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  • The best decision ever

    Posted by Bill Isenberg on 13/11/2022 at 01:42

    I am so glad and I am sure many of us feel the same way knowing that The Mona Lisa Twins are not on a major record label. There is no way we can hear the music the way the Mona Lisa twins want to put out, if they are signed to a major record deal. I remember over the years seeing groups like the Rolling Stones when they signed with Virgin Records ( although they do have their own label ) and Virgin Records said they have to put out x number of albums in the next number of years. So how can you have the qualitiy of music that Mona and Lisa put out if your under that stress? This new album Why? Is a master piece to me, from song writing to arranging to the lovely voices and harmonys, Folks we get the whole package here with Mona and Lisa, and I am so glad to go along for the journey. Just wondering if you all agreee with me?

    Bill Isenberg replied 1 year, 10 months ago 7 Members · 7 Replies
  • 7 Replies
  • David Herrick

    13/11/2022 at 01:55

    I don’t think you’ll find anyone here who won’t rubber stamp that, Bill!

  • Jung Roe

    13/11/2022 at 02:28

    Hi Bill, absolutely agree. If there was a greedy record label or selfish promotor telling MLT what kind of music to create, and produce videos every week and new albums every few month, and do an endless tireless streak of small venues performances week after week so promotors can line their pockets, we wouldn’t have the masterpiece of WHY, and the amazing top notch Duo Sessions, and level of creativity and inspiration that go into everything they do, there wouldn’t be this wonderful community, nor MLT Club, and MLT would not have been able to touch and enhance our lives as much as they have. My wish and prayer is for MLT music to get the recognition and exposure it deserves and proliferate every corner of the world with beauty and joy to make a positive difference in lives. They don’t need a self serving record label or promotor dangling a false carrot of get rich and famous quick dreams, they have everything they need. MLT are all about uncompromising quality, innovation, passion and care with their music that move people, over quantity and pizazz, and that is a virtue.

  • Tomás F. Calvo

    13/11/2022 at 02:48

    Bill, I wholeheartedly agree, and there are more reasons that are not so obvious, as not only when to put out an album as to what to put out. I don’t think we would have had “I bought Myself a Politician” ever released, probably shelved or another tactic is to run up costs, that all go against the artists income, and hence bankrupt them.

    What it takes to do it on their own is a huge enterprise, not only do they make top notch music, and record, and produce, and design, and promote, etc., etc. When usually there are entire companies dedicated to those individual tasks. It boggles my mind the high quality MLT produces every step of the way. Having seen similar situations years back in LA, the backlash for those who “don’t go along” is massive (whether it’s musicians or actors).

    I also have experience with websites at all different levels, and I can say that what they have done with this website is truly amazing. I know companies with dozens of employees with a good track record that could not make and maintain a site like this one, even with mega budgets. It may seem easy from the front end, but as traffic grows, things get complicated fast and the wheels start falling off. Add to that what I’m sure are a few dejected ones who do not want to see them succeed after they “didn’t go along”, throwing a wrench here and there, and you have a real uphill battle.

    Clearly, Team MLT with sharp wit, hard work and divine touch, make it through every time better than the BEST.

    The best decisions every time.

    It is a better world because of Rudi & Michaela & Mona & Lisa.

  • Jacki Hopper

    13/11/2022 at 12:09

    Good Sunday Morning, barely coherently awake but I’ll reply best my brain can function at 6 AM ish…. (I fell asleep early last night while bing watching watching S5 ofThe Crown on Netflix and having worked ealier in the day, slept through the night, guess I needed to do so )

    Okay, now to reply back to topic…. Yes Bill, I whokeheartedly agree and share/echo sentiments from others but will add my 2 cents worth … It is a rare gem when one can successfully, be independent in the music business these days if not on a record label, and am happy Team MLT chose to do their own thing, as mentioned by all here, to have that freedom rather than be under the imprisonment of a major record label and all that it facilitates. Also, with Papa Rudi’s experience in the past as a recording studio owner who has engineered some well known musicians in Europe , gave him invaluable insight into how it all works and having that knowledge , etc . Has proven the decision to go independent was indeed the right choice….

    Now as for the kinship with fans, the only other band I’ve seen/experienced similarities with as with MLT , is Glass Tiger…

    I’m going to also add, ( my fave Canadian band , whom I known personally for half my life basically ) for/to me, in terms of how they have the magic connection with their fans, though they are with a record label, they ‘ve managed to maintain that down to earthiness and care about their fans (what band would personally call up a fan to thank them for letter, chat with briefly-pre internet/social media age, …not many bands would do that , still don’t I don’t think to that level these days either, if they do it’s rare ) and/or get to visit/chat before a show during a soubdsheck or afterwards, or during a show to, make eye contact with you when they acknowledged you, I’ve had that wonderful experience with GT over the years and still do whenever I can be able to go, and they come to my city. ( Though GT’s big Heyday was in the late 80s-90s and after that, and continues even now, they all still pursue their own interests outside GT band stuff…the band pursued other some solo stuff , etc outside band stuff of interest for themselves ( bass player runs a successful full time portable astronomy observatory business but still will occasionally perform with GT , when he can , the keyboardist produces other bands, done some Nature sounds mixed with CDs, etc, Guitarist does some solo stuff on the side, lead singer wrote a book, does solo stuff, stroke survivor, etc ). To sum up this portion of my thoughts of the magic fan connection , also the similarities parallel with MLT & GT , is that awesome friendship amongst fans are created because of the/love passion of the music and of the spirit/attitude , being down to earth grounded towards/of with their fans . As I say it is a rare thing, it does exist, but only do I witness it with MLT/GT .

    Overall, my thoughts on Bill’s posting here , echoes what he/all of those whom have replied here with in regards to their sentiments . It takes a special kindredness to embrace and in return the power it eminates, truly will shine and do its thing for the Good .

    The best thing MLT did, to choose to go fully independent, to pursue in their own way, control in order to give the ultimate Unequivocally , the best they can because of no one else to puppet them in all facets of the music industry , if they were with a label … I know MLT have had some folks ask them previously as to why not be with a label, appear on the TV talent shows, etc. , and they have replied why…. simply, Independence is their formula that is proven effective, and works so why mess with it….

    Let me conclude (now becoming more awake, Morning brain-coherent…lol ) with … Best creatively I can summon at this morning hour as I post this at…

    ” Bloom and Blossom Best when nurtured as to what nutrients are cultivated to enrich,inspire, encourage, create, grow Positivitywise, for that what will provide the outcome ” [C.]JackiHopper2022 ~♡

    Pardon my going on, on…once I get on a writing roll, lol, I go ….lol, forgive my going on but wanted to convey my thoughts in tgeir entirety 😉🙃😊

    • This reply was modified 1 year, 10 months ago by  Jacki Hopper.
  • Christopher

    14/11/2022 at 02:33

    “Make Show” explains it all. Kudos and thank you to the MonaLisa Twins for doing things in their own way.

    I am convinced that Canada should be the next major market that they pursue. The country is very “Indie-Friendly” based on the CBC and the many Indie stations that are in their big markets.

  • Daryl Jones

    14/11/2022 at 18:00

    I think we’re all in agreement Bill. Major labels are a dirty business for far too many up and coming artists. I have several friends in the business and they’ve struggled with several big names in the game that demand unrealistic output and results. I get the money thing on the Label’s part, but they also ruin some serious talent in the process. Thankfully, Mona and Lisa are not going down that road. The music business is hard enough without a corporation driving the talent like a plow horse.

  • Bill Isenberg

    14/11/2022 at 18:03

    What fantastic posts everyone! Jacki, wow your up early!! LOL…just knowing that we have the Mona Lisa twins and their musical journey is a blessing to me. From lisenting to music all my life and being a drummer and knowing the ins and outs of the business It makes me so happy to see Mona and Lisa and Pa Rudi and Michaela have the success they are having and the path your on as well as planning and organizing is amazing to me becasue you balance very well in which that is where a lot of entertainers , groups, etc fall short. They go the path that the record company’s push them into and what matters the most falls short and sometimes devestating. So again we love the Mona Lisa Twins and keep it coming and STAY GROOVY!!

    Love and hugs from Bill and Maddie Isenberg huge fans from Pittsburgh PA USA

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