• The Analouges

    Posted by Joshua Sunshine on 19/07/2020 at 09:17

    Hi Mona  and Lisa,

    Have  you seen The  Analouges? They are  a group of musicians  from the  Netherlands that  try do  duplicate the   mid  and later Beatles music  to the point of  the gauge of  strings. Check them out. I would  love  to know your  opinion. Blessings to both of you  and stay  healthy.

    Love  from Cleveland,


    Thomas Randall replied 4 years, 2 months ago 7 Members · 15 Replies
  • 15 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    19/07/2020 at 09:18

    Hi Josh,
    Yes, we have heard of the Analogues. There is a good chance we have even seen them live at some point as we played many, many Beatles Festivals with lots of Beatles cover bands over the years. From what we’ve seen of them on YouTube just now, they are doing a terrific job! They honour the Beatles’ music without the cheesy copying of their looks.

    Oddly enough, we aren’t really into Beatles Cover bands in general. Maybe because we’ve seen sooo many of them during our years of playing the Cavern Club and doing Beatles festivals ? But we get why they bring so much joy to so many people and really respect it if the Beatles’ music is being honoured and kept alive by great musicians.

    Take care and lots of love to Cleveland ♥

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/07/2020 at 12:24

    There are Beatles Cover bands in Canada too, I’ve never seen any but there are a few good ones that have come to Ottawa, maybe once Covid is over, and concerts resume,  perhaps I can checkout a band …just to get a feel for what the real thing would of been like….

    ONES- Beatles Tribute that do their #1 hits, were supposed to come to Ottawa in April, Covid cancelled that gig

    Liverpool4 – Beatles Tribute band

    The Caverners- Beatles Tribute

    Seeing there are far too many tribute bands worldwide, these ones I listed, are worthy in Canada in my opinion from what I’ve seen on Youtube

  • Jung Roe

    20/07/2020 at 03:23

    I’ve never deliberately gone to see a tribute band, but on the cruises they often have musicians do tribute to famous groups, last one was for Elton John.  Usually if they do a good job, it’s somewhat satisfying but leaving you longing to hear the original version by the original artist, and if they did not do a good job, it was disappointing period.  So never really got into the tribute band thing.  When groups like the Beatles, Beach Boys, and MLT do a cover, they make it their own, and their interpretation offers something special and refreshing making it worthwhile to listen to, often making it preferable to the original.  That’s the magic when artists put their own artistry and soul into a song instead of merely mimicking.

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/07/2020 at 03:37

    A real great tribute performer that I saw with my 2nd oldest bro and a work buddy of his, some years back, to which we 3 were left in utter awe  by, was that of Cliff Stevens doing Eric Clapton …Wow, did he ever, was  almost as real as though you were seeing  Eric himself…

    For more info:



    I’d recommend seeing this guy live.

  • Jung Roe

    20/07/2020 at 06:57

    Jacki, I had a listen to Cliff Stevens original song “World of Worry”.  I like his wonderful acoustic bluesey guitar sounds!  I can just imagine him doing some intricate Clapton songs, would be awesome.  I see him more as an artist in his own right who can do awesome covers than a tribute performer.

  • Jacki Hopper

    20/07/2020 at 18:51

    But Jung, to see him live doing the Eric stuff, as I had,  he does look like Eric, genuinely …he can be his look alike twin in my view….Eric Clapton’s Dad was Canadian.

  • Jung Roe

    20/07/2020 at 19:24

    Indeed Jacki, when I went to Cliff Stevens site and saw a picture of him, I thought at first it was Eric Clapton.  The great thing is, he is a great musician and artist in his own right, and not just a Clapton impersonator.  I guess for me a “tribute” band has a negative connotation as just being an entertainer and nothing more, like the droves of Elvis impersonators you can find in Las Vegas.

  • David Herrick

    20/07/2020 at 19:45

    I’ve seen performances by a couple of Beatles tribute bands who were dressed the part.  I have to say that I didn’t go there to pretend I was hearing a Beatles concert, but to pretend I was seeing one.  And as long as I sat toward the back and squinted a little, I wasn’t disappointed.


  • Jung Roe

    20/07/2020 at 22:05

    On the cruise ship entertainment, the tribute shows were always the highlight that I enjoyed going to see the most.  Got to hear a lot of great music.  They never had an actual Beatles tribute band on board, but on one cruise they did a tribute to the Beatles show with several musicians which was very enjoyable.  There was an Elton John tribute performer once.  He was good, but he could not match the vocal highs of Elton John, which was a little disappointing.

  • John Behle

    22/07/2020 at 04:16

    I’m not into the look-a-like bands either.  Only one was interesting many years ago “Imagine”.  Not sure if is the same one as today, they sounded much better, but the music was so enjoyable.  I remember another that was a Streisand Impersonator.  I don’t think the look was obnoxious like many cover bands but I remember that to me she did Streisand better than Streisand.  Sometimes the best are unknown.  The best version of Mustang Sally (probably a Jung favorite?) I have ever heard was just a lounge band at Caesars Palace in Vegas.  I enjoyed them for an hour or two.

    But nothing will ever be the same after the covers I’ve heard from Mona and Lisa.  So well done, well thought out and in so many ways improved.  I would have never thought I could love someone’s songs so much.  They even take songs I didn’t care for and bring them to life in such a beautiful way.  Then the ones I liked.  Holy cow.  I loved “It Ain’t Me Babe” by the Turtles and MLT took it to a whole new level.  “Sunshine Superman” is amazing.  It’s hard to describe how much I love their “I’m a Believer”.

    I guess the only way to describe it is their love for their music is so amazing and enthusiastic.  So much professionalism and care in every detail.  The little details of Lisa or Mona’s vocals.  I’m a Believer as an example is just cool, fun and interesting.

    A cover band is just “ya, ya, ya” where MLT are such amazing, cool and fun artists that wouldn’t just cover a song – but OWN it – which they do every time in a spectacular way.

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/07/2020 at 04:37

    Agreed John, but being the visual person I am, and visual learner,  to see someone worthy of sounding, and either just by fluke  chance or really put forth the effort to be convincing, is important to me when seeing a tribute band…. but I do agree with your  MLT take….they can take a cover and equal or better original…☮

  • Jung Roe

    22/07/2020 at 05:33

    John, yeah always liked Mustang Sally, has that real bluesey get down feel.  I’m not sure who I consider did the best version, just heard ZZTOP and they sound pretty good as does Joe Cocker.  Now I’m just trying to imagine Mona and Lisa doing that one.  Would be quite fun and awesome! Hint, Lisa, Mona!

  • John Behle

    22/07/2020 at 07:53

    The thing I’ve learned is if they did it – it would be amazing!  I’ve been so pleasantly surprised at some of the covers they’ve done.  I used to be excited thinking about what songs they could cover (in my mind).  Now I just sit back in awe at what they do and what they choose.  I think their choices are great.  I  literally wouldn’t be surprised to see them rock and belt out Mustang Sally.  I’ll have to check out the Joe Cocker and ZZTop versions.  I don’t think I’ve heard those.

  • Jacki Hopper

    22/07/2020 at 13:41

    Yep, I can just visualize MLT’s take on that, and a video concept for it…lol….don’t  think I’ve heard ZZ Top’s or Joe Cocker’s versions yet, or if I have, I’ve  forgotten about them….I forget who originally sang it but I’ve heard it played at Xmas parties, weddings, , concerts/gigs, that I’ve been at, it’s a great one to dance and sing along to, a real crowd pleaser humdinger….????

  • Thomas Randall

    23/07/2020 at 15:05

    The absolute best tribute Beatles guy so far to me has been JAVIER PARISI on Youtube. You’ll do a double take when you see him if you haven’t already. And there are some good Beatles tribute acts out there.

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