MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz


  • Howard

    18/02/2019 at 07:54

    The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz # 5

    They’re getting tougher. I only got seven and one was a good guess!

    • Jim Yahr

      20/02/2019 at 06:44

      I missed Question 10, so I’m 9 of 10 and 48 of 50 now.

  • Howard

    20/02/2019 at 09:14

    Well done Jim. The later ones haven’t been easy. You are obviously a Beatle expert. I know some people don’t like the music playing in the background, but I find classical music quite relaxing.

    • Jim Yahr

      20/02/2019 at 14:32

      Not so much an expert, (I get killed at the Beatles edition of “Trivial Pursuit”) but I just got back from a 5 day 2100 mile road trip (31 hours of driving) and I probably did sing a long with most of the songs in the catalog. So it’s just a matter of flipping through (in my head) the lyrics of the 4 songs listed and coming up with the answer.

  • Howard

    01/03/2019 at 13:51

    The Beatles – Lyrics Quiz # 6

    For what it’s worth, I scored nine out of ten, and even though one was an educated guess, I’m quite pleased with myself.

  • Jim Yahr

    02/03/2019 at 02:40

    10 for 10, I think this one was easier because it was mostly well known tunes.


    As a bonus “For What It’s Worth” was a Buffalo Springfield tune (covered very nicely by MLT).  🙂


  • Jung Roe

    02/03/2019 at 06:14

    I gave it a try and surprised myself!

  • Howard

    02/03/2019 at 07:09

    Well done Jung. I think it was a little easier than some of the others, for me at least.

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