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  • Still A Friend Of Mine

    Posted by Conan Berongis on 03/05/2019 at 21:20

    Hi Mona and Lisa,

    I just had to say that this song is such a beautiful ballad. I listen to it often, maybe too often, but I LOVE it. As a matter of fact, I’m listening to it as I write this. And each time I listen to the lyrics, combined with Lisa’s lead, Mona’s backing, and Papa Rudi’s soothing piano playing,  it always brings subtle tears to my eyes. Very melodic and of course, powerful. For me it really hits home deep in my heart.  I really love MLT and can’t wait for new material!

    P.S. You’re now friends of mine. 🙂


    Howard replied 5 years, 4 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    03/05/2019 at 21:20

    Thank you so much Conan, and WELCOME TO THE CLUB!
    We’re glad you like that song in particular. It’s one of those pieces that had its very own, special aura right from the beginning when we started composing and writing it. We took our time tinkering with the chord progressions and mood to musically “translate” the message which is very dear to us. It’s been very different to anything else we’ve done before, and we, too, think that our Dad should play the piano more often 😉
    We like that you like it!
    Hope you’re having a groovy time here!

    • Richard McGlenn

      04/05/2019 at 03:48

      I too hope that your Dad plays piano more in the upcoming original music. I think part of the musical success of ORANGE can be attributed to more keyboard being included in the mix.


  • Jung Roe

    04/05/2019 at 09:57

    Your dad Rudolph is one awesome cool pianist!  I was so thrilled to see him lead off with that concert pianist scene in the video of this song.

  • Howard

    04/05/2019 at 17:23

    Okay, I’m on board with more Rudi piano in the next album but would also like to see the Twins experimenting with more exotic instruments. Flute and cello, as we’ve seen in the past for example and surely there’s an opportunity for Michaela to shine on something like the oboe and saxophone, as Brian Jones did for the Rolling Stones’ ‘Dandelion’. I wonder if Lisa has attempted the guitar-sitar yet? That would truly go down well with another psychedelic number in the ‘Once UponA Time’ vein.

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