MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum MLT-FAQs ”Sweet Lorraine”


  • Jung Roe

    13/08/2020 at 08:36

    Bill I’m with you there on Club 27.  I’d love to see Lisa light up her Gretsch Duo Jet on that one, and Mona doing her spectacular hard rock lead vocals.  A Duo Session version I’m sure would be just as awesome.

    Guitar flames



  • Stephen Krogh

    13/08/2020 at 20:15

    Awesome flaming Duo Jet Jung!!!

    IMHO:  “Count On Me” -No. This song is simply so beautiful both musically and lyrically that it defies any attempt at enhancement. “Club 27” -Yes, as a video showcasing their incredible performance of the song, but -No, insofar as telling the story. (You’re talking about real people here remember.)  “Sweet Lorraine” -Yes! Being a purely fictional story it could lend itself to lots of artistic license as a story video without any diminishment of the wonderful music. I have no doubt that, given they had the time, MLT could produce a truly amazing, creative, fun and professional video of this original song that may very well catch on fire and bring them more attention than anything they have yet done! Mona and Lisa need to star in the leading roles of course! Other than time, they need the money to produce this future gem. Any ideas?

  • Jung Roe

    14/08/2020 at 00:48

    Stephen, agree Sweet Lorraine is a diamond gem, and deserving of MLTs most creative treatment.  Their acoustic version alone, well I think I expressed it previously in no uncertain terms is mind blowing.  Looking forward to the Duo Session video for that.

    As for a full blown video for Sweet Lorraine, I guess it all comes down to what are the other top priorities for MLT with their new original material and projects in the works and the best use of their time and effort.  I trust in their judgement as we all do.  I’m sure their Duo Session video of Sweet Lorraine, released to the public at some point would be great exposure for the song too.

  • Jacki Hopper

    14/08/2020 at 01:50

    Team MLT, can take any song, creatively make it visually,audio appealing,  with top notch efforts, whether it be from full fledged makeup, etc., to splendid outdoor scenery, landscapes… I’m a visual person, so I tend to appreciate the visual aspects more so than just the abstract aspects, I relate better to concepts that are  concrete, can visualize in my mind’s  eye…that’s  how I reflect upon this…?☮

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