MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Simultaneous MLT YouTube Views

  • Nicholas Fox

    22/02/2022 at 10:37

    Going to have to get busy watching “Wide wide land” to get it into your charts!

    • David Herrick

      23/02/2022 at 16:10

      Nicholas, for January, The Wide Wide Land had V = 104 (ranked #67) and C = 0.27 (ranked #69). So there’s your baseline. If you manage to bump those numbers up significantly, I’ll let you know in the next report!

    • Nicholas Fox

      23/02/2022 at 17:05

      Thanks David.

      See what I can do!

  • David Herrick

    26/02/2022 at 05:20

    Nothing Questionable about the outstanding early numbers for this video! For Feb. 25th, V = 13833 and C = 36.8. For Feb. 26th, V = 11907 and C = 31.7. And for Feb. 27th, V = 8476 and C = 22.6.

    Coming up next weekend: the top 20 lists for February!

  • David Herrick

    05/03/2022 at 06:30

    Here are the numbers for February. As usual, the baby of the family (currently Questionable) is averaged over just the last five days due to growing pains, while the others are averaged over the span from February 5th through March 4th.


    simultaneous views:

    1) Questionable: C = 13.74 (new)

    2) Please Mr. Postman / Wipeout: C = 7.91 (0.00)

    3) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: C = 5.53 (+0.90)

    4) Drive My Car (2012): C = 3.98 (+0.67)

    5) Wish You Were Here: C = 3.66 (+0.61)

    6) I’m Looking Through You: C = 3.06 (+0.51)

    7) Africa: C = 2.22 (+0.41)

    8) You Can’t Do That: C = 2.21 (+0.23)

    9) I Saw Her Standing There: C = 2.21 (+0.24)

    10) Sound of Silence: C = 2.19 (+0.26)

    11) When I’m Sixty-Four: C = 2.18 (+0.08)

    12) MonaLisa Twins Interview 2016: C = 2.13 (+0.30)

    13) If I Fell: C = 2.13 (-0.03)

    14) Nowhere Man: C = 1.97 (-0.15)

    15) This Boy: C = 1.73 (+0.25)

    16) Tonight You Belong to Me: C = 1.69 (-2.06)

    17) Lola: C = 1.61 (-0.08)

    18) Till There Was You: C = 1.59 (+0.13)

    19) I Bought Myself a Politician: C = 1.52 (+0.42)

    20) Stuck in the Middle With You: C = 1.41 (+0.14)


    views per day:

    1) Questionable: V = 5163 (new)

    2) Please Mr. Postman / Wipeout: V = 2789 (0)

    3) Drive My Car (2012): V = 2061 (+346)

    4) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: V = 1743 (+284)

    5) I’m Looking Through You: V = 1509 (+249)

    6) Wish You Were Here: V = 1082 (+179)

    7) When I’m Sixty-Four: V = 1078 (+43)

    8) You Can’t Do That: V = 1014 (+103)

    9) If I Fell: V = 964 (-12)

    10) I Saw Her Standing There: V = 939 (+99)

    11) Tonight You Belong to Me: V = 934 (-1141)

    12) Sound of Silence: V = 923 (+112)

    13) Nowhere Man: V = 879 (-64)

    14) Till There Was You: V = 839 (+68)

    15) This Boy: V = 736 (+105)

    16) You’re Going to Lose That Girl: V = 683 (+58)

    17) Africa: V = 660 (+121)

    18) Please Please Me: V = 610 (+80)

    19) I Bought Myself a Politician: V = 587 (+164)

    20) In My Life: V = 587 (+76)


    All in all, it was a great month! Viewership was up significantly on most songs. (Ironically, If I Fell was one of the few that fell.) IBMAP roared back up into the top 20. And which song is being viewed the most is not questionable. (Wait a minute… it IS Questionable.)

  • David Herrick

    12/03/2022 at 05:20

    The latest numbers for Questionable, averaged over the past week, are V = 2420 and C = 6.44. For comparison, these are about twice as high as the figures for IBMAP at the same amount of time after release.

  • Nicholas Fox

    12/03/2022 at 10:21

    Interesting to track these trends. So 25,780 views of top twenty songs along.

    Do you know of people viewing? (I assume these are not all the same person viewing each video several times a day!)

    • David Herrick

      12/03/2022 at 14:10

      Hi, Nicholas.

      I have no idea how many different people are associated with a given number of views, since YouTube doesn’t tell you who is watching. I’ve read that their algorithms weed out individual viewers’ attempts to drive up the numbers by watching the same video over and over, which helps to bring the number of views more in line with the number of people.

      One unaddressable assumption that goes into the calculation of the number of simultaneous views is that each view is from start to finish. Assuming YouTube counts all partial views as views, then the C numbers are overestimates that need to be scaled down somewhat. For example, if the average view is of only half the video, then C should be half as large as reported.

    • Nicholas Fox

      12/03/2022 at 16:16

      Thanks David. Although I think “Wide, Wide Land” is such a good song which every ML follower should ensure they have heard, I do generally only watch it once a day at most on You Tube!

  • Jung Roe

    12/03/2022 at 10:41

    Thanks David. It’s awesome to see “Questionable” pulling so strong.

  • David Herrick

    19/03/2022 at 03:20

    Questionable is still unquestionably popular! The numbers for the past week are V = 1916 and C = 5.10.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    19/03/2022 at 15:35

    Thanks David,

    I wonder why that .10 viewer can’t bring the other nine tenths to the game.

    Thanks for keeping score,


  • David Herrick

    26/03/2022 at 03:45

    The amazing run for Questionable continues! For the past week the figures are V = 1552 and C = 4.13.

  • David Herrick

    28/03/2022 at 05:20

    Great to see the twins dip into the archive again and share Good Day Sunshine with the world! I’ll post some daily average numbers starting tomorrow, but just a one-hour figure to start, given how quickly the viewership evolves on the first day.

    For the last hour (local time) of March 27th, V = 27960 and C = 50.2. For March 28th, V = 29443 and C = 52.8. For March 29th, V = 20383 and C = 36.6. For March 30th, V = 13507 and V = 24.2. For March 31st, V = 10168 and C = 18.2.

  • Jung Roe

    29/03/2022 at 06:23

    Great news to see Questionable doing well. Thanks for pulling the stats David.

  • David Herrick

    02/04/2022 at 04:25

    Continuing with Good Day Sunshine, for April 1st, V = 8639 and C = 15.5. It just hit 100,000 views a couple of minutes before I checked it. (No fooling!) For April 2nd, V = 6856 and C = 12.3.

    Meanwhile, for the last week Questionable is averaging V = 1889 and C = 5.03, which is actually a slight increase over the previous week. It should reach 200,000 views in a few days!

    Coming up Sunday night: the monthly stats for March.

  • David Herrick

    04/04/2022 at 06:25
    Here are the top 20 lists for March. All data are taken over the period from March 5th through April 3rd, except for the two most recent videos (Questionable and Good Day Sunshine), which are averaged over the single day of April 3rd.


    simultaneous views:

    1) Good Day Sunshine: C = 8.45 (new)

    2) Please Mr. Postman / Wipeout: C = 8.05 (+0.14)

    3) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: C = 4.64 (-0.89)

    4) Questionable: C = 4.02 (-9.72)

    5) Drive My Car (2012): C = 4.01 (+0.03)

    6) Wish You Were Here: C = 3.81 (+0.15)

    7) You Can’t Do That: C = 2.40 (+0.19)

    8) Sound of Silence: C = 2.16 (-0.03)

    9) When I’m Sixty-Four: C = 2.03 (-0.15)

    10) If I Fell: C = 2.03 (-0.10)

    11) MonaLisa Twins Interview 2016: C = 2.03 (-0.10)

    12) I Saw Her Standing There: C = 1.93 (-0.28)

    13) I’m Looking Through You: C = 1.91 (-1.15)

    14) Nowhere Man: C = 1.76 (-0.21)

    15) Africa: C = 1.69 (-0.53)

    16) This Boy: C = 1.64 (-0.09)

    17) I Bought Myself a Politician: C = 1.59 (+0.07)

    18) Stuck in the Middle With You: C = 1.40 (-0.01)

    19) People Are Strange: C = 1.36 (+0.22)

    20) Till There Was You: C = 1.35 (-0.24)


    views per day:

    1) Good Day Sunshine: V = 4709 (new)

    2) Please Mr. Postman / Wipeout: V = 2838 (+49)

    3) Drive My Car (2012): V = 2075 (+14)

    4) Questionable: V = 1509 (-3654)

    5) While My Guitar Gently Weeps: V = 1463 (-280)

    6) Wish You Were Here: V = 1128 (+46)

    7) You Can’t Do That: V = 1102 (+88)

    8) When I’m Sixty-Four: V = 1003 (-75)

    9) I’m Looking Through You: V = 944 (-565)

    10) If I Fell: V = 919 (-45)

    11) Sound of Silence: V = 909 (-14)

    12) I Saw Her Standing There: V = 819 (-120)

    13) Nowhere Man: V = 785 (-94)

    14) Till There Was You: V = 711 (-128)

    15) This Boy: V = 697 (-39)

    16) You’re Going to Lose That Girl: V = 629 (-54)

    17) I Bought Myself a Politician: V = 612 (+25)

    18) Stuck in the Middle With You: V = 556 (-1)

    19) Day Tripper: V = 553 (-1)

    20) Tonight You Belong to Me: V = 538 (-396)


    Not a lot of significant changes in viewership this month; perhaps a slight decrease overall. Questionable continues to hang in there with incredible tenacity.

  • David Herrick

    11/04/2022 at 04:25

    Over the past week, the numbers for Good Day Sunshine are V = 1950 and C = 3.50. Meanwhile, Questionable is at V = 1573 and C = 4.19: still going strong after seven weeks!

    • Jung Roe

      11/04/2022 at 06:56

      Thanks David! That is just awesome to hear about Questionable. May it continue to snowball as more people discover MLT through it.

  • David Herrick

    18/04/2022 at 04:20

    Another weekly update: Good Day Sunshine is at V = 1028 and C = 1.84, while the unsinkable Questionable is at V = 1198 and C = 3.19.

Page 9 of 22

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