• sing a long

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 29/10/2020 at 02:21

    Coming home from work today, I had the duo album on and I am singing You belong to me and singing Mona’s part of the song. Still cant hit Lisa’s part of that song. But after a hard day at work, it is so cool to sing along with Mona and Lisa it makes you feel so much better and makes the day go so much better. I know I posted this subject before but was wondering if anyone sings along or just listens? Either way it is a bonus!!

    Bill Isenberg replied 3 years, 10 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Refugio Arellano

    29/10/2020 at 03:15

    Hi Bill, just like you, when I get home I listen to Mona and Lisa while I finish something that I have pending from work or just to rest.
    I also try to sing some of the songs even though it definitely doesn’t sound good.


  • Jung Roe

    29/10/2020 at 05:03

    In my job I work from home, and  I miss the train commute to and from work I use to do enjoying MLT music on the ride.  My commute now is with a cup of coffee from the kitchen to the home office trying not to spill any coffee on the way.   By the late afternoon I look forward to the end of the day so I can crank up the MLT music on my laptop and jump online to the MLT Club.  On Tuesdays and Fridays though, I do jump online to the Club during the work day to have a peak when I can.  🙂   As for the singing, not yet as I don’t want to ruin the beautiful music with my out of tune singing, but I’m singing along in my head and grooving to the music.

  • Jacki Hopper

    30/10/2020 at 01:22

    I absolutely, most definitely sing, dance, air instrument along quite #MLTBuzzLuvGroovingly with MLT in the comfort of my own apt, with headphones on, proud to do so ( perhaps my neihbours next door  to and under my place might beg to differ…lol )…I even a long time ago videotaped myself singing along….lol… ( not meant exactly for public viewing 😉 )

  • Jung Roe

    30/10/2020 at 04:08

    Jacki, as you start dancing and air guitaring, I can envision the white ceiling stucco raining down on your neighbours head below.  Rock on!   🙂


  • Johnnypee Parker

    30/10/2020 at 23:03

    I agree Bill.  Listening in the car is like an open invitation to sing along.   They both can sing the high notes.  On my way home singing along with Both Sides Now, I think I strained a muscle I didn’t even know I had.



  • Jim Yahr

    31/10/2020 at 05:00

    Yep – singing in the car is a must – I always come back from road trips with a stronger voice.  So far, I can sing along with everything I’ve tried from MLT.  For now, the only one I can’t hang with is Freddie Mercury. (But I’m getting older…)



  • Bill Isenberg

    31/10/2020 at 14:29

    Great responses everyone,

    Jung I can relate about the work commute, but for me my trip is longer and that is good because I can go thru an entire album by the Mona Lisa Twins on the way home. Johnny , Jackie and Jim and Refgio I am with you on the singing and guitar ( air ) and drums. I was coming home yesterday and listening to the first Beatles and more CD and I was really into it when Revolution came on and singing along with Mona and just loving the solo guitar from Lisa that people in their cars where looking at me smiling and giving me a thumbs up!! LOL…Great way to go into the weekend after a long work week!

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