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  • Solution to MLT Touring Issues

    Posted by Howard on 02/11/2018 at 11:24

    I’ve been considering the issue of the difficulty of a small family ‘business’ growing, without the usual complications that come with the employment of external assistance. I believe I’ve come up with the perfect solution. Rudolf is just going to have to clone his daughters. Now don’t laugh, I’m not suggesting any Frankenstein’s monster solution here. This is the twenty first century, not the nineteenth century.

    Cloning has proven very successful with animals and there is no reason why the same could not be true of humans. Just think what this could achieve. The original twins based in Liverpool, writing and creating their masterpieces and producing their beautiful videos while sets of twins hit the road on tour. Now I believe that in order to conquer the world we are going to need at least four (cloned) sets of twins. One set touring Europe, one set for North America, one set for South America and South Africa and the other for Asia and South East Asia.

    Not quite that easy though, any touring party, once they have chosen their band mates are going to need management, marketing and engineering support. Consequently Rudolf is going to have to clone himself and Michaela four times as well. Then there’s the roadies and touring bus driver. Well I’m available and very, very reasonably priced, as I’m sure many other MLT Club members are.

    How about it Rudolf, It would be tough work initially, but just think of the payoff!

    Howard replied 5 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Max House

    03/11/2018 at 01:59

    Howard I think you may have something here .  Maybe we could throw in a little stem cell research along with it.  And please excuse me for assuming you’re being lighthearted on a realistic problem.  I could be wrong but one would assume that  Rudi  Who actually ran a recording studio/was a producer for however many years would know the pitfalls with record companies….  management companies/or promoters.  So my only observation Howard would seem to be there must’ve been some bad experiences in the past.  On the girls moving  to Liverpool they were on BBC radio on Saturday mornings for a long time actually performing live .  They managed to get a residency at the cavern club  performing roughly  performing 100 shows . My thoughts they were getting exposure for  stage experience to move forward for future shows .  Which led them on a 20 show tour of England with Steve Harley and cockney rebel .  And as they mention it was great experience .  Sorry Howard not to change the subject let me ask you a question some of their songs I think our incredibly good.  Do you think other artists that were a little bit more popular little bit more established singing those songs would be any different?  I hear stories now that a lot of  young artist had written hits for other artists  and after a while they  started performing there on music  and became pretty successful.  I’m wondering if that would be a consideration but I’m going to say probably not.  Bottom line … I want the girls Rudi and  Michaela to be able to come to the USA play small venues.

  • Howard

    03/11/2018 at 16:43

    It would be great to see an established artist record a MLT original and I don’t see why this couldn’t be possible in the future. It would also help to promote them and their music and if it was a hit, would also be financially rewarding for them.

    There were many young writers/composers in the sixties who wrote hits for other artists. For example, both Neil Diamond and Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart wrote many hits for the Monkees before beginning performing careers of their own. Tommy Boyce and Bobby Hart both had two big hit singles in the late sixties and Neil Diamond went on to a very successful solo career.

    Gerry Goffin and Carol King also wrote many hit songs for other artists before Carol King commenced her successful solo career. In Australia we too had successful writers/composers who wrote for other artists. There was the Chinn/Chapman team who had many hit singles for other artists and also Vanda/Young, who besides having their own successful band (The EasyBeats (‘Friday on my Mind’), also wrote hits for other artists.

    Maybe Mona and Lisa should see if they can get Michaela to shop some of their songs to other artists!

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