• Giving Extra Support

    Posted by Timothy Connelly on 20/10/2018 at 11:48

    I would like to encourage those of us who have the means to pledge an additional $30 a month (or whatever your budget will allow) to the MonaLisa Twins.
    There’s a link above called, “Give” and once you click on it, it’s pretty self-explanatory. If you are in a position to give, then I’m sure they will appreciate it. Just by being a member of the Club we are giving important support. However, the expenses of an artist pile up and I’m sure they will be able to find a good use for any extra support we are able to give.


    Timothy Connelly replied 5 years, 11 months ago 3 Members · 5 Replies
  • 5 Replies
  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 13:41

    Hi Tim. It wouldn’t surprise you if I said I had similar thoughts and of course it has always been an option for supporters to make donations.

    While I would also encourage anyone who can, to donate more on a regular basis, I think it is still early days and the Club is building momentum quite rapidly. I believe encouraging more people to join the club is the best way to go at the moment as placing expectations on people who may not be in a position to give more may feel their membership is devalued. Many members are musicians and some are probably full-time or working in other artistic endeavours and we all know how hard it is for the average person to make a living in the entertainment industry.

    The Wagners’ never cease to amaze me how well they have steadily built their family business and I am confident they have done the maths and worked out just what they believe is the best balance for both them and their supporters at the moment. If that situation changes, I’m sure they’ll come up with a more suitable option to put to us at the time.  Don’t forget your reminder about the law of diminishing returns Tim.

    To be honest, I’m starting to question the value of my Spotify account as I am using it less and less. The only issue I have cancelling it is losing the huge catalogue of favourite music I have downloaded, and as good as MLT are, they’re never going to find the time to cover all the old sixties and seventies songs I have in my collection.

    My Spotify account is $15 per month. If the MLT database of music continues to grow, I’d certainly consider adding this subscription amount to my MLT Club Membership. I’d also like to think that someone can eventually come up with a way MLT can draw some income from their many YouTube video views, which is now in the millions.

    Anyway, I’m sure the Wagners are working hard on a report right now for us on just how successful their Club launch has been. I’m looking forward to that, along with that long overdue Q&A 3.

    Actually, I do have a suggestion on how MLT could radically improve their productivity, but that will be another topic.


  • Howard

    20/10/2018 at 14:03

    We need to find a way to get more supporters on that magical mystery tour bus with us so that costs can be contained and shared more evenly by the viewing public who are currently getting a free ride. I for one will be using the Xmas period to introduce new supporters to the awesome MLT experience.

    Another one of those lovely Xmas videos from the Twins would help the selling job! I think they were 15 when they produced the first one from what looked like home – cute as ever! It’s been fascinating to follow their development every Xmas since.

    The Club seems to be coming along quite well and with the quality and diversity of supporters already on board, I’m sure things will keep improving and the money will start rolling in to the Wagners within a month. A nice Xmas present for them hopefully!

    Stay Healthy and Groovy


  • Timothy Connelly

    20/10/2018 at 14:59


    Take another look at my post. I changed the name so as to not draw any sense that extra support was anything expected or required for members here and I took out all the math. Although this post is weaker in asking people to give, I didn’t recognize until your criticism that I was downplaying the importance of our membership here. If people aren’t joining or staying because they feel they are expected to do more- that’s a bad thing. So thanks for your critiques. I do try and listen to others.

  • Steve

    20/10/2018 at 22:34

    I continually post videos to my FB timeline in hopes I’ll get some likes and comments that some of my friends actually listened to the videos I post and hopefully feel the groove.  They usually fall on deaf ears even though I really try and encourage them to give them a try.  Case in point, here’s what I posted this morning in honor of their 2 millionth view of While My Guitar Gently Weeps.  I inserted a link to the YouTube Video.

    These twin sisters from Austria are my current faves and this cover of a great George Harrison composition recently gained over 2 million YouTube views. Have a listen. They do an excellent job covering it and if you like it check out their other work on YouTube. They do great, true to the original, covers of 60’s acts plus write their own material. Their recent LP, Orange, released last year, is an excellent album, one of the best I’ve heard in a long time. If you want to have a feel good musical experience, spend some time with the MonaLisa Twins.

    It just upsets me that I can’t seem to get through to some of these people, but I’m trying.

  • Timothy Connelly

    21/10/2018 at 01:38

    Hey Steve,
    As a veteran of several music message boards from about 15 years ago, I can tell you that people are motivated toward their own interests. Actually, that’s just as true of me. No matter how enthusiastic someone might be regarding Blake Shelton, I’m not really listening. We all have our limits to openness, if we didn’t we couldn’t get anything done.

    The good news is around here, you have people (like me) who look forward to your posts and will make sure to read all of them, or at least all we have the time for. Since I know you prefer responses to your posts, I’ll keep that in mind. Sometimes I’m afraid I’m a little annoying but that’s all any of us can do: shoot from the hip and be ourselves and see who that attracts.

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