• Thank you

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 25/01/2021 at 22:24

    Mona and Lisa,

    This is a thank you to the both of you from me personally. My life in 2020 like everyone else has been challenging. I Am 62 years old and very lucky to be at the same job for 44 years since I graduated from High School and it is at a point now that it has become very difficult and hoping to retire soon and my personal life has been up and down, and the up part is my grand daughter Maddie. But want to let you know how much your music means to me. I Look forward each day to listen or watch UTube and your positive approach and love for the 60’s and 70’s music is a huge part of my life and you make it so much better with your covers and your original music. I know some of my posts may be over the top but your music means the world to me and again just want to let you know how much it means to me each day. I know this is a ask the Mona Lisa Twins section but thought I would put it here so you both can see this, also cherrish dad and Michelle, they are the best and god bless you all at team MLT. Looking forward to a better 2021.

    Bill Isenberg A Huge Fan from Pittsburgh PA USA

    Bill Isenberg replied 3 years, 7 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    25/01/2021 at 22:24

    Thank you so much, Bill! We are glad and thankful that you are allowing our music to be part of your life and all its ups and downs. We really hope that this year will bring many many good things and that Maddie will continue to add so much sunshine to your life!

    Thanks for leaving this message, we appreciate it ♥

  • Brian St. August

    25/01/2021 at 23:00

    Really well said, Bill, and I second your comments in full…

  • Jacki Hopper

    26/01/2021 at 00:03

    Beautifully summed up Bill,  #MLTBuzzLuvGroovified  Postivity  Vibes to you and Maddie☮

  • Bill Isenberg

    26/01/2021 at 19:05

    Lisa , Brian and Jacki,

    Thanks so much. I know I go on at times with how much I love the Mona Lisa Twins and their music and vision , but no kidding I have to hear or watch each day and my best time is on the way home, my car still has a cd player in it and I have all the CD’S In my back pack and pull one out each day on the way home from work and it completes my day. Also My little Maddie as she is getting her shower, puts the Mona Lisa Twins music on and sings along with them. It is so nice and beautiful to listen to. She loves The Wide Wide Land and This Boy is Mine and Did you ever have to make up your mind with John Sabastaian , so yes Lisa she is a light in our lives!!!

  • Thomas Randall

    28/01/2021 at 01:34

    Well said Bill! I too am 62 and the girls have really helped me through some of my health problems the past 2 and a half years. They are the best medicine I’ve ever had. And without a prescription!

  • Jung Roe

    03/02/2021 at 02:17

    That’s so heartwarming Bill. I think you said so eloquently how we all feel about Mona and Lisa and the way they touch each of us so much. Thanks for that Bill, and thanks Mona, Lisa, Michaela, and Rudolf, you don’t know how much of a blessing you all are to us!

  • Bill Isenberg

    13/02/2021 at 16:48

    Great Replies everyone. And the newest video of Nowhere Man is proof how they can make our day brighter. So nice to witness their talent and know that there are still wonderful people in this world Mona, Lisa and Pa and Michelle that make sure that things are ok and we will all get thru this lock down together and hope to someday soon see them live in Concert.

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