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  • Starman: So brilliant!

    Posted by Jung Roe on 05/08/2019 at 06:16

    I can’t seem to get enough of watching the Starman video, it is just so brilliant.  The singing is both beautiful and captivating the way Mona and Lisa dialogue with each other as they sing,  lovely guitar melodies, the superb scenic shots of the terrain, sky, and stars is perfection.  It all comes together in one resonating crescendo as it makes your spirit just soar.  It’s not the lyrics in particular but man, this video catapults your spirit into the heavens, their sweet dynamic harmonies.  Just fantastic.  I am not a particularly big David Bowie fan, but this and “Little Drummer Boy” from Christmas, MLT do David Bowie great honor with their versions of his songs.

    Is this video having the same effect on others here?

    Jung Roe replied 5 years ago 8 Members · 34 Replies
  • 34 Replies
  • David Herrick

    05/08/2019 at 14:45

    I agree, Jung.  I’m completely unfamiliar with David Bowie’s music, so I can’t compare it to the original.  But as a stand-alone video this is (pardon the pun) stellar.  I was especially gratified to read in the backstory that they have an intellectual curiosity about the universe:  the very antithesis of the self-absorbed starlets (another pun, sorry) that prance across the top of the music charts.


  • Jacki Hopper

    05/08/2019 at 21:05

    It certainly is mesmerizing, entrancing… Kinda has that “Nothing In Vain” vibe to it… Cosmic Groovy!! I absolutely love it and I’m hoping David is in awe and approves of it from wherever he’s at…

  • Jung Roe

    05/08/2019 at 21:44

    David, I like your use of the puns here.  Very appropriate.  Mona and Lisa are very intellectual and interesting people, which is another reason they are so irresistible.  From the universe, to what music means to them, to the meaning of life, they are so insightful, and they are only 25!

    Jacki, Nothing is In Vain song comparison is right on.  I get the same out of this world vibe.


  • Tomás F. Calvo

    06/08/2019 at 03:18

    I’m a big Bowie fan, and know this song very well. The video is amazing and perfectly shot, love the setting, the drone shots, the camp light and the interactions between the twins (and spotting Rudolf in the rock outcrops, my kinda thing to do 🙂 ). Still, listening with good headphones in the dark lets me appreciate the full extent of the song. I’m always amazed at the fantastic use of strings in MLT songs. Nothing short of brilliant. I love it and I think this version stands just as tall as the original.

  • Jung Roe

    06/08/2019 at 05:16

    Tomas, the video is amazing indeed.  It seems their videography magic just keeps getting better and better, and the music arrangement of this song, they’ve enriched it so much, and their singing and harmonies are just stellar.  happycloud9

    You have a sharp eye, would have never spotted Rudolf unless if you pointed it out!  🙂  But he is well cloaked.  Would have never detected him unless the particle array sensors were set to ultra high  🙂

  • Jung Roe

    12/08/2019 at 04:52

    The positive public response on youtube for MLT’s Starman is overwhelming.  People are just raving about it, and it looks like from many David Bowie fans too.  Had to listen to it several times today, as it keeps drawing me back to it.

    Mona and Lisa, it is soooooooooo gooooooooood!!!  Over 13K views in just 48 hours.

    Well there is this one guy from another planet who criticized it, but I think he’s one of those trolls looking for attention and doesn’t deserve a validation with a response.

    • Michael Rife

      21/08/2019 at 19:12

      Hi Jung;

      That’s the confusing thing for me………..I’m not really a Bowie fan.  I recognize he did some great music in the 1970s and was sad when he passed away.  But, not a big fan.

      Still the song and video by MLT is among their best work…….and I might get into trouble for this…………..I like the song and video more than their Beatles’ covers.  The confusing thing to me is that I am a Beatles fan but not a Bowie fan.  I think they should definitely do more Bowie songs…….Changes comes to mind.  Mike

    • Jung Roe

      22/08/2019 at 06:58

      Hi Mike.  I agree, it is one of their best works.  For me “Starman” is MLT’s Starman, because I honestly never heard this song before, and like you I don’t know David Bowie’s repertoire too much.  This song, like their brilliant “Best Years of our Lives”, and very classically done”Little Drummer Boy” covers just goes to show how truly remarkable Mona and Lisa are with any genre of music they decide to do.  Their talent they honed and developed over the years is truly powerful as their latest “Starman”, “Once Upon a Time”, and “Still A Friend of Mine” videos attest.  I think it’s great they are expanding out into other genres of music, as their brilliance is truly shining.

  • Jim Yahr

    12/08/2019 at 05:14

    As always, it’s a very nice cover.  And really clever releasing it during the peak of the Perseids meteor shower!


  • Jung Roe

    13/08/2019 at 14:50

    Hi Jim.  The video is brilliant in so many ways.  The Lanzarote scenic beauty and the blue hour give it a mysterious mood.  So artistically done with the shot of the stars and Milky Way too.

  • Jung Roe

    22/08/2019 at 06:20

    Winter Silhouette

    Winter Silhouttes – by Mona

    An MLT Starman inspired poem:

    Starry Night

    Sometimes in my life,
    I would look up at the clear night sky,
    In wonder and amazement.
    Where does the universe end?
    Is there life out there?
    Endless questions,
    Curiosity never satisfied.

    The light reaching my eyes,
    Traveled thousands, if not millions of light years,
    And I’m just seeing it now, like a window to the past,
    And the stars I see,
    May be ghosts, faded long ago.
    What unknown worlds and lives are out there,
    In the vast universe?
    It’s all so mind boggling.
    It never ceases to amaze.

    I remember one evening I looked out at the stars
    And thought to myself,
    Where are the ones we loved and lost?
    I thought about my Mom and dog Max.
    “Where are you both, I miss you”,
    I whispered gently.
    At that moment 2 shooting stars,
    Streaked across the night sky.
    I cried.

    The starry night sky,
    beautiful and mysterious.
    I yearn and long to know it’s secrets.
    Maybe one day to be revealed,
    But today, I wonder in amazement and awe!
    MLT’s Starman, reminds me of that awe and wonder.
    What a remarkable song and video.

    Thank you team MLT!

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/08/2019 at 19:15

    Great poem Jung, like you, I had posted just after the Starman video release my inspired poem, it didn’t take much for me to conjure it up, the song inspired instantly…

  • Jung Roe

    23/08/2019 at 08:45

    Thanks so much Jacki!  An absolutely brilliant musical work of art like MLTs Starman can only move and inspire!

    In the words of Salieri, it’s Sublime bliss, “absolute beauty.”



  • Jacki Hopper

    23/08/2019 at 18:57

    You’re welcome Jung!

  • John Behle

    25/08/2019 at 22:16

    I love “Starman.”  I had never heard the Bowie version, so it was new to me.  The music, the video, the ambience.  Amazing song and performance.  I’m so grateful for the way they bring great songs to the world – old and new.  I had never heard of “The Best Years of Our Lives” or “Cockney Rebel” and I absolutely love that song now.  Their magic touch they add to songs is incredible.   Their songs and videos are a treasure.

    I’m glad there is this forum too.  I had been so taken with their cover songs and videos, I hadn’t spent much time listening to their originals.  First “I Don’t Know Birds that Well” jumped out at me from the video.  Wish my uncle the Ornithologist was still around so I could play it for him.  There was a discussion a couple weeks ago about “Count on Me” and now that is one of my favorites.

    As much as I would love to see them cover certain songs, the songs they choose like “Starman” turn out spectacular.  Lanzarote is now towards the top of my bucket list 🙂

  • Jung Roe

    26/08/2019 at 05:50

    Liked everything you said there John.  They do have a an incredible magic touch to songs.  It’s not Mona and Lisa can just perform them brilliantly, but its the way they can emotionally grip you with their songs is a special, special gift they have.  For example the harmonies and humming in one section of their Starman just pulls you at the heart strings.  The longing in the breathtaking singing in The Best Years of Our Lives is another example.

    That is their power, the way they can emotionally grip you.  They can make you swell up with longing joy, and bring out tears at their best.

  • Ckay Kirby

    27/08/2019 at 20:34


    love the take on Bowie’s “Star-man”



    had a play on Photoshop – hope you enjoy



    • Jung Roe

      28/08/2019 at 04:52

      I like that cool starry background effect Skip!  Very nice.   thumbup

      Lisa is quite the Photoshop pro too.  I think they will appreciate your art work there.

      Welcome to the MLT Club by the way!   🙂

    • Ckay Kirby

      28/08/2019 at 05:10

      Cheers Jung

      glad to be here, looking forward to being involved, working my way round all the posts and comments, getting a real good vibe from you all



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