• Thanksgiving 2021

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 24/11/2021 at 22:08

    Tomorrow in the US is Thanksgiving Holiday and I want to send wishes to Mona and Lisa and Rudi and Michella and the club members on a Happy Thanksgiving ! I wish nothing but the best to you all and so thankful for my family and to my extended family in the Mona Lisa Club! Me and Maddie sends out hugs to you all and hope you have a chance to relax and enjoy the time together . I so look forward to this day and the food and pies and after last year we are having a house full of people that we love and cherish . My wife is making 4 different pies along with 2 turkeys and plenty of fixings. So raise a glass to you all and god bless you all

    Love Bill and Maddie Isenberg Huge Fans from Pittsburgh pa USA

    Bill Isenberg replied 2 years, 9 months ago 6 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • Roger Penn

    24/11/2021 at 22:17

    Happy Thanksgiving Bill! Sounds like I should be at your place! Thanks to COVID, we’ll be staying at home and cooking just for 4.

  • Jacki Hopper

    24/11/2021 at 23:08

    Hi Bill & Maddie …. From Canada way ( our Thanksgiving celebrated in October )…wishing you both and family to enjoy a most Happy #MLTBuzzGroovified USA Thanksgiving ????

  • Johnnypee Parker

    25/11/2021 at 02:49

    Sounds like a party, Bill. My in-laws live across the street, so we are making a small feast for them. We are filled with joy, as our oldest son is home for the holiday. Our other son is stationed with the USAF in Florida. Unfortunately, we won’t see him in person, but thanks to modern technology we can share some time together digitally.

    Hope you all have a wonderful day,

    JP & Marlo

  • Jung Roe

    25/11/2021 at 03:14

    Hi Bill, wishing you and Maddie and the whole family a wonderful Thanksgiving! 🙂

  • Bill Isenberg

    25/11/2021 at 15:30

    Thanks everyone for the Holiday Wishes. Johnny god bless your family and happy you can still be in touch with your son. Jung, Jacki , and Roger the best to you and your family. In short…..this is going to be special for us my oldest son and Daughter have not got along over the years and this past year of 2021 was good for our family, they are talking and it appears to be taking baby steps to get where we were at one time as a family, so as I send this to you all, I am tearing up because my family is my world and to have us all back together is a gift. Thus is the reason I cling to you all and Mona and Lisa because there are good people in this world to make it a better place and can’t think of a better way to be than in the Mona Lisa Club meeting you all.

    God Bless

    Bill and Maddie

  • David Herrick

    27/11/2021 at 20:15

    Happy Thanksgiving to all club members who celebrate the holiday, and to all who just think it’s a cool idea to reserve a day in the middle of the work week for sitting down at a big table and stuffing your face with carbs.

    I’m surprised that a bigger deal wasn’t made of the fact that this was the 400th anniversary of the first American Thanksgiving. I guess if they don’t drill a date into your head in history class, it doesn’t ring a bell later. Except for the dinner bell!

  • Bill Isenberg

    27/11/2021 at 21:48

    Thanks David! I agree one day in the middle of the week? And in some cases, you need the next day to recover….LOL..Like me! But anymore it seems to be that Thanksgiving is past over for Christmas. Around September / October here in the USA they start putting things out for Christmas and it is a shame in a way because Thanksgiving is a special day to give thanks and be with loved ones!

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