just speculation.

  • David Herrick

    05/08/2023 at 03:55

    Recent data for She Loves You:

    For July 31st, V = 67403 and C = 138. For August 1st, V = 52393 and C = 107. For August 2nd, V = 22442 and C = 46.0. For August 3rd, V = 10857 and C = 22.2. And for August 4th, V = 15059 and C = 30.9. (Wow!)

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      05/08/2023 at 07:05

      At this rate it will hit 200K by 11 am UK time. 😱

    • David Herrick

      05/08/2023 at 14:15

      I just woke up and checked, and it’s passed 200K now. Since I went to bed last night it’s been averaging over 20 views per MINUTE!

    • Tomás F. Calvo

      06/08/2023 at 00:52

      These were my reading this morning (Eastern US time)

      195273 1:40 am

      195859 2:00am

      196121 2:05 am

      197008 2:30 am

      199850 6:00 am

      199854 6:05 am

      You can calculate that at around 2 am it was doing between 30 and 50 views per minute and by 6 am it was down to about 1, and that was probably just all me refreshing.

      Happy it hit 200,000 so quickly!!

    • David Herrick

      06/08/2023 at 03:15

      Thanks for the fine-toothed analysis, Tomás! That was a lot more hour-to-hour variation than I would have expected at this point; I wonder if that’s typical.

      I’m pretty sure six days is the fastest any MLT video has reached 200K views in the two years that I’ve been keeping track. Ausgezeichnet!

  • David Herrick

    10/08/2023 at 04:35

    How did the hack and the channel loss affect the viewing numbers? Let’s take a look.

    Recent data for She Loves You:

    For August 5th (pre-hack), V = 22313 and C = 45.7. For August 6th (hack day), V = 5648 and C = 11.6. For August 7th and 8th averaged together (since the YouTube channel wasn’t there for part of each day), V = 809 and C = 1.66. And for August 9th (after restoration), V = 1077 and C = 2.21. Obviously there was a drastic drop due to the lack of access, but it looks like a slow recovery may have begun. Let’s hope it accelerates over the next few days!

    Meanwhile, averaged over the past week, Paint it Black is at V = 745 and C = 1.89 (about where it would be expected to be at this point based on last week’s numbers), She’s a Woman is at V = 637 and C = 1.79 (a little lower than expected), and For What it’s Worth is at V = 468 and C = 1.22 (a little higher than expected). So the rest of the week pretty much took up the slack for the “dark” time for these videos.

  • David Herrick

    17/08/2023 at 04:05

    Here’s a bonus week of data for She Loves You, so that we can examine how the recovery phase is going:

    For August 10th, V = 980 and C = 2.01. For August 11th, V = 1826 and C = 3.74. For August 12th, V = 1598 and C = 3.27. For August 13th, V = 1186 and C = 2.43. For August 14th, V = 1125 and C = 2.30. For August 15th, V = 1340 and C = 2.75. And for August 16th, V = 1349 and C = 2.76.

    It looks like we’ve reached a plateau (perhaps a steady long-term viewing rate), but it seems we got there sooner than we otherwise would have, given that there were over 22,000 views on the day right before the problems occurred. Still, over a thousand views a day would be a very impressive average if it holds.

    Meanwhile, averaged over the past week, She’s a Woman is at V = 445 and C = 1.25, and For What it’s Worth is at V = 351 and C = 0.92. These numbers are pretty much in line with expectations based on the overall viewing trends.

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