• That one song…

    Posted by Roger Penn on 07/12/2021 at 16:57

    I was going to post this in Ask MLT, but then I thought it would be fun to hear everyone else’s answers as well, so I’m putting it here. Hopefully one of the twins will see it and can chime in here, too.

    And now I’m going to come clean and admit something that will get me branded as a heretic and unceremoniously kicked out of the MLT club. One of my least favorite songs EVER that just makes me want to puke and run for the hills screaming is…Wonderful Christmastime. I simply can’t stand it. MLT does a wonderful job with it. But it’s like putting your favorite actors into a horrible movie. Doesn’t make the movie good. Of course I would be appalled if they hadn’t put it on their Christmas album, considering our common love of all things Beatle-related, so that’s completely understood.

    So is there any Beatles song that you secretly abhor? Or for that matter, any other song that everyone else seems to love and you’re afraid that if you came out of the closet as a secret hater that you’d be burned at the stake? My daughter loves the Beatles but goes ape-doo-doo if she has to listen to “You Know My Name (Look Up the Number).”

    Jung Roe replied 2 years, 9 months ago 5 Members · 13 Replies
  • 13 Replies
  • Will Beard

    08/12/2021 at 04:08

    Songs I dont care for now matter who performs that I can do wiithout are Mercedes Benz and These Boots Are Made For Walking. The only recordings of those 2 songs that I listen to are the Twins, and even then hit “next” half the time. When I do listen to them its because of loyalty to the Twins.

  • Jung Roe

    08/12/2021 at 06:30

    LOL! ???? I don’t think you will be branded and kicked out of the MLT Club anytime soon Roger.

    The only song that immediately comes to mind that made me want to puke and run for the hills screaming is by an 80s group called The Culture Club, and their biggest hit song “Do You Really Want To Hurt Me”. I couldn’t stand it for some reason since the first listen.

  • David Herrick

    08/12/2021 at 20:45

    I could write a book about all the songs that I can’t stand that are often touted as great, but that would require thinking about them again after having banished them from my mind.

    • Roger Penn

      09/12/2021 at 02:38

      Oh dear! I hadn’t thought of that, David! Maybe people don’t want to think about it for fear it might get stuck in their heads! Don’t need anyone tearing down any carefully constructed mental blocks!

  • David Herrick

    21/12/2021 at 15:45
    • Roger Penn

      21/12/2021 at 17:58

      ROFL! Thanks David! That was great reading. Some of those comments and criticisms just made me LOL they were so wonderful.

  • Jim Yahr

    22/12/2021 at 16:33

    I cannot stand “The Little Drummer Boy”. If it comes on the radio, it’s off to another station or just turned off.

    If I had to pick a Beatles tune to put on my least liked list it would be “Yesterday” – something about it just annoys me to no end.

    • Roger Penn

      22/12/2021 at 16:44

      Well you’re in good company Jim. David Bowie hated it enough that LDB/Peace on Earth was born. I like it, but I can easily see how it would be annoying or could be disliked.

      As for “Yesterday,” I find that fascinating. Nice to know I’m not the only one that hates a beloved classic. I wonder if it’s the tune itself, just the Beatles rendition, or maybe the fact that it’s so over-done (who hasn’t covered it?) that just the thought of it is annoying. I feel the same way about Cohen’s “Hallelujah.” While I love the song itself, I do get tired of hearing everyone and their uncle’s monkeys trying to cash in with it.

    • Jim Yahr

      22/12/2021 at 17:21

      I agree about “Hallelujah” and what really irks me about it is that it gets played as a Christmas or religious song and when you really listen to it, it’s a breakup song about a failed relationship. Great idea for a song to sing at Christmas!

  • Jung Roe

    22/12/2021 at 19:50

    Whitney Houston’s “I will always love you” has started to sound like nails scratching on a chalkboard to me whenever I hear it. I think the song it self is good musically, but it’s her vocal gymnastics with the highs that I can’t stand, doesn’t really add to the song, and feels more like a spot light on her yodeling vocals on how high and long she can sustain it.

  • Roger Penn

    22/12/2021 at 20:34

    Yes! I hate that too! It’s like all the national anthem renditions that are not about “How great is our country” but “look what an awesome vocal acrobat I am!”

  • David Herrick

    22/12/2021 at 21:30

    Personally I only care for instrumental versions of the U.S. national anthem, largely for the reason you cited, Roger. My favorite is this one that they used to play on a lot of local TV stations each day at sign-on / sign-off:


  • Jung Roe

    22/12/2021 at 22:04

    Agree, anytime a musician or singer distracts from the integrity of the song or music in favour of their virtuosity, they’ve missed the point of it all. Much of modern and 20th century classical music is composed to highlight the blazing quick and amazing speed and finger dexterity of the musicians to ooh and awe the crowds at competitions at the expense of “the music” creating mediocre abstract music, if you can even call it music.

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