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  • The Eurovision song contest…or, will MLT become the next ABBA?

    Posted by Lior on 01/12/2018 at 22:47

    I apologize if this message is quite long…I hope it will be interesting to read anyway…

    Please let me know what you think about it…

    Have you thought about it before and will you consider this in the future?


    Dear Mona and Lisa,

    You got all what it takes to become superstars:

    You have great voices, great looks, great talents.

    You are highly skilled in playing various instruments

    and you are great performers…


    After more than 10 years of hard work (by you and your parents…),

    you already have a large store of music and videos.

    Your covers are superb, and your original songs are beautiful !!!


    Yet, in my opinion, you are not famous enough around the world 🙂

    We don’t hear you too much on the radio or see you on TV.


    I just found you by coincidence in Youtube, when I searched for Beatles covers…

    For me, it was a fascinating discovery…

    But millions of other potential fans around the world didn’t hear about you yet…

    They also deserve to enjoy your music 🙂


    Now, can you imagine millions of people discover you at once…?

    Just like the Beatles were discovered by millions of Americans during the night of the Ed Sullivan show in 1964…

    I’d like to suggest you a way for a real breakthrough that can bring your music to almost every house in a short time.

    You probably thought about it, but let me highlight this from my point of view.

    The Eurovision song contest is an international song competition held primarily among the member countries of the European Broadcasting Union (EBU).

    Each participating country submits an original song to be performed on live television and radio, then casts votes for the other countries’ songs to determine the winner.

    At least 50 countries are eligible to compete.

    The Eurovision song contest is held around May every year since 1956 and is one of the most-watched events, with 100-600 million viewers around the world.

    I think you can submit a new original song to the contest (I’m sure you have some songs that were not published yet…or maybe you can write a special song for this purpose).

    You can choose a lovely ballad (in the style of “Still a friend of mine”, or “June”…) or maybe a rocker (in the style of “This boy is mine” or “Club 27″…).

    Whatever you choose, I’m sure it will be easy for you to get in the contest…

    You can represent Austria or maybe the U.K. (U.K has an advantage: as one of the “big five” contributors to the EBU, they are automatically qualified for the finals. Austria, as most of the other countries, needs to participate in the semi-finals first…)

    If you participate in the contest, your song will be heard countless times in all European radio and TV stations. You will be interviewed by a lot of journalists and all the Eurovision fans will likely search for you in the web.

    This will likely boost your web site counter to a new high count of visitors…

    In the year of 1974, ABBA won the Eurovision song contest with their song “Waterloo”.

    I was a child back then and I remember how they instantly became famous overnight, after being anonymous for most of the viewers, except for their homeland Sweden. They took advantage of their winning and immediately published their other songs in a LP record that became very successful.

    I don’t need to tell you who ABBA are, but just to mention that even today they are still competing with companies like Volvo and Ikea as one of the largest exporters of Sweden. They also made Sweden the third music exporter in the world, after the US and the UK.

    Now Let’s compare ABBA and MLT:-)

    –       They are both from Europe, but not from the UK.

    –       They sing in English, although it’s not their native language.

    –       They have two gorgeous female singers, one red-head and one blonde…

    –       They sing in beautiful harmonies, often multiplying their voices in their recordings.

    –       They write their songs themselves.

    –       The play most of the instruments in their recordings and control the arrangements and production.

    –       They run their business as a family business, keeping the copyrights in their hands.

    –       They established their own publishing company.

    –       Their songs are short and melodic, in the sixties-seventies pop-rock style.

    –       They promote love and good spirit, always with a smile 🙂

    –       They are groovy….:-)

    So, you can become the next ABBA 🙂

    It’s in your hands…

    Jung Roe replied 5 years, 7 months ago 11 Members · 77 Replies
  • 77 Replies
  • Jacki Hopper

    02/12/2018 at 03:10

    Hi, and I’m going to put in my 2 cents worth here…MLT do not need to appear on any of these singing competitions tv shows , as they are far ahead in their talent, etc. I believe more people just have to  become more open minded and shift away from the mindset of today’s musical landscape of the Beyonces….Ariana Grande, etc ….and focus back to real genuine musicianship that’s not based on looks, manufactured sound alike schitck… yes, there a rare few besides MLT in today’s music that I care to listen  to but sadly most radio platforms , here in North America, seem to be geared for specific music programming and not overly keen on wanting music reminiscent of days past, which to me is a shame. I’m thinking the indie stations and online indie and all oldies radio stations would be more keen to play MLT and the music of that era . MLT offers true refreshment in today’s musc landscape and I ‘m hoping more  folks open their music ears and mind and at least give them a listen….The world does not need to consist of Beyonce and likeminded  wannabes out there…The world needs to rediscover true original music that appeals to all ages, you can sing to, play guitar or drums to, dance to…Appreciative of the creativity that makes the song what it is, while not necessarily worrying or focusing on what they wear, etc….. These are my thoughts.

    • Michael Triba

      03/12/2018 at 00:39

      Hey Jacki!  Is ABBA a word that is banned here?  😉


  • Howard

    02/12/2018 at 07:18

    That was a well thought out proposal of yours Lior and on paper it looks fine. However, similar scenarios have already been discussed within this forum and the consensus is that MLT have undertaken the career direction they have for a reason and prefer to maintain their artistic integrity and independence through total control of their work.

    So far this approach seems to be working out well enough for them and hopefully they can continue to grow their support base without the need for external involvement (except of course when appropriate and in their best interests as in the John Sebastian and Steve Harley collaborations etcetera). I’m sure that members of this club would not want the Twins’ vision and goals being in any way compromised as we love them just the way they are. You can’t beat perfection.

    I endorse what the lovely Jacki says. The best way we can help is by being active in this club, buying their music and other products from their online store, spreading the word with family and friends and contacting local radio stations to request their records be played.

    I have never rung a radio station in my life but I intend to make an exception with a local station that plays only sixties and seventies music on Saturday nights.

    The music industry was totally different in the seventies and for ABBA at the time, Eurovision was perhaps an understandable option as they didn’t have today’s multi social connections via the internet, and were consequently heavily dependent on record companies.

    Yes, your proposal was interesting to read and I hope I haven’t deterred you from further contributions as I truly understand where you are coming from with your well researched presentation. It will be enlightening to hear the Twins’ response.

    For more discussion on MLTs career path, may I suggest you do a ‘Search Forums’ on Topics like: Howard 1, Tim 0- MLT Management.



  • Thomas Randall

    02/12/2018 at 13:35

    Well I think they should stay the coarse they are on, they obviously know what they are doing. Obviously getting out there again and playing gigs (and making sure to film them!) has to happen at some point. But I’m sure they know that quite well. But let’s wait for them to respond!

  • Lior

    02/12/2018 at 21:21

    OK, I would like to add some points to my original post, just to make it more clear:

    1. I am not in favor of TV talent shows in general. On the contrary, I am against shows like “X-factor”, “UK got talent”, “The voice” etc… These programs force the participants to sign unfair contracts, and aim to control their performance and copyrights in many ways. It is true that if MLT would choose to participate in one of these TV shows, they would need to compromise a lot of their art.

    However I think that the Eurovision song contest  is different in that it is basically a non-profit organization. The candidates have the support of the people of the country that sends them. They also have financial support from the broadcasting authority in this country (for example the BBC in the UK, or the ORF in Austria).

    The candidates need to prepare and sing only one song, and they maintain their control of the performance and copyrights.

    2. I really don’t think that the world will change suddenly, and people will return to the musical taste of the Sixties. Radio and TV stations are mostly getting the music that is supplied to them by the large record  companies.

    Therefore, what MLT need to do, is use the available tools for their purposes. MLT does not change Facebook, Youtube nor Instagram, but they use these tools for their needs.

    In a similar way, they can use the existing tool of the Eurovision contest for their own purpose. They do not need to win the contest. The participation in the contest is enough for getting very wide publicity.

    3. My timing for this post is apparently not good:

    a. The time for public submissions for the next Eurovision contest (2019)  is over. For example the BBC closed its entries by the end of October. As a matter of fact, soon the countries will start to announce their representatives for the coming 2019 contest.

    Therefore, even if Mona & Lisa would choose to try and submit a song for the coming Eurovision 2019 contest, it is too late now.

    So they have a lot of time to decide if maybe they would like to try it in the next contest (2020). If they want, they now have plenty of time to write a hit song and record a demo version, to be submitted next summer (August 2019) to either the BBC or the Austrian ORF 🙂

    I am sure they can easily enter the 2020 contest, if they only wanted.

    b. I guess the MLT calendar is already full of activities and plans for the near future. There is no time for them right now  to think of an additional task 🙂

    Even if a world-wide fame is on the agenda 🙂

    Anyway, I’m still curious to read their answer for this discussion.





  • Michael Triba

    03/12/2018 at 00:14

    Paging Christomir.  Christomir?

  • Howard

    03/12/2018 at 03:30

    Once again you have put forward a very cogent proposal IMHO. As you suggest, they do not need to win but only need to be accepted and participate to gain valuable world wide exposure. Even here in my own country, half a world away from Europe, Eurovision is big and over the last few years, Australia has had participated in the event and done very well.

    The big challenge for MLT would be to get the local support to make such a proposal viable for them. I don’t know what the current situation is for them in the UK but imagine they have built a considerable supporter base, and along with help from their North American supporters and the Germanic countries of Europe, should be able to mount a considerable case for acceptance. It will be interesting to hear from them as to whether such a proposal fits their vision and goals.

  • Jung Roe

    03/12/2018 at 05:59

    Even if they can use Eurovision as a tool to gain visibility, it can be a huge distraction from their creative output and growth too.  I don’t think MLT ever put much faith in contests or get famous quick short cuts in the past, but instead relied on their own talent, creativity, and ingenuity on their own terms to get them this far, and changing gears to gain support for a contest now I think could hamper the momentum they have built.

    It’s always healthy to have an open mind and look at new options after you’ve executed the current plan through to completion.

    Just my opinion.

  • Howard

    03/12/2018 at 06:36

    And an excellent opinion too Jung. I think they have such a loyal supporter base already because of the reasons you have identified and they, and us too (supporters), would lose so much if they strayed off course into the world of instant fame.  My apologies for sounding all biblical here but what’s that saying about ‘gaining the whole world but losing your own soul’?

    But as you also state, ‘It’s always healthy to have an open mind and look at new options after you’ve executed the current plan through to completion.’

    Suggestions like Lior’s keep the options open and the discussion continuing about what’s the best way to promote the MLT vision. I’ve got a reasonable idea what their response might be but you can never be sure of course!

    • Michael Triba

      03/12/2018 at 16:36

      Not certain why Jung thinks that Eurovision would be a “huge distraction.”  It is not at all like “The Voice” or “American idol.”  The contestants are the best of the best from all over Europe.  To me, it is like the Olympics for musicians.  Therefore I think that Lior’s ideas have a lot of merit, and I would cast my vote behind it.  The thing that cracks me up, is that he compares them to ABBA.  Evidently some of you blokes don’t know MLT’s opinion of ABBA or at least their music.  But I’m not going to talk about that here, even though I would love to hear directly from one of them.  This will not be one of my 26 questions.  What I heard was second hand anyway.

      The reason I paged Itso is because he watches Eurovision every year and is an expert about it.  He and I and others have discussed the possibilities for MLT before.  I can only watch Eurovision reruns on YT here in the States.  But Itso is very busy and behind at work right now, and I do not wish to disturb him.  He just got back from a trip to another Bulgarian city to be on a quiz show.  Like you Howard, he is a pop-culture and history trivia expert.  He wore an MLT t-shirt on the show one of the days.  I don’t know the name of the show, but it will run for several days later in the Bulgaria language.

      Even as we speak I am speaking with Itso and others about it on FB.  It is a sports-related show.  Itso knows all thing soccer, but also American NBA and MLB!

  • Howard

    03/12/2018 at 19:00

    I understand what Jung means by Eurovision being a distraction as it would take huge resources they don’t have while interfering with the running of their small but successful family business. I would also contest your view that ‘The contestants are the best of the best from all over Europe.  To me, it is like the Olympics for musicians.’

    The best of the best musicians don’t need to participate in an event like Eurovision and it is more like each country choosing an act they believe has the appropriate personality, performance and song that is suitable to win an event like Eurovision.

    Winning the Eurovision Song Contest often provides a short-term career boost for artists, but rarely results in long-term success. Some exceptions are ABBA (winner in 1974 for Sweden), Bucks Fizz (winner in 1981 for the United Kingdom), and Celine Dion (winner in 1988 for Switzerland), all of whom launched successful careers.

    On the other hand, the UK’s Sandie Shaw who already had a successful pop career considered that her participation in Eurovision ruined her career, even though she won with ‘Puppet on a String’ in 1967.

    The contest has been described as having kitsch appeal and has even been referred to as high camp. I personally think that the MLT are far too classy and far too independent to benefit from participation in Eurovision.

    Finally – ‘will MLT become the next ABBA?’ The answer to that question is easy. NO!

    MLT don’t need to become anyone but themselves. They have become what they are through a lifetime of understanding and appreciating each other, having a passion for music and wanting to share that passion with others. They don’t seem to me to be the types to be sidetracked from their vision by thoughts of fame and fortune and for that we can be thankful as we are the main benefactors.

    I’m happy just to enjoy their beautiful music creations and simply give my support in whatever way I can and leave it to them to live their dreams with the amazing support they get from their superstar parents.


    • Michael Triba

      03/12/2018 at 19:16

      Well Howard, you and Itso and Lior and Jung most likely know much more about Eurovision than I do.  I’m just voicing my opinion here and opinions are just that; they are not facts.  Everyone has one and we all have a right to ours.  I do not mind disagreeing agreeably and Itso and I have often done that.  But please keep in mind that we don’t always have to put a voice to what we disagree about.  There is fake news and false facts, but opinions are just personal impressions.  Make sense, buddy?  😉

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/12/2018 at 19:24

    Yes… We are all entitled to share our thoughts and opinions .. We can agree/disagree… No wrong or right… It’s the approach in how one conveys and carries their words… I agree with the fact as I had already stated… Though I have watched American Idol..  Canadian Idol .. The Voice… I don’t  see MLT as participants in any kind of competition music shows… Perhaps as guest musicians on Saturday Night Live or Ellen or something along those lines. They’ve got a business/talent rhythm that has proven successful and works… Nuff said????☮️

    • Michael Triba

      03/12/2018 at 19:49

      Totally agree, Ms. Jacki!  Nuff said by me too on this thread after this comment.  I would like to see Itso’s view here, but not necessarily to agree with mine.

      I could also see MLT on the Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon or Late, Late Show with James Corden and especially on Carpool Karaoke with him.  Did you ever see the half hour one with him and Paul McCartney in Liverpool?  That was most excellent!!!  🙂

      I like your peace sign as it indicates that peace and harmony should be the order of the day here, instead of debate so much.  Thank you, dear lady! <3

  • Howard

    03/12/2018 at 20:27

    Not sure we’re on the same page here as I’m just expressing my opinion, the same as you are Mike. In doing so I don’t mean to devalue your opinion.

    However, I always support my opinions with facts wherever I can and I’m sure you won’t find any false facts amongst the many posts of mine.

    Lior raised an important issue regarding improving MLTs profile and as such, his proposal deserves both respect and serious consideration. I believe I have given his proposal serious consideration and have come to the conclusions I have, considering what I believe are in the best interests of the Twins. I may be wrong of course and they may consider that the Eurovision proposal is within their scope.

    If I have put my case somewhat insensitively, I apologise as I always appreciate your contributions. I think what we can take out of this is that we both have the best interests of the Twins in mind but just go about it differently.

    Stay Groovy!

    • Michael Triba

      04/12/2018 at 04:11

      Appreciate you Howard (notice that out of respect I no longer call you Howie, since you told me no one else does).  We are both unique, as everyone is of course.  We are of the same generation and different time zones.

      Undoubtedly, we have much more in common than our differences.  We are probably both assertive alpha males.  At times those can butt heads like males rams; lol!

      Actually, you remind me of me in my first year zealous year following the twins.  I say that in the best possible way, my friend.  Ask Christomir how “over the top” I could be.  I am certain there were folks in Intergalactic that did not like me because of that.  You can also ask Itso how emotional and over-sensitive I can be at times.  I take after my sentimental mother; bless her heart and God rest her soul.  We all have baggage, but those I respect the most are those to strive to keep learning and improving.

      Itso and I have had times when I have bloodied his nose and he has blackened my eye.  10 minutes later we are laughing and drinking a beer together!  🙂

      You and I are good, my brother!  Thanks telling me to stay groovy.  That implies that you think I am already that.  Sometimes I am goofy and not groovy, lol!

      MLT for ALL, and ALL for MLT!!!  🙂

  • Howard

    04/12/2018 at 04:23

    I think you may have just nailed it there Mike. Zealous is probably the right word for me right now, but don’t worry, I’m sure I’ll settle down and be a little bit less combatative and opinionated in time. Just bear with me in the meantime and accept that like you, for me it is really all about the lovely Mona and Lisa!

    • Michael Triba

      04/12/2018 at 04:47

      Thanks buddy and no worries!  But yes, opinions are fine, but maybe not combative.  Itso and you are maybe cut a bit from the same cloth.  I could get so angry with him, but also had to look in the mirror and realize I had to meet him halfway.  Our life paths are almost diametrical opposites.

      Our bond is the International Language of Music and the Love of the MonaLisa Twins and their wonderful music.  In all my 68 years I have never, ever found anyone like them.  They have infused joy into my life like no other band, not even my #1 band The Moody Blues.  They are well aware of that.

      He is super busy right now, but when he is here, get to know Itso.  He has introduced me to so many, many great bands and artists such as STEPS form the UK and THE COORS from Ireland.  Some of my other dear friends here are Rick Ross, Jerry Chamness, and Carol Phillips Hankins aka CPH.  She is kinda shy and a somewhat private person, so don’t tell her I told you I mentioned her.  Of course there is also the irrepressible Jacki Hopper, the founder and director of the famous FB Intergalactic Fan Club for MLT fans.  In behalf of all of us, we welcome you as a newbie into the MLT Fold.  I have never met anyone that has become up to speed as quickly as you have, buddy.

      Gotta go now.  It is 10:46 in Middle Earth America and the little woman reminded me it is time to put out the trash is the snow; lol!  Later my friend!

  • Jung Roe

    04/12/2018 at 05:02

    Wow some really passionate and lively discussion today.  Howard, you articulated my thoughts in spades and more.  I wish I had a fraction of your insight into the music world.  Mike, while we may differ on the path to get there, I think we are aligned in the outcome.  MonaLisa Twins incredible talent, and musical magic needs to get out there for the world to experience and be touched by.

  • Lior

    08/01/2019 at 20:20

    Hi Mona and Lisa,

    I saw you returned to answer questions

    on this forum…

    I hope that you regard this original

    topic and discussion as worth answering too

    Happy New Year 🙂

    • Michael Triba

      01/02/2019 at 08:01

      Hi Lior!

      I still think that is a great question and suggestions!  Unfortunately I do not see you ever getting a reply here.  Has no one ever told you what they allegedly said about ABBA in a verbal interview when they were much younger?  I will not repeat it, because I got it second-hand, but from a very reliable source.  In addition, it is not encouraging, loving, or uplifting for me to do so.

      I LOVE ABBA; they are my #2 Band of All-Time, only behind the #1 Moody Blues.  What they supposedly said about ABBA saddens and bewilders me.  I would love to know the context and have them explain it to me, but I don’t see that happening, at least not here.

    • Michael Triba

      01/02/2019 at 18:44

      By the way, Lior.  I looked up your FB profile last night and saw you are from Mazkeret Batya.  I thought that might be in Russia, but I just googled it.  I see you an Israelite, sir!  🙂  Did you write an intro bio here?

      I sent you a FB friend request, and if you accept it, I will tell you about an artist that will TRULY blow your mind, and she LOVES ABBA like me and about most other people here.  Thanks!

  • Michael Rife

    27/01/2019 at 07:54

    Hi all:

    My 2 cents…..I don’t believe that MLT should try to reality/talent show route.  They have already proven themselves and sometimes winning or participating in those shows is more of a hindrance than a help.  Very few who win in those shows become “successful” and if they win, often they are restricted to releasing LPs under the control of whoever is running the show….….this means they would lose much creative control.

    Also, I watched a documentary on ABBA the other night and, even though they were wildly successful in the 1970s, they went through some very rough times during the 1970s and afterwards.  What ABBA went though I would not wish on anyone.  Mike.

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