MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion Thank You For The Livestreams

  • Dennis Grover

    24/12/2023 at 02:35

    And thank you for setting this up Tim!

    • Tim Arnold

      24/12/2023 at 03:45

      Thanks Dennis but I had a lot of help. It was a last minute idea and we couldn’t contact everyone so I hope those that we missed will see this and post a picture. Mona and Lisa said they wished they could see all of us so maybe this will help.

  • Tom Watson

    24/12/2023 at 04:22

    Hi Mona and Lisa, Just wanted to thank you for all you do for the MLT Club. We appreciate all of your hard work. This is an older pic of my wife, Margaret and I, but it is the best one I found. I missed most of the live streams this year due to Margaret’s heart attack, but enjoyed all that I saw. Margaret is doing much better and recently went back to work. So my thoughts and time have been mainly with Margaret. Wishing you all a Merry Christmas and looking forward to the New Year. Thank you again.

    Tom & Margaret Watson

  • Jürgen

    24/12/2023 at 05:01

    Liebe Mona und liebe Lisa,

    I would also like to say thank you and wish you and everyone else here in the forum a wonderful Christmas time.

    Viele herzliche Weihnachtsgrüße


    PS: I brought four guys here who would also like to wish you a Merry Christmas 😀

  • Peter White

    24/12/2023 at 14:33

    Mona, Lisa, Rudy and Michaela, I didn’t know I needed your music in my life until I heard the Twins’ singing, your wonderful harmonies and the insightful original lyrics and found that I needed them in my life! Thank you all for those livestreams, for letting me share some time with such gifted and talented people. Much love, Pete

    • Chris Weber

      24/12/2023 at 21:26

      Thanks so much for the Livestreams and the whole Advent Calendar! It does feel like I’m getting to know you and your family. You are so close, which is wonderful – watching you smile and laugh the same way, and finish each others’ sentences.

      I’m getting to know the Club members better too because of these Livestreams. This was so special. Thanks! You are the best.

      I just took the pic below a few minutes ago, but the smile on my face has been there since I joined the Club.

      All the best, and much love,


  • Jeffery Ohlwine

    25/12/2023 at 00:59

    MERRY CHRISTMAS from Jeff, my Mom, Juneal, our cat, Kooper and one of the many 🦌 that eats my birdseed! Thank you so much for the most joyous Advent Season yet, and especially the magical, magnificent, musical Christmas Livestream! Recharge during your brief respite and truly enjoy each other!

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