• Joseph Manzi

    10/08/2020 at 12:28

    Good morning Jung,

    Yea that Stuart songs, sorter has a Byrds flair to it. I forgot about that other Stones song. Time waits for no one and it won’t wait for me. It’s tuff getting old. A life time goes so fast. It’s like what George said Within you Without You. When we are young we want time to hurry up. When we get old we want time to slow down. That’s Life…..

    I am from New Jersey, where are you located?  Listen I new to this Forum stuff. I also responded to your post on Paperback Writer / Rain.  I did not see it this morning.

    Let me know if you received it.



  • Jung Roe

    10/08/2020 at 23:45

    Hi Joseph, I was looking for a Beatles song with a time reference, and that George Harrison reference is great to know.  I’ve been trying to think of a Beatles song about time.  I live in Vancouver BC in the pacific northwest, just a couple hours north of Seattle.  Saw your other post and was listening to Paperback writer last night but was getting late.  Will reply from there.

  • David Herrick

    11/08/2020 at 01:35

    Jung, as far as titles go, the Beatles recorded “Not a Second Time” and “Any Time at All”.  There was also an instrumental piece in the Yellow Submarine film called “Sea of Time”.


    • Jung Roe

      11/08/2020 at 02:48

      Thanks David, I will check those Beatles songs out.

  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 01:47

    Jung, I responded to your email by using reply. Your email came to my personal email.

    That’s ok just want to make sure you got my response. Let me know. Thanks Joe

  • Jung Roe

    11/08/2020 at 02:42

    Hi Joseph. You may have received an email reply from me because you are subscribed to this post; auto email generation from the MLT Club (see the orange subscribe/unsubscribe button top right corner of this thread).  You have the option to subscribe or unsubscribe to posts if you don’t want email notification.  Replying to that email will not get back to me.  You would need to reply to this post, just so you know.  🙂  Thanks.


  • Jung Roe

    11/08/2020 at 02:50

    BTW, when you reply on a forum post, you will see a little check box for “Notify me of follow-up replies via email”.  You can control auto email generation there as well.

  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 02:50

    Good evening Jung,

    Besides the harmonies being special. Ringo’s drumming was excellent along with Paul bass.

    If I am correct the B side was Rain another great song.
    I grew up with the Beatles. The only thing that pops in my head is maybe You Won’t See Me from rubber soul.
    The line and it short is Time after time you refuse to even listen. The more I think of it. It’s probably not good. Besides them developing
    with thier music and lyrics. This was all due to them being influence by Dylan and not touring anymore. Here’s where the true 5th Beatle George Martin was willing to try new things. With the collaborations of Lennon/ McCartney and Harrison they broke new grounds.

    I saw a you tube in your message. Excuse me Jung, I will watch either later or tomorrow.

    So, I just joined the Mona Lisa Twins site.  How long have you been a member?
    I think they are special. I love that they are preserving the music from the 60,s moving it forward to new generations.
    They are very talented. I love their original material. They play their instruments great. Lisa is a great Lead guitarist and Mona great Rhythm.
    Hell, they play a lot of instruments they are Renaissance women. I hope when this world gets better, they tour the states. I will see them….

    I have a theory on the new music. One in the 60’s it was called the British Invasion.
    Today I call it the Women Invasion. I came across the Twins when I was looking at Larkin and Poe. They are two sisters from Gerogia.
    Their great,,great,,great uncle was Edgar Allen Poe.
    Have you heard of them? Oh, and a drummer name Sina Doering. A Great drummer!!!!!!!



    • Michael Thompson

      11/08/2020 at 17:37

      I agree with you Joseph about Sina! I’ve been following her for about 3 years now. She’s my second favorite Youtuber (after MLT of course!) She has mad skills on the drums.

  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 02:51
  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 02:53

    Last one Larkin Poe.  Let me know what you think



  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 02:56

    Thanks Jung,   I thought so. Well enjoy


  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 03:00

    Meant to ask Jung,  Canada that’s cool. Are you home grown?

  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 03:18

    Hope you did not see this one. The Weight



  • Jung Roe

    11/08/2020 at 06:00

    Joe, I joined the MLT Club a day or two after it opened in October of 2018, and what a groovy time it’s been following along on their musical journey.  Many of the people have been here since day one, and they are from all over the world, most notably the US, Australia, and Canada, and many other wonderful places.   BTW, when you get a chance don’t forget to introduce yourself at the Introduce Yourself Subforum if you haven’t already if you want to.  Mona and Lisa will reply with a personal welcome.

    I pretty much grew up in Vancouver BC Canada; I remember my first day in Kindergarten there in 1969.  Originally born in S Korea (Busan), the whole family followed my dad, who was completing his graduate studies to Pullwan WA (Washington State University).  We lived all over eastern Washington State like a nomad family from 65 to 69 living in trailers and short stay apartments for about 4 years as my dad worked at different hydro electric dams in the state.

    Renaissance women, wow I like how that sounds, I bet Mona and Lisa have never been called that.  Yes, as you said Mona and Lisa are very special, with a love for the Beatles, the brilliance and diversity of the Beatles come out in everything they do from their originals to their covers.   As their video for “Once Upon A Time” illustrate MLT are like an arch from the great music of the 60’s to today innovating music in their own unique style taking everything that was good from the 60s and merging it with their own inspiration to create new original music for today.  I love how they just learn a new instrument to get the sound they want in their music, how they can play any genre they want and do it justice, and breath new life into it and make it completely their own.

    I really enjoyed that What Makes Ringo Great video, and liked what Sina said about Ringo, “It’s about tone, taste, musicality, and feeling, not about speed and being the fastest drummer on the planet”.  It is very special what she pointed out about Ringo that his drumming style is very deliberate for each song, and does not apply a generic one style fits all approach.  BTW, Sina is a great drummer.  I guess it takes a great drummer to appreciate Ringo’s drumming.  I’ve never seen “Larkin Poe” before.  That’s really interesting she is a relative of Edgar Allen Poe.  They are great in that video you posted of them.  It reminds me of Joan Jett’s rock and roll style.  You might have something there with your theory that we may be at the cusp of a “Women Invasion” in music, like the British Invasion, and MLT is leading the pack!!! That last Ringo video collaboration, it’s wonderful to see so much talent.  Seeing the musicians from all over the world, with some playing instruments unique to different places in the world illustrates how much music is a universal/global language that can unite the world.

  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 15:31

    Hey Jung,

    Looking at that Hey Jude, Is there an equivalent to Jung for English.

    South Korea, no offense the good Korea. Are your parents in Canada or Washington.

    I don’t know your feelings.It’s been crazy on  what is going on in Seattle and Portland. I can’t believe was is going down. People need to step back calm down and stop the destruction.

    The Weight video had all these artist from around the world. That Lucas Nelson in Texas near the end is Willie Nelson son. I lived in Texas for about ten year and saw Willie and his two sons at Billy Bob’s. Really talented sons.  Playing for Change. They do a bunch of video with people from all over the world. They did Dylan All Along The Watchtower which was great. You should check that out.

    I agree with your thinking on Mona & Lisa, They adapt well. They are both  versatile.

    I like that they are doing their own music too. That’s important.. You don’t want to be label as a performer. You want to be an artist doing your own music. The thing I like they come from a very loving family.  They all support each other. The Cool instead of not cool……

    I still need to introduce myself. In the Forum.

    Well you have a good day.


  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 17:05

    Hey Jung,

    Quick question?  I must be doing something wrong here. I/m trying to introduce myself.

    I went to that area and type my info and it seem that I am participating

    see —–>  Reply To: 71 year old fan,in love with MLT
    42 min ago by Joseph Manzi


    I am assuming I did this wrong. So

    Help I need somebody, Not just anybody.

    Help Jung. You know I could rewrite to fit the problem. I think.

    When you have a moment if you can help. I’d appreciate it.


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