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  • The “Magic Bus”?

    Posted by Jeffery Ohlwine on 05/07/2021 at 15:17

    Given your affinity for the Who, and your obvious affection for your old vee-dub mini camper, did you ever refer to it as the “Magic Bus”, or did you have other nicknames for it? Also, were you old enough to drive it before you parted company, or did you never get that privilege?

    Jeffery Ohlwine replied 3 years, 2 months ago 2 Members · 2 Replies
  • 2 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    05/07/2021 at 15:17

    Hi Jeff,

    Unfortunately, we sold the van quite a few years before we got our licence so we never had a chance to drive it. It didn’t have power steering so it would have probably taken us quite some time to get used to driving it!

    “Magic Bus” would have been a great nickname for it but we always just used the german pronunciation of “Camping Bus”. It makes me feel all warm and nostalgic just thinking about it – so many childhood memories are connected to that van.

    I just looked on Google Maps Street View to see if it was still parked in front of the new owner’s store but it seems like they moved. That’s a shame!

    • Jeffery Ohlwine

      06/07/2021 at 11:57

      Aw, that’s a shame! I’m sorry you can’t at least get a peek of it via street view! Now I wish I hadn’t asked. I never want to cause any melancholy feelings for anyone, let alone someone who brings me and my folks such joy!

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