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  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    06/01/2022 at 01:43

    Meanwhile on Facebook, “Walking in Air” outpaced all other Christmas videos. From Dec 7 to Dec 29, WIA went from 117,000 to 228,000 views (nearly 5000 views per day). “Drummer Boy” had 65,000 views in that period (2800 vpd) and “All I Want Christmas to Be”, jumped about 10,000 views (430 vpd).

    For non Christmas songs “I Bought Myself a Politician” had, by far, the most action with 180,000 views (7800 vpd from 12/7 to 12/29). It’s jumped another 65000 views in the last week which would seem to indicate that everyone who was watching their Christmas videos has switched to IBMAP. At it’s current pace it could reach 1,000,000 views sometime in March. As much as 75% of the views of all MLT videos on Facebook appears to be IBMAP now that Christmas is over.

  • David Herrick

    06/01/2022 at 02:15

    It just blows my mind that the viewing habits on Facebook and YouTube are so different, both in the number of views and in the most popular videos. On YouTube in December, Walking in the Air had 152 views per day (ranked #60) and IBMAP had 391 (#27).

  • Jung Roe

    06/01/2022 at 06:40

    Lynn, David that is really wonderful news to hear I Bought Myself a Politician is going strong and stronger.

  • David Herrick

    10/01/2022 at 05:05

    For the past week (well, six days actually) Songbird is at V = 601 and C = 1.66.

  • David Herrick

    17/01/2022 at 05:05

    For the past week Songbird is at V = 531 and C = 1.46.

  • David Herrick

    24/01/2022 at 05:05

    For the past week, Songbird is at V = 488 and C = 1.34. And making its YouTube premiere, Tonight You Belong to Me opens at V = 16656 and C = 30.1, based on data collected over just the last hour.

    I for one am delighted to see MLT reach back into the archives a bit for their latest YouTube posting. It makes me wonder what other “oldies” might get to enjoy a second life with a much larger audience.

    Now for the daily updates on TYBTM. For Jan. 24th, V = 10430 and C = 18.8. For Jan. 25th, V = 7467 and C = 13.5. For Jan. 26th, V = 8998 and C = 16.2. (It went up!) For Jan. 27th, V = 8539 and C = 15.4.

    • Jeffery Ohlwine

      24/01/2022 at 11:51

      I couldn’t agree more, with this being one of my favorite duo session covers! And thanks again for all the time and work you put into compiling these stats!

  • David Herrick

    29/01/2022 at 04:25

    Continuing with Tonight You Belong to Me, for Jan. 28th, V = 8887 and C = 16.0. For Jan. 29th, V = 6105 and C = 11.0. And for Jan. 30th, V = 4223 and C = 7.62. Meanwhile, for Songbird (averaged over the past week), V = 506 and C = 1.39.

    Next weekend: updated top 20 lists for January.

    Jeffery, Jung, and Lynn, thanks for your comments! I agree, Jung, that MLT’s covers, while superb in their own right, are also instrumental in bringing new fans into the fold. I’ve discovered a lot of other artists through their Beatle covers, although none other than MLT has impressed me with their original material.

    I’m entering the data for all the YouTube videos into a spreadsheet now, so just let me know if you ever want a status report on any video that’s outside the top 20.

  • Jung Roe

    29/01/2022 at 17:07

    Thanks David. Look at all those 8s! It’s great MLT covers do so well, because they pull in the new fans, putting MLT on their radar, and MLTs new music, just like it has with me years ago. The more of these golden gems the better as more people discover the best music being created today.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    30/01/2022 at 04:39

    “Wish You Were Here” reached 4,000,000 views on FaceBook. I don’t know exactly when except that in was in the last week. Meanwhile, “I Bought Myself a Politician” is over 800,000 and still climbing fast. It should hit 1,000,000 in two to three weeks.

  • David Herrick

    05/02/2022 at 06:35

    Here are the top 20 lists for January, covering the period from Jan. 4th through Feb. 4th, except for Songbird and Tonight You Belong to Me, which are averaged over just the last five days:


    simultaneous views:

    1) Please Mr. Postman / Wipeout: C = 7.91 (-0.70)

    2) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: C = 4.63 (+0.41)

    3) Tonight You Belong to Me: C = 3.75 (new)

    4) Drive My Car (2012): C = 3.31 (+0.22)

    5) Wish You Were Here: C = 3.05 (+0.37)

    6) I’m Looking Through You: C = 2.55 (-0.76)

    7) If I Fell: C = 2.16 (+0.19)

    8) Nowhere Man: C = 2.12 (-0.34)

    9) When I’m Sixty-Four: C = 2.10 (+0.38)

    10) You Can’t Do That: C = 1.98 (-0.01)

    11) I Saw Her Standing There: C = 1.97 (-0.15)

    12) Sound of Silence: C = 1.93 (-0.13)

    13) Monalisa Twins Interview 2016: C = 1.83 (+0.27)

    14) Africa: C = 1.81 (+0.20)

    15) Lola: C = 1.69 (+0.03)

    16) This Boy: C = 1.48 (+0.07)

    17) Till There Was You: C = 1.46 (+0.08)

    18) Songbird: C = 1.40 (-2.95)

    19) Stuck in the Middle With You: C = 1.27 (-0.37)

    20) I’m a Believer: C = 1.26 (-0.03)


    views per day:

    1) Please Mr. Postman / Wipeout: V = 2789 (-246)

    2) Tonight You Belong to Me: V = 2075 (new)

    3) Drive My Car (2012): V = 1715 (+114)

    4) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: V = 1459 (+127)

    5) I’m Looking Through You: V = 1260 (-374)

    6) When I’m Sixty-Four: V = 1035 (+188)

    7) If I Fell: V = 976 (+83)

    8) Nowhere Man: V = 943 (-151)

    9) You Can’t Do That: V = 911 (-3)

    10) Wish You Were Here: V = 903 (+110)

    11) I Saw Her Standing There: V = 840 (-60)

    12) Sound of Silence: V = 811 (-55)

    13) Till There Was You: V = 771 (+45)

    14) This Boy: V = 631 (+29)

    15) You’re Going to Lose That Girl: V = 625 (+57)

    16) Day Tripper: V = 544 (-8)

    17) Africa: V = 539 (+61)

    18) Please Please Me: V = 530 (+56)

    19) Lola: V = 528 (+8)

    20) In My Life: V = 511 (-81)


    So basically it’s been a pretty quiet month: a few songs up a little, and a few songs down a little.

  • David Herrick

    13/02/2022 at 05:15

    Averaged over the past eight days, for Tonight You Belong to Me, V = 1354 and C = 2.44.

  • David Herrick

    21/02/2022 at 05:05

    Averaged over the past eight days, for Tonight You Belong to Me, V = 914 and C = 1.65.

    Stand by for some Questionable data, starting in about 24 hours!

    • Jeffery Ohlwine

      21/02/2022 at 12:54

      But, David… your data is never questionable! Oh wait, I see what you did there…..????

  • Johnnypee Parker

    21/02/2022 at 11:23

    Thanks, David. I am looking forward to the Questionable stats for this new Questionable song. Let the wordplay begin. I wonder if the new album has a title yet. It’s so kool to witness the production. I can’t remember ever receiving weekly updates on an album’s development. We used to get news blips like, “the band is spending the next year in St Tropez working on their latest album.” Here we get,”we’re going to spend the weekend filming our new video. And we’ll try to have the editing done by next weekend.” Nice! They are amazing.


  • David Herrick

    21/02/2022 at 17:11

    Okay, here we go on our Questionable journey! As usual I’ll provide daily updates around midnight local (New York) time in this same post until the editing capability expires after about four days, and then I’ll continue with another post to cover the rest of the first week. After that I’ll go to weekly updates for about a month.

    From 11 AM to noon on Feb. 21st, V = 31080 and C = 82.7. From 11 PM to midnight on Feb. 21st, V = 19704 and C = 52.5. For Feb. 22nd (averaging over the whole day now), V = 19635 and C = 52.3. For Feb. 23rd, V = 18540 and C = 49.4. For Feb. 24th, V = 14769 and C = 39.3.

  • Jung Roe

    22/02/2022 at 04:58

    Thanks David, but those stats look questionable. (sorry I couldn’t resist ????). Some nice big daily views and simultaneous numbers. May it keep growing and punch a hole through the stratosphere.

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