Suggestion for songs from the radio interviews
In the many radio interviews you did, especially the Saturday series with Billy Butler, there are many awesome live songs you did that are just gems, like A little help from my friends, Help, Here Comes the Sun, Tonight You Belong To me…etc. I also enjoyed many of your originals performed acoustically that sounds different from the album version like the Wide Wide Land, Won’t You Listen Now. While they can be accessed by going to the Radio Interview/broadcast, I think they tend to get listened to less because you have to find them within the interview, so I wonder if people might be able to enjoy them more easily if they were featured in a separate section, just the songs, within the Contents area as individual tracks . Perhaps call it something like “live radio performances”.  Like what you did with “Strawberry Fields”.
Thanks, and Kudos to how wonderful you’ve made the MLT Club with all the content and activities!
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