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  • Songs referred to in Once Upon a Time

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 16/11/2018 at 14:04

    The song Once Upon a Time makes references to many songs: Donovan, Dylan, Beatles, Byrds, Pink Floyd, CSN&Y, 5th Dimension and of course, has the wonderful harmonica by J Sebastian. I would like to invite somebody- Howard, Steve – to detail all the references they hear because I’m certain I’m missing some of them. Thanks in advance.

    Once Upon A Time

    There is a time to walk ahead
    And there’s a time to stay behind
    There is a time to play along
    And there’s a time to free your mind
    (All of these lyrics point to Turn! Turn! Turn!)

    When times were changing all across the universe
    (The Times They Are A-Changin’ and Across the Universe
    You could hear music on the dark side of the moon
    (Pink Floyd)
    It was the season of the witch
    She came around to heal the blind

    Once upon a time
    When Mars and Jupiter aligned
    They said the new age of Aquarius had begun
    5th Dimension)

    Love was in the air
    And there was music everywhere
    And all the people joining in were having fun

    You paid your dues, you learnt your lesson
    So you know the stage is set
    You can’t believe in what you see
    Cause what you see ain’t what you get
    Maybe we’re nothing more than footprints in the sand
    And soon the flood may come to wash it all away
    (Dylan- Down in the Flood)
    And yet I cannot help but think
    There must be more to it than that

    Once upon a time
    When Mars and Jupiter aligned
    They said the new age of Aquarius had begun
    Love was in the air
    And there was music everywhere
    And all the people joining in were having fun

    For we’ve been told that young and old
    Will learn from each other
    To understand your fellow man
    To care for your brother
    For we’ve been told that young and old
    Can teach one another
    (Teach Your Children- C,S,N, & Y)
    To understand your fellow man
    To care for your brother

    So when the future has no future
    And the past has passed away
    We’re left with nothing to remember
    Left with nothing but today
    When I hear people say that Rock’n’Roll is dead
    Who will be playing for the children of the King
    Then I remember the old saying
    Rock‘n’Roll is here to stay

    Howard replied 5 years, 10 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Howard

    17/11/2018 at 10:17

    Wow! You’ve really thrown up a challenge there Tim.

    Where to start!

    When Mars and Jupiter aligned They said the new age of Aquarius had begun.

    “Although more rock than new-age in genre, the 1967 musical Hair, with its opening song “Aquarius” and the memorable line “This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius”, brought the Aquarian age concept to the attention of audiences worldwide. However, the song further defines this dawning of the age within the first lines: “When the Moon is in the seventh house and Jupiter aligns with Mars, then peace will guide the planets and love will steer the stars”. Astrologer Neil Spencer denounced the lyrics as “astrological gibberish”, noting that Jupiter aligns with Mars several times a year and the moon is in the 7th House for two hours every day.”

    Love is in the Air – by George Young and Harry Vanda, is a 1977 disco song sung by John Paul Young.

    And There Was Music Everywhere – “I Can Hear Music” is a song written by Jeff Barry, Ellie Greenwich and Phil Spector for American girl group the Ronettes in 1966. This version spent one week on the Billboard Pop chart at number 100. Three years later, American rock band the Beach Boys released a cover version as a single from their album 20/20 (1969), peaking at number 24 on the Billboard Hot 100.

    “I Hear Music Everywhere” is another tune that was written for the musical revue ‘We’re Making Music!’

    “Music Everywhere” is a song by Finnish singer Anna Abreu.

    You paid your dues, you learnt your lesson So you know the stage is set
    ‘To Pay Your Dues’ is to do something that you don’t enjoy now (because either you feel it’s your duty or it’s the way of the world or the industry sector) in order to have something that you want later.

    Queen – ‘I’ve paid my dues Time after time…’

    “Footprints in the Sand” by Leona Lewis
    “Footprints in the Sand” acts as a metaphor for the invisible footprints that our loved ones leave on our hearts and reminds us that they live on through those who honor and remember them.

    Well Tim, that’s enough from me for now. TBC!

  • Timothy Connelly

    17/11/2018 at 11:46

    Great work, Howard! I picked up the obvious references- you picked the more obscure.

    It occurred to me while reading your post that the lines from their own cover of the Sebastian penned Daydream also apply;

    And even if time has passing me by a lot
    I couldn’t care less about the dues you say I got
    Tomorrow I’ll pay the dues for droppin’ my load
    A pie in your face for bein’ a sleepy bulltoad

  • Howard

    17/11/2018 at 14:06


    “So when the future has no future
    And the past has passed away”

    I can’t help but be reminded of:

    ‘Days of Future Passed’ – The Moody Blues, 1967


    ‘All Things Must Pass’ – George Harrison, 1970.

    And finally:

    “Rock and Roll Is Dead” is the first single released from the 1995 Lenny Kravitz album ‘Circus’


    “Rock And Roll Is Here To Stay” – 1958, Danny & the Juniors

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