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  • ”Sweet Lorraine”

    Posted by Howard on 02/07/2020 at 01:27

    In my previous post, I enquired about possible videos of two of your new Duo Session recordings. I of course forgot to mention ”Sweet Lorraine”, which is such a great original song and this duo version is also begging for a video.There has previously been debate about the worthiness of producing more videos from your ”Orange” album and I am with those who believe some songs are best left to our imaginations. I believe the album version of ”Sweet Lorraine” is one of those songs.

    Lorraine may be a slightly flawed character (aren’t most of us!), but she is also a character we can sympathise with, and life can be so cruel sometimes. A video of your acoustic version would I’m sure be delightful. Is there any chance of this happening in your busy life?

    I hope Lorraine eventually finds the right partner and lives a happy life.

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 1 month ago 8 Members · 19 Replies
  • 19 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    02/07/2020 at 01:28

    Hi Howard! Yes, we filmed all those duo sessions and will release them in the Club in the weeks to come. We particularly enjoyed arranging Sweet Lorraine for a duo performance, lots of little details we could incorporate 🙂 Thanks for getting the album ♥

  • Jung Roe

    02/07/2020 at 03:08

    I can hardly wait for the day to see the Sweet Lorraine Duo session video Lisa!!! It’s going to be so awesome to see you both singing it. ?

  • Michael Rife

    09/08/2020 at 00:33


    Personally I would like to see a video of Sweet Lorraine……it’s because she is a flawed character that would cause making a video intriguing.  And by video I don’t mean a duo session video, I would like a story telling video.  Could be challenging and dramatic.  The only problem I could possibly see is would the story telling video live up to expectations.  A possible problem with a song like Sweet Lorraine is that (if you are like me) our imagination of the characters and their actions during the song is firmly rooted in our minds.  And since everyone is different, the imagination of the characters and actions would be different for each member.  So, the video may not match what some have already imagined it to be and this mismatch may cause disappointment to some Club members.  So, I think I just talked myself out of wanting the story-telling video……To quote Charlie Brown……Good Grief!!!  Mike

  • Howard

    09/08/2020 at 02:06

    Well put Mike. I feel the same dichotomy, if that’s the correct expression when it comes to videos of MLT originals. Some of them are ones I saw the YouTube videos of before hearing the album versions, so am quite okay with them.

    Videos like “The Wide, Wide, Land”, “I don’t Know Birds”, “Dreams”, “That’s Life”, “All About Falling In Love” “June”, “Once Upon A Time”, “Won’t You Listen Now” and “One More Time”, among others, well all of them actually, fall into that category for me. As well as being fabulous song writers, the MLT are also excellent interpreters of those songs by video.

    When it comes to songs like “Sweet Lorraine” though, where I already have my own visual narrative, I believe they are best left to our imaginations! Having said that, of course I expect that the MLT could do wondrous things with a full blown video version of this song that I’m sure I’d thoroughly enjoy. Personally though, I’d be quite happy with a simple Duo Session interpretation.

  • Michael Rife

    09/08/2020 at 18:31


    Yep, right there with you.



  • Jacki Hopper

    11/08/2020 at 01:04

    Count On Me to echo thisxsentiment…..??

  • Howard

    11/08/2020 at 03:58

    ’Count On Me’ is another great MLT original Jacki! I wonder what they could make of a video of that one. I can already picture Lisa in a darkened room, lit only by flickering candle light.

  • Johnnypee Parker

    11/08/2020 at 04:31

    I would love to see videos for Sweet Lorraine and Count On Me, but Mike talked me out of it, too.  Great songs like these tell a story that most people can relate to.

    Having said that, Sweet Lorraine seems like it does follow a story line with a twist, so a video could be kool.  Lisa’s red hands come to mind.  We would probably see a darker side of MLT.  Alternate endings? or would an open ending match the song better?

    I relate a lot of favorite songs with different experiences or events in my life.  Someone else’s interpretation of the song may ruin it for me.  I grew up on MTV, but I feel some songs are better left in the listener’s mind.

    And now it’s up to my imagination
    What it is I’m making of it all


  • Jung Roe

    11/08/2020 at 06:25

    Having said that, Sweet Lorraine seems like it does follow a story line with a twist, so a video could be kool.  Lisa’s red hands come to mind.  We would probably see a darker side of MLT.  Alternate endings? or would an open ending match the song better?

    JP, good point.  They could make the video very dark.  Have you seen Lisa’s halloween video, and what she can do with a guitar?  The Who’s on stage guitar smashing would look lame in comparison.  🙂

    As MLT already has the acoustic Duo Session video for Sweet Lorraine on the way, not sure a second video might be their priority, but whatever they do I’d be perfectly happy.

    I think some videos with a story line can enhance a song beyond what anyone imagined and some don’t.  John Lennon’s Imagine come to mind.  The opening of the windows to let in more light in a dark room is brilliant, but my imagination for the song is not limited by that video.  There is no hard fast rule when it comes to music and art.  In my humble opinion.



  • Jacki Hopper

    11/08/2020 at 17:55

    Howard…lol…I was being funny, when I said Count On Me, I meant as a funny seguay into my reply, in that I echoed the  sentiments,  while I do agree Count On Me would make for a great video , I was referring to echoing your sentiments,  just clarifying in case you misinterpreted  my reply…??


  • Howard

    11/08/2020 at 23:47

    Yes, I understand Jacki. I just thought it was also an opportunity to promote the value of another MLT video.

  • Jacki Hopper

    12/08/2020 at 13:53

    No harm to do do, Howard,  I agree ???

  • Bill Isenberg

    13/08/2020 at 00:51

    I am with you all I love  to see Sweet Lorraine and Count on Me  ( my favorite ) so we all know that when the time is right? These ladies will deliver and you can bet it will be a great video.  I feel Count on Me is such a wonderful song , and yep….I sing along with it word for word!!! LOL…But the Duo version of Sweet Lorraine is a classic for the twins for sure, but hey guys? What about a  video on Club 27? Any thoughts?

  • Howard

    13/08/2020 at 01:35

    A Club 27 video would be a difficult undertaking for anyone, including the MLT. However, I’m sure they could pull it off if they had the time and inclination!

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/08/2020 at 01:50

    It seems to me, this was kind  of previously discussed in another topic on here,lol… or else  , I’m hallucinating from our humid heatwave we’re having where I am at….lol…I recall seeing replies,   I  believe I replied,  on how we would love to see videos of all these songs, or at least Club 27, I can envision the video for that, Damn, it’s be a humdinger dandy…the video concepts or as Duo Sessions…whatever way, guaranteed to be top notch  calibre…?

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