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  • Jung Roe

    27/12/2023 at 21:05

    I’d gladly catch Mona’s cough, just to have been there in person with them! 😁💖

    Hope you feel better Tim, lot’s of vitamin C. They say once you caught it, it’s too late for vitamin C, but I don’t think so,

    • Bud Jackson

      30/12/2023 at 01:36

      Hey Jung, here’s a QUESTION:

      This has happened to me a few times before, & it’s aggravating! I just started typing a long response to the “Best of the Best” discussion. I tapped something by mistake & all my work was highlighted. I clicked to get rid of the highlighted words, & I LOST EVEYTHING! I tried finding it to no avail. I was able to get it back the last time, but I have no idea what I did to get it back.

      Any ideas? No rush! Thanks for listening! — Bud

    • Jung Roe

      30/12/2023 at 02:12

      Hey Bud

      If you click the reply button for the post you were originally replying to, the text may still be there when you open the reply window again. That has happened to me a few times and, and so I try to get in the habit of copying the text to my clipboard as often as possible when I am typing a long message, or if it is something really long I compose the text in another app, and then copy paste it in to the reply. Good luck, I hope you are able to retrieve it.

    • Chris Weber

      31/12/2023 at 18:18

      If you lose a bunch of text that you typed in, like Bud said, one thing you can try is to hold down the Ctrl key, and while holding it down, press the Z key. It reverses the last thing you did. And you can do it multiple times as well.

    • Bud Jackson

      31/12/2023 at 22:46

      Thanks Chris,

      I’ll try that next time! Also what Jung said, you can find the person’s post that you were replying to and hit “Reply.” That’s how I found my text. But I’ll try yours next time, Thank You! — Bud

  • Daryl Jones

    28/12/2023 at 16:42

    I have to agree with Jung, that would be worth the hassle of a cough!

    What I usually get from computer proximity is more of a mental thing though. Too often we get bombarded by negativity from that electronic gizmo!

    Fortunately, that isn’t the case around here.

  • Thomas Randall

    30/12/2023 at 01:35

    Don’t feel bad Tim, I had an unrelenting cough for 4 1/2 months starting in August. My pulmonary doctor and the hospital couldn’t pin point the cause, even after x-rays, CT scan, heart ultrasound. They eventually said it could be allergies or my acid reflux issue. That coupled with COPD made for a crappy time. Got rid of it just in time for the advent calendar streams though thankfully. MLT always makes me feel SO MUCH better.

    • Bud Jackson

      31/12/2023 at 22:49


      Sorry to hear that! I’ve had a cough for close to a month, & it wrecked my voice. It’s starting to get better, but TOO slowly! But 4 & 1/2 months for you? Wow, that’s no fun! Hope you’re feeling better soon!

      — Bud

    • Thomas Randall

      04/01/2024 at 23:04

      Thanks Bud, I feel O.K. now thankfully. Glad Mona is doing much better.

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