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  • Squier Affinity Telecaster?

    Posted by Christopher on 26/08/2022 at 01:13

    Hi Friends:

    After many years, I am considering purchasing a new guitar. I have not played much in years. Way out of practice but it may be a relaxation exercise that I need to help me through my last 3-4 years of teaching, especially once baseball season ends.

    Grew up using the Mel Bay (shudder) method, completing the first 4 books so I was fairly good at one point. Not going that way this time, really want to do more enjoyable stuff.

    Anyways, we went to Guitar Center the other day and guitar that felt best was a Squier Affinity Telecaster. Easy feel, nice tone, and I can still Grande Barre with it! Price of the guitar was right, it doesn’t seem proper to buy a top-of-the-line Tele.

    Have any of you have experience with Squire Telecasters (or Fender Telecasters)? I know Lisa likes her Tele, especially when she wants a guitar to noodle around with.

    Any feedback would be great, thanks!

    Darryl Boyd replied 2 years ago 5 Members · 10 Replies
  • 10 Replies
  • Jung Roe

    26/08/2022 at 02:53

    Hi Christopher, I wish I had some experience with guitars to be able offer you some advice but only feedback I can offer is, awesome idea picking guitar up again!

    My post retirement next chapter in life dream was to be a pianist, wisdom tells me not to put it off til then, so I’ve been picking it up, especially during the covid lockdowns, but it went on hiatus again when I started working. Will push myself to resume. I have a black acoustic mini upright Baldwin that I bought when I got into piano back in the 90s that I’m very fond of, and it seems only proper to fix it up and resume on it. It’s sitting in my parents old place.

  • Paul Gagne

    26/08/2022 at 19:05

    Hi Christopher,

    As you are probably already aware, Squier is Fender’s economy line, so technically they’re both made by Fender. I have a 2016 Fender Standard Telecaster, and absolutely love it — it has great action, and I love the finished maple fretboard. I think at the time it was one step up in price from their least expensive Tele. I’m not a professional and just play for my own relaxation and enjoyment, but I have to say that I feel like my playing improved significantly with this guitar — it’s very playable, easy on the fingers, and it’s really easy to play those bar chords! I haven’t for an instant regretted not getting a higher-priced model, nor going down to something less expensive.

    To my eyes and ears, there isn’t a whole lot of difference between what I have and the Squier Tele. I follow Richie Furay, one of the founding members of Buffalo Springfield and Poco, and his guitarist, Scott Sellen, plays a Squier Tele in his live shows. It always sounds amazing to me. I’d say go for it.

    I also went the Mel Bay route many years ago, and nowadays there are much more enjoyable apps and YouTube tutorials you can follow that I wish had been available when I was 13!

    Good luck and have fun,


  • Christopher

    26/08/2022 at 20:07

    Jung, thank you for your encouragement. Watching and listening to MLT has played a big role in spurring my interest to play again. The Duo Sessions are the best, one can watch how they play. Made my want to play again!

  • Christopher

    26/08/2022 at 20:14

    Thank you Paul…it is the playability that really made me love the Tele. Since I plan on just playing for fun, I began with the Squier Fenders. There was a bottom-of-the line one there and it felt alright, but once I went to the next level, one can tell the subtle differences.

    We used the Mel Bay methods because each year I would compete in the music festival in Canada which would choose its songs from Mel Bay. Did pretty good, but now it is time to have a little more fun!

  • Darryl Boyd

    27/08/2022 at 02:02

    I have a Squier Affinity Tele, along with quite a few other guitars.

    I’d say go for it. The Affinity models have a slightly thinner body and are a bit lighter, and the backs of the neck aren’t sprayed with lacquer and so don’t get sticky.

    The one I bought also had a fantastic fret job. Beautiful rolled edges and just really nice to play.

  • Christopher

    27/08/2022 at 04:17

    Thanks for your input, Darryl. I am glad that you like the Squier Affinity Tele. You are making it easier and easier for me to make this purchase!

    Made the leap and purchased it today. I like it quite a bit. Was playing around with other guitars. They had a couple Gretch guitars and although I wasn’t going purchase something that grand, had to try one in MLT tradition. Way too much guitar for me, lol!

    The only thing that I don’t love about it is that the high E string is so close to the end of the fretboard, but that’s not a big thing. It is so easy to handle and has a nice sound. Just have to build up the callouses on my fingers!

  • Jung Roe

    30/08/2022 at 05:34

    Congratulations Christopher! Sounds like you are going to have many hours of enjoyment with your new guitar. Do post a picture of it if you can.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    31/08/2022 at 01:55

    Way to go, Christopher! I used to have econo guitars when I was younger and would often get discouraged with them not being the right size or the cheap tuners would slip or…. I find having a nice guitar that fits makes me want to play more. I have never played a telecaster, but those Squiers are nice.

    I have a Parker P38. It’s their basic model, not quite a Nitefly , but it’s nice. I picked it up for $400 bucks about fifteen years ago. This dude pointed me to this other dude who bought floor models from music stores and then sold them on line. Parker has since gone out of business, so they are kinda pricey. I have seen Nitefly’s go for $3000+. I think they were about $1200 when the company was still going.

    I think buying a new guitar is like getting a new car. As soon as you take it home and give it a little gas you fall in love with it. To warm up I think Lisa would recommend Smoke On The Water for hours on end.

    Have fun! What color did you get?


  • Christopher

    31/08/2022 at 04:47

    Butterscotch Blonde with a light color maple neck and a black pickguard. I guess it is nicknamed the “Noodle” model after a guitarist in the animated band Gorillaz. One of my students did a project last year on the band for Computer Applications and she is taking Accounting from me this year, so I’m sure she will laugh when I tell her I purchased a “Noodle”!

  • Darryl Boyd

    01/09/2022 at 07:15

    Nice. The latest models have a belly carve which makes them even more comfortable if you’re generously proportioned like me 🙂

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