MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Snow Falls Softly at Night

  • Snow Falls Softly at Night

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 12/11/2020 at 23:57

    When I first heard this song, I was amazed at the beautiful harmonizing they do, along with the awesome guitar work, so my question is, does anyone else love this song as much as I do? And how about the awesome guitar work. These ladies are pro’s big time.

    Bill Isenberg replied 3 years, 10 months ago 4 Members · 6 Replies
  • 6 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    13/11/2020 at 03:20

    Hi Bill.  I absolutely love Mona and Lisa in Snow Falls Softly At Night.  Love everything about it with such sweet singing and awesome guitar work, and they look adorable in their cool Christmassy sweaters and wool caps.  They are overflowing in holiday warm cheer!  How can you not get in the Christmas spirit with this kind of brilliance.

    I also like their first version of this song from 2009, with a very country feel to the song.  So charming!  I like it when they mix a little German in there too.

    Just one of the many reasons why Mona and Lisa is my most favourite group in the whole world!


  • Refugio Arellano

    13/11/2020 at 04:49

    Hi Bill, it is definitely the best interpretation I have ever heard of this song.

    We could say that Mona and Lisa are the king midas of music.


    best regards

  • Jung Roe

    13/11/2020 at 06:25

    Hi Refugio, MLT certainly have that Midas touch indeed as you say.  They brought back to life Christmas music for me through their touch.

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/11/2020 at 14:11

    It is a sweet song to be heard at Christmas time…though I’m not a fan of winter, my ideal Winter…onecday, on Xmas Day, mild and gentle falling snow like the song,  but then after that…resume with summer ….lol…Never was a Winter person, always a Spring/Sumner gal… I bundled up to the point I can’t  hardly move whenever I must go out in winter . I don’t drive, rely on public transit, walking,  but in winter, I avoid going out unless I must, but with Covid, it’s  going to depress me even moreso , because I won’t be able to go out and enjoy the walking like  I do now  with the warm- slightly cool weather…but…all the more reason to have MLT tunes cranking to help with the Winter Blah Blues I suffer from over winter….yes, I believe I suffer from seasonal depression , Winter being the worst.

  • Bill Isenberg

    17/11/2020 at 00:44


    I understand how you feel , and this covid Virus hitting right now is making it worse. But for me Jacki, The Mona Lisa Twins help me thru my toughest days, no lie. My job is very stressful and a few things at home, and I listen each and every day to their music and it takes me back to great times and it tells me that we are blessed to have these wonderful ladies can take us on a ride and help us forget about our troubles etc. But I do feel for you Jacki, my family members feel the way you do about Winter

  • Bill Isenberg

    20/11/2020 at 00:41

    One more thing I Noticed about this song? Did you guys catch how Mona and Lisa play the guitar solos? They way they fret the cords and the beautiful sound it makes? I can’t help it everyone, we are witnessing perfection at its finest what ever song they are doing.


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