• Jacki Hopper

    11/08/2020 at 18:02

    Ah, Enya, Alison Krause, Marty Stuart, etc, nice to see these folks get a nod here, I enjoy their music too, I also enjoy Patsy Cline, Aoril Verch, Vince Gill, Reba McEntire,  ( yes, my parents  were country music/bluegrass people too besides Elvis, Big Band stuff, like Glenn Gould), many other old school country greats,  Cyndi Lauper”₩’s Time After Time, and then Alan Frew’s take on it, etc….????

  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 18:09

    Hey I love Country Music too. Marty is great. John Cash, Merle, Vince Gill is great. Gram Parson, Ricky Scaggs, Clarenc White, I could go on and on. Have a great day Jacki.


  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 18:13

    Hey Michael, My two favorite drummers were always Ringo and Keith Moon. Then I saw Sina and now I have 3 great drummer. She only 21. Amazing

  • David Herrick

    11/08/2020 at 19:04


    In the “introduce yourself” forum, scroll down to the bottom where it says “create new topic”, and type your post there.  Then it will show as a new entry rather than as a reply to someone else.

    By the way, welcome to the club!


  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 21:04

    Thank you David. I appreciate your help. It worked.

    Looking forward to interacting with you and everyone.


  • Joseph Manzi

    11/08/2020 at 21:07

    Hey Jung,

    Listen David Herrick assisted me to complete my intro.

    Thanks anyway. Great group of people.


  • Jung Roe

    11/08/2020 at 22:22

    Hi Joe.  I’m glad David helped you out.  Being on the westcoast of NA, by the time I get into the swing of things, often half the day is past with the east coast and a full day with the UK, and thats when I dont sleep in. ?

  • Bill Isenberg

    12/08/2020 at 02:02


    Great shout out on the Stones 1974 Classic Time Waits for No one. And Mick Taylor did a fabulous Job on the lead. So true Time marches on. So we need to embrace time and enjoy it to the fullest. I remember 1974 like it was yesterday. As mentioned above Time is on my side , etc…all good choices for sure. So back to Time Waits for No One, Jung can you imagine this song being done by the Mona Lisa twins? I know it will be gold in my book if they ever cover this tune for sure.

  • Jung Roe

    12/08/2020 at 05:46

    Bill, considering MLT have done awesome covers of the Stones Paint It Black (studio and live) and The Last Time, I’m sure they could do marvelous justice to Time Waits for No One.  It has some wonderful guitar work kind of like Santana.

  • Joseph Manzi

    12/08/2020 at 12:09

    I would love to see them do Tell Me.

  • Howard

    12/08/2020 at 14:16

    Now Joe, Are you referring to the Rolling Stones “Tell Me (You’re Coming Back)”, from their first US album, released in 1964 and the first A-side single written by Jagger/Richards to be released? In a Club naturally resonant with total Beatle nerds, not that there’s anything wrong with that, I’m one too, it is nice to know there’s also another Club member au fait with the Rolling Stones extensive catalogue.

    My brothers and I had this single way back in the mid sixties and it was one of those songs I could always instantly recognise when played on the radio, just after hearing the first chord, followed by Charlie’s bass drum. We always commented that in those days they had trouble ending their songs. Several versions were recorded, the shorter one of which (without Ian Stuart’s piano), was initially released as the single. There was a longer version on the album.

    I certainly would love to see Mona and Lisa have a go at this one. It would be an opportunity for them to get out one of their acoustic twelve string guitars and I’m sure Mona could have fun with the drumming too. There’s quite a few Stones songs I’d love to hear the MLT cover and I’ve already made some of my suggestions known.

  • Joseph Manzi

    12/08/2020 at 14:56

    Good morning Howard,

    Yes that would be the one. One of my favorite early Stones songs. Along with what this all started with Time. Wait for it … Time on my side. Not so much as it use to. Oh and sitting on a fence. I thinks some of the Stones best music happen when they were competing with the Beatles. It was funny to me some of the album titles.

    Let It Be   – Let It Bleed  Sgt Peppers Lonely Hearts  – Their Satanic Majesties Request of course you had to find the Beatles faces on Album cover. I always loved the Stones. Beatles were always proper and Stones the bad boys. I always wonder who did the snoring on In another land. I think Bill Wyman since it was his song.  I also will say this I was not to happy with their Disco stuff. Except for Start me up. I can say the same about the Bee Gee’s. You can’t always get what you want as the song goes. Enjoy your day.


    “Tell Me”

    I want you back again
    I want your love again
    I know you find it hard to reason with me
    But this time it’s different, darling you’ll see
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    You said we’re through before
    You walked out on me before
    I tried to tell you, but you didn’t want to know
    This time you’re different and determined to go
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    I wait as the days go by
    I long for the nights to go by
    I hear the knock on my door that never comes
    I hear the telephone that hasn’t rung
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me
    You gotta tell me you’re coming back to me


  • Howard

    12/08/2020 at 16:11

    Yes Joe, the Stones had some fun with those album titles, although I don’t think John Lennon was too impressed. They also did the same with the Beatles “All You Need Is Love” when they came out with “We Love You” as their next single, complete with the sound of chains rattling and the jail door slamming closed. This was the year they had all their legal hassles over various drug charges and both Mick and Keith were sentenced to prison. Brian was also separately arrested on drug charges. Amazing how they still managed to keep their sense of humour and put out an album that year.

    As for the alleged rivalry with the Beatles, this was mainly orchestrated by their manager, Andrew Oldham, to establish a separate identity for them, as no one in the sixties was going to be able to compete with the “three headed monster”! It basically worked but the Stones and Beatles all got on and attended the same parties and social occasions. John and Paul actually gave the Stones their song “I Wanna Be Your Man” to record as a single before the Beatles recorded it themselves.

    “Tell Me (You’re Coming Back)”, The Rolling Stones.

    This is one of the long versions, but without the fade out.


    Mick Jagger – lead vocals, tambourine
    Keith Richards – 12 string acoustic lead guitar, backing vocals
    Brian Jones – electric rhythm guitar, backing vocals
    Bill Wyman – bass, backing vocals
    Charlie Watts – drums

  • Joseph Manzi

    12/08/2020 at 17:39


    Good point on the All you Need Is Love and We Love You. That’s funny I was going to reference that the Beatles gave the Stones a song. Ringo’s I wanna be your man. You are right

    they got along good. I’m sure you seem Electric Curcus. Great performances by the Stones and my Who..  I saw the Stones three times at Madison Square Garden in NY. Get your Ya Ya Out,

    The Goats Head Tour and the It’s Only Rock & Roll Tour. All Great shows. Have you seen them?

  • Joseph Manzi

    12/08/2020 at 17:48

    I’ve heard this and this is the best take. My version is with the fade out. This is the cd album it’s on English Hit Makers. I think my is on Hit tide and green grass. I must do something about this. And Buy it. Thanks my friend.Cause I listen to this it will be in my head all day. Thanks

    It’s a good thing,,, Tell Me You Coming To Me – I wait as the days go by – Till I have this version.


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