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  • Studio Building Q…

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 12/01/2020 at 19:25

    When you had your home studio back in Austria, and now your current one in UK, what exactly materials and/or were used to offer ultimate soundproofing as to not have nearby neighbour’s complain (hopefully not – I’d welcome it)?!…

    II ask this particular Q as it interests me because my Grandpa Rea (late Mom’s Dad) and a late uncle of mine were both house construction contractors-builders and proudly took pride in their craftsmanship and quality of it, they built to last. The house I grew up in until I was in my 30s and we sold it, almost 50 yrs standing since built in 1961-62 until sold in 2002-003, was a wedding gift from my grandparents /uncle, custom built with Wee Mom in mind, etc. I like reading how things are built, though I don’t fully understand all tech aspects, the process fascinates me and what was used to achieve. Look forward to your thoughts on this, Thankyou!!

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 8 months ago 3 Members · 3 Replies
  • 3 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    12/01/2020 at 19:26

    Hi Jacki,

    Papa Rudi built the studio in Austria from scratch in his mid 20’s. I just asked him to catch me up on the specifics of the insulation, so he helped me out with this reply 🙂

    The recording studio consists of several rooms, each soundproofed with heavy concrete walls, multiple layers of heavy, thick angled glass windows and soundproof doors.

    It was a room-in-room concept with glass wool as damping material behind a second wall made of dual layers of plasterboard, so that the plasterboard was the inside wall of the room and the concrete walls the outside.

    The rooms were also lined with sound-absorbing acoustic foam on one side, movable panels on the ceiling with one reflecting and one absorbing side to change the room acoustics, and built-in recording booths separated by several layers of the angled glass so you could see each other without hearing each other. The outside windows were soundproofed too, so even with a heavy metal band recording, the neighbours wouldn’t hear a thing.

    In our studio here in England we have downgraded the soundproofing considerably. We rely on heavy curtains, wool carpets and the goodwill of our neighbours. So far it has worked out perfectly … except for some hiccups in the very beginning when we didn’t have air conditioning yet and had to keep the windows open for a few rehearsal sessions 😉

    Since our studio here is not public anymore it’s not like the studio is constantly noisy. We aren’t recording heavy drum parts several times a week or have to do a day and a night shift like dad sometimes did in Austria when he was still recording and producing a lot of clients.

    The Austrian studio was a luxury in the way that we could record at 3am if we wanted to, but with a little bit of planning ahead that’s easy to avoid 😉

    I hope that answers everything!

    Grooviest greetings to Canada!

  • Howard

    12/01/2020 at 21:15

    Amazing Austrian studio Mona. I hadn’t realised just how much went into this side of the recording process. It’s nice to hear your downgraded Liverpool studio is working well for you.

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/01/2020 at 22:01

    Thankyou Mona and Papa Rudi for your in depth and understandable explanation of how it was all built, quite interesting and education and I can guarantee you that both my late Uncle Everett (Ev) & my Grandpa Rea  (Mom’s Dad), both being house/building contractors/builders, would of been most impressed and pleased about this as I am equally, Thankyou again. Most fascinating and my curiosity nourished. ?

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