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  • Starman – Time for some surround sound speakers

    Posted by John Behle on 05/09/2019 at 03:28

    I’m obviously a few weeks behind many of you, but maybe not all 🙂

    I’ve enjoyed Starman on the TV and Ipad for the whole time.  But only a couple days ago put on some headphones.  I love the extra detail put into the audio of some of the guitar sounds moving from one side to the other.  It kind of gets my brain spinning in circles – like most of your videos 🙂  It a perfect sci-fi type feeling  Just a cool extra I thought, and maybe someone else might not have noticed.  A little late to the game, but now I’m searching for some surround sound speakers.

    Also, noticed for the first time the lyrics on “The Best Days of Our Lives” were adapted.  I think replacing the first words of “You’d be amazed, hard to ignore” with “European Maids, hard to ignore” is perfect.  I am very grateful I didn’t ignore that first “Drive my Car” video that popped up.  That would have been sad.

    Just one quick question I hate to have to ask.  I’ve tried to search and read through posts looking for a post I should have copied immediately – but I can’t find it.   Someone mentioned several types of  video editing software.  It was informative and my videos are in need of some good editing.  Everything I have is way out of date and won’t run on my system.

    Jung Roe replied 5 years ago 6 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Howard

    05/09/2019 at 07:24

    Thanks for sharing John. I too noticed a huge difference between first listening to “Starman” on an iPad and TV and then through headphones. It was only with the headphones that I really picked up those excellent bass lines, supported by Mona’s lovely drumming. Thanks also for the tip on “European Maids, hard to ignore” as I hadn’t picked up on this. I’ll have to listen more carefully next time.

  • John Behle

    06/09/2019 at 00:17

    Ok, I made a mistake.  I trusted the internet.  I had looked up the lyrics some time ago and then when I saw the lyrics to the MLT version, they were different.  The site I had gone to was and it states the Steve Harley lyrics are as I mentioned above.  I had never heard him sing it, so I just played a YouTube video from ten years ago with him singing it and it sure sounds to me like “European maids.”  So either the internet lyrics site was wrong or he has sung it different ways???    I prefer to think he had a premonition of two incredible European sisters that would rock the music industry.  🙂

    • Jacki Hopper

      06/09/2019 at 00:51

      Hi John, you had me intrigued so I went googling different lyric sites and most have “European Maids” stated….

  • Howard

    06/09/2019 at 05:55

    Well, I can well understand the mistake, John. I always thought Mona was singing “You’d be amazed, hard to ignore”. Now I hear her singing “European Maid, hard to ignore”, with ‘Maid’ rather than ‘Maids’. Am I hearing this correctly now?

    I’ll also go with your ‘premonition’ theory!

    By the way, I have just watched a video of “Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel with the Monalisa Twins” and “Make Me Smile (Come Up and See Me)”. Not the best of recordings but a great opportunity to see the Twins in action live. They obviously enjoyed themselves on stage.



    • Ckay Kirby

      06/09/2019 at 18:40

      Hiya Howard,


      not part of this conversation but as a new club member I must say thanks for putting the Steve Harley link up – brilliant, as you say sound not perfect but seeing the twins excel in their supporting role was exceptional. Had not found this video so thanks again, loving every minute of being part of the Twins musical life and look forward to when become mainstream artist’s in their own right, they deserve it.



  • John Behle

    06/09/2019 at 06:31

    Just listened again and checked the lyric book here.  It is “maids.”   Listened to Steve Harley again and I guess he says “maids”, but it sounds more like “mates” to my ears.  It just kind of intrigued me because I didn’t know the song and Mona’s words didn’t seem to match the copy of the lyrics I had seen.   I just chalked it up to the accent I love so much.  It actually sounds kind of cool to me when it sneaks through sometimes.  Reminds me of my Austrian ski coach when I was younger.

    Checked Wikipedia to see if there were two versions and who the writer was.  It says Steve Harley of course.  I was excited to see that the article mentions Mona and Lisa’s version and their tour with Steve Harley and Cockney Rebel.  I enjoy the various videos there are of that joint performance.  It looks like it would have been a great show to see.   Just saw the twins listing in Wikipedia also.  I’m glad to see it there.  I looked some time ago and either missed it or it wasn’t there yet.   I hope the listing helps some others find the treasures they share with the world.

  • Howard

    06/09/2019 at 06:54

    “It actually sounds kind of cool to me when it sneaks through sometimes.” I couldn’t agree more.  To me, their English diction is just about perfect, especially with their accent. I can actually understand them more clearly than the average English person. Nice to hear they have made Wikipedia. I’ll have to check their entry out!

  • Howard

    06/09/2019 at 07:15

    I’m not sure about a Wikipedia listing for them. There is an entry for a French group “Mona Lisa (band)” though.

  • John Behle

    06/09/2019 at 07:30

    I just checked and it comes up in a search for “The MonaLisa Twins.”   I know I couldn’t find it several weeks ago when I first tried.  I may have typed it wrong or it might be new. It’s very current and says it was last edited 5 days ago.  It links in with the “Best Years” song and with “I’ll Be Back”.  Two of my top 5 favorites.

  • Howard

    06/09/2019 at 13:12

    I just discovered the link thank you, John. I can also recommend the link to “UK band MonaLisa Twins talk background, ’60s style songwriting, and new album ‘ORANGE'”, Guitar Girl Magazine, retrieved August 30, 2019,  under Citations.

  • Jung Roe

    06/09/2019 at 13:41

    It’s a great sign to see MLT now listed in Wikipedia, as they weren’t a couple months ago when I checked.  It means they are being noticed more and more in the world.  It’s just the start of their global music proliferation.

    • David Herrick

      06/09/2019 at 17:40

      Yes, I agree!  But I noticed the entry states that they are identical twins, whereas they replied to a member’s question in the “ask MLT” forum a few months ago that they had no idea whether they were identical.  I’m sure they’ll be thrilled to know that Wikipedia somehow figured it out for them.


  • Howard

    06/09/2019 at 13:55

    John, back on 04/04/2019 at 07:32 to be precise, you’ll find the Topic “Misheard lyrics”, where I think your post “You’d be amazed, hard to ignore” and “European Maids, hard to ignore” would sit perfectly!

  • Howard

    06/09/2019 at 17:47

    Yes David, however it is most probable that they are identical twins. Apparently you don’t have to be perfectly alike to be classified as identical twins, and they have many similarities.

  • Jung Roe

    07/09/2019 at 03:05

    I think they said they never bothered to get their genes tested to confirm if they were identical twins or not.  Why pay someone to confirm what you already know.  I still have trouble telling them apart in some of their childhood pics.  There was one pic recently from Lanzarote where Mona had a bonnet hiding her hair and I could not immediately tell if it was Mona or Lisa.  I had to look at it a few times carefully before I figured out it was Mona.

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