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  • The MLT Collaboration Process

    Posted by Howard on 31/01/2020 at 00:29

    Hi Mona and Lisa. I was just watching a video of The Beatles recording of “Because” and how they had to collaborate to complete the song. I guess most of the time, the person with the most input would have been the person who wrote the song.

    This got me thinking about how you manage your recording sessions. I know there is just the two of you or perhaps three, with Papa Rudi, but what is your collaboration process and how do you manage if there is an impasse between the two of you. Does Rudolf become the moderator/mediator? Does Michaela have any influence here?

    I’d love to see you do a cover of “Because”. I imagine it would be a little like the process you went through with your wonderful “Little Drummer Boy” cover.

    Thank you for a wonderful 2019 and I look forward to following you on your amazing musical mystery tour through 2020 and the Roaring Twenties 2.0.

    Jacki Hopper replied 4 years, 7 months ago 5 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Rudolf Wagner

    31/01/2020 at 00:29

    Hi Howard!

    Thanks for that question! Over the years we have written songs in just about every constellation there is between the three of us.

    As you mentioned with the Beatles, more often than not it is the case that whoever “births” the song also finishes most of the work or makes the most basic decisions about the feel and tempo of a song but it’s always a collaborative process to some extent until we get the final “thumbs up” from everyone at the end before we start recording.


  • Jung Roe

    31/01/2020 at 07:30

    Paul McCartney said if it weren’t for George Harrison’s contribution of those wonderful guitar riffs at the beginning of his “And I Love Her”, the song would be nothing.  Collaboration is a wonderful thing indeed!  They are as great as they are because they counted on each other.

  • Paul Steinmayer

    02/02/2020 at 16:13

    Collaboration is a truly key aspect!  I imagine that Mona and Lisa share almost an equal amount of everything they do… I don’t imagine there’s much argument or discord there!

    I once had a partner that I wrote with (back in the early 80s).  I would always come up with the riff, or chords, etc., and he would write the lyrics… with my adding a word or two when he got stuck.  When we worked it up as a band (we were a three piece), we let our drummer come up with the beat without saying much because we knew he would know what would work best in each situation… and he always did!  We always credited our songs to all three of us!  That was a true collaboration… one that I miss dearly.

  • Jacki Hopper

    02/02/2020 at 22:17

    If ever I’d have an opportunity to collaborate if I were a musician, I’d gladly do the lyrical aspect of it… Well, perhaps help figure out the tune out loud by humming it or singing, as I can’t hardly read/make sense of music sheets with all notes, etc… And play tambourine as I do have some rhythm ingrained sense of… ???????️???️

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