• Jürgen

    25/01/2022 at 06:02

    The Magic of the elemental forces Rain and Wind

    Water, rain and wind create worlds of breathtaking beauty


  • Jürgen

    26/01/2022 at 07:56

    The Mystery of the Lost Water

    Water without life?


  • Jung Roe

    27/01/2022 at 04:22

    Hi Jurgen. In the two videos of Mars, it would be fascinating to be able to explore the surface in person to see the great Mars Grand Canyon. I’ve been to our own Grand Canyon 3 times and experienced the majesty of it, so I can only imagine how much more AWEsome the Mars one is with remnants of the 4KM deep water fall.

    • Jürgen

      27/01/2022 at 04:50

      A fascinating idea, Jung. And I don’t even dare to imagine what kind of noise that must have been when all the water shot down into the depths while the atmosphere was still there.

  • David Herrick

    27/01/2022 at 05:55

    Here’s something that gives you a perspective on the size of that canyon:


  • Jürgen

    27/01/2022 at 06:14

    Wow that’s impressive David!

    (PS: I could not open your link via the MLT page. I have therefore added the photo again separately)

  • Jürgen

    27/01/2022 at 07:03

    The Magic of Lakes and Waterfalls


  • Diana Geertsen

    27/01/2022 at 12:36

    TLC Waterfalls………not sure if too risque

    • Jürgen

      27/01/2022 at 15:48

      Hi Diana, thank you for your reply. I’ve been thinking about that song too. Yes, it contains a serious topic, but that’s just part of life. And especially art or music should also have the possibility to deal with serious or depressing topics as long as the feelings of other people are not hurt or offended. Paul McCartney’s song actually had a similar statement, only that he didn’t fill it in content, but simply issued his warning in general.


  • David Herrick

    27/01/2022 at 14:15

    I think Waterfalls is one of Paul’s most underrated solo songs.

    Speaking of underrated waterfalls, here’s one in my home state of Kentucky that I’ve visited many times. For scale, the vertical drop is 68 feet (21 meters).


    • Jürgen

      27/01/2022 at 16:26

      Hi David thank you for „your“ waterfall. I can only congratulate you that you have such a wonderful piece of nature on the doorstep. Very beautiful scenery. I live near the Rhine but we are not blessed with waterfalls here in my region. Around us is only flat land. The closest waterfall is in Schaffhausen on Lake Constance (we call it „Bodensee“). There is the so called “Rheinfall von Schaffhausen“. That already belongs to Switzerland. With 23 meters height (75 ft) and 150 meters width (492 ft) it is the biggest waterfall in Europe.

      PS: You’re right, the song waterfalls by Paul McCartney is underrated. Do you know the complete album “Paul McCartney II” from which the song “Waterfalls” was taken? I had the recording on LP many years ago. Somehow original, but not so successful that I bought it again on CD. At least until today.


  • David Herrick

    27/01/2022 at 21:35

    Hey, Juergen. I’m sure I’ve heard all the songs on McCartney II at some point, but the only ones I really know are Waterfalls and Coming Up, because of the videos on MTV. The album came out about five years before I got into the Beatles.

    The Rheinfall looks nice: about the same height as Cumberland Falls, but in a much more urban area. I didn’t realize that Europe doesn’t have a lot of high waterfalls. I assumed that snowmelt in the Alps might contribute something at least seasonally.

    • Jürgen

      27/01/2022 at 22:52

      The snowmelt of the Alps in the spring takes place via the Rhine and its numerous tributaries, David. Most of the melting water initially flows into Lake Constance, which acts like a huge collecting basin. In some cases, side rivers of the rhine also swell strongly and it can come to floods. The water floods the land rather broadly. Additional waterfalls do not occur, as far as I know (sorry for my english, it’s late) 🙂

      Paul recorded and produced the songs on this LP in his private studio in Scotland in the summer of 1979 and then mixed them up at Abbey Road Studios. He created the synthetic sounds with the help of a synthesizer that was about the size of a refrigerator (I can’t find the name of the machine anymore. It was pictured on the back of the album. See attached photo). He was influenced at that time by New Wave but also by the “Krautrock” scene in Germany. Some of the songs on this album remind me of the music of the band “Kraftwerk”. One of the more famous songs from this album, besides Waterfalls and Coming up, was Temporary Secretary. I found that pretty cool then. But to be true, it sounds a bit like toothache.


  • Jürgen

    28/01/2022 at 08:04

    The Magic of Diving and Underwater Dreamworlds


    • Jürgen

      28/01/2022 at 08:06

      A tribute to Jacques-Yves Cousteau (* June 11, 1910 / † June 25, 1997) and his research vessel Calypso. He was a French, world-renowned pioneer in marine exploration and its documentation with the film camera. In his films, a red wool cap was his trademark.


    • Jürgen

      28/01/2022 at 08:09

      Ocean Ramsey is a marine biologist and one among a few people in this world who dive with great white sharks without protection. So intimate, it’s as if she’s one of them. Some of the animals allow her to hold on to their dorsal fin. Through this and similar actions, she tries to get involved in shark protection to show other people that sharks are not the cold-blooded killers they like to be portrayed as. Brave, crazy, dedicated? Who knows.


    • Jürgen

      28/01/2022 at 08:10
    • Jürgen

      28/01/2022 at 08:13
    • Jung Roe

      29/01/2022 at 17:04

      Nice one Jurgen. This is one of my favourite Ukelele songs. I think MLT could do some real magic with this one, one day.

  • Jürgen

    29/01/2022 at 10:20

    The Fragile Magic of the Frozen World


  • Jürgen

    30/01/2022 at 09:03

    Thank you for watching !

    (…to be continued one day…)


  • Jung Roe

    30/01/2022 at 19:05

    Jurgen, I am especially fond of the ocean, and enjoyed many cruises along the westcoast of NA and Atlantic Canada as well. Like the desert (that I like too), the ocean has a kind of desolate purity that in a weird way bring me calm and peace. I’ve experienced many personal spiritual moments in the desert and by the sea. There is something special. I’ve been on a number of cruises up to Alaska, and Glacier Bay with it’s several glaciers, that are sadly shrinking, but the tranquility and awe in front of a glacier is amazing. In the quite tranquility, if you are lucky you get to witness the sound of a chunk of prehistoric glacial ice break and fall into the ocean. You are witnessing a geological event as that piece turned to ice thousands and thousands of years ago, and you get to be there as it transforms from ice to liquid, and in the circle of life, eventually it will evaporate and turn to snow and ice again (well in the past anyways as glaciers seem to be, becoming a relic) and return to being a glacier.

    Interestingly I hear MLT 2007 Concert soundtrack in my head when I think of Alaska, as that’s what I listened to with my headphone on my early trips up to Alaska in 2017 when I discovered Mona and Lisa.

  • Jürgen

    02/02/2022 at 05:06

    Thank you for these two very beautiful photos Jung. Yes the vastness of the sea has something soothing and perhaps also something spiritual. Body and mind freed from their limits and united for a wonderful moment. We humans are so involved in our daily lives and habits that we often forget what is essential in our lives or what is good for us. Sometimes we lose ourselves in unimportant details or the worries of everyday life are overwhelming. The sea has always had a special fascination for me, too. The ocean always manages to put things of life that have gotten mixed up into the right relationship again. It is a mixture of humility but at the same time also a great joy that I feel there. A feeling of freedom and boundlessness that comes over you at the sight of these magnificent forces of nature. I can well imagine that your Alaskan cruises have left a lasting memory with you and literally a fresh wind has blown through your mind. An extraordinary chance to reorder your thoughts. Certainly a great experience that will accompany you throughout your life and a place to return to with loving thoughts.

    A mood that Vangelis perhaps captured beautifully with the following piece of music:


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