• Joseph Manzi

    16/10/2020 at 23:45

    I myself love the song and words to The year 2525. It’s was look at the possible future.

    Another two songs in that vain perhaps was a Life In The Air Age by Be Bop Deluxe and

    the late and great John Entwistle My Name is 905..


    With the words. Entwistle always wrote dark Great Songs





  • Tom Fones

    23/02/2021 at 05:42

    Speaking of time … I hope it’s not too late.
    This is a classic. The slashes are reversed to avoid moderation limbo.


    How long ago did this thread get started ?

  • Jung Roe

    23/02/2021 at 06:52

    Great song Thomas, how could we have missed this one! Usually a single link on a post is OK and won’t go into moderation. It’s when you have two or more that can trigger it.


    I’ve been attracted to hiking and wilderness videos on youtube lately and came across some interesting insight/observations about time, by people who spend a lot of time in nature that I found inspiring, and thought I’d take this opportunity on this thread to share it. Maybe I’ve been in isolation too long, I don’t know, but found it thought provoking:

    “Time Marches on relentlessly. Time is both a curse and blessing. Time reminds us we are not forever, that we are not eternal. Like a pendulum it swings above our heads.

    When you are out in the wilderness hiking, time slows down. A day does not just last 24 hours, it lasts longer, so much longer. Life in the wilderness provides slowness, focus on what matters. It whispers not to be afraid of impermanence. Life should be slow, it should be giving us time, something precious. Life in the wilderness provides exactly that. ”

    Perhaps living our lives a little more like how we would on a hike in the wilderness might give us a better perspective on dealing with the craziness of the world around us today. Be here in the moment.

  • Tom Fones

    23/02/2021 at 15:41

    Thanks Jung,

    Janis had a song with “Time keeps moving on” in the lyrics but i can’t remember anything else.

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