MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion The MonaLisa Twins Do Dylan


  • Howard

    01/10/2019 at 16:29

    From the album “Eight Miles High”, The Byrds “You Ain’t Goin’ Nowhere”

    Featured Roger McGuinn as the lead singer and Lloyd Green on pedal steel guitar. It was included on their sixth album, Sweetheart of the Rodeo released on August 30, 1968. The album paved the way for Gram Parsons and Chris Hillman to form The Flying Burrito Brothers furthering the country-rock sound.

  • Howard

    01/10/2019 at 16:31

    Fairport Convention – Percy’s Song (1969)

  • Howard

    01/10/2019 at 16:33

    The Flying Burrito Bros – To Ramona

  • Howard

    01/10/2019 at 16:49

    “4th Time Around” was commonly speculated to be a response to The Beatles’ song “Norwegian Wood” – written by John Lennon and Paul McCartney for the 1965 album Rubber Soul – as the two tracks share a reasonably similar melody, lyrical premise, and 3/4 time signature.

    Yo La Tengo – Fourth Time Around

    When she said

    “Don’t waste your words, they’re just lies”

    I cried she was deaf

    And she worked on my face until breaking my eyes

    Then said, “What else you got left?”

    It was then that I got up to leave

    But she said, “Don’t forget

    Everybody must give something back

    For something they get”

    I stood there and hummed

    I tapped on her drum and asked her how come

    And she buttoned her boot

    And straightened her suit Then she said, “Don’t get cute”

    So I forced my hands in my pockets

    And felt with my thumbs

    The last three lines are:

    And I, I never took much

    I never asked for your crutch

    Now don’t ask for mine


  • Howard

    01/10/2019 at 16:55

    Norah Jones – I’ll Be Your Baby Tonight

    Close your eyes, close the door You don’t have to worry any more ‘Cause I’ll be your baby tonight Shut the lights and shut the shade You don’t have to be afraid ‘Cause I’ll be your baby tonight Well, that mockingbird’s gonna sail away We’re gonna forget it That big fat moon Is gonna shine like a spoon But we’re gonna let it You won’t regret it Kick your shoes off And don’t you fear Bring that bottle over here ‘Cause I’ll be your baby tonight

  • Howard

    02/10/2019 at 18:44

    The Mona Lisa Twins have covered the Byrds cover of Dylan with their fantastic  live rendition of “Mr. Tambourine Man” in their fabulous 2007 concert.

    There are many more Byrd’s Dylan songs I’d like to see them cover. For example:

  • Howard

    02/10/2019 at 18:45

    Chimes Of Freedom Live

  • Howard

    02/10/2019 at 18:53

    The Byrds‎–All I Really Want To Do

  • Howard

    03/10/2019 at 12:51

    “Bob Dylan and the Beatles met in 1964. Dylan had become well known for writing protest anthems such as “The Time They Are A-Changin’” and “Blowin’ In the Wind.”

    Reportedly, at that first meeting, Dylan got all the Beatles stoned for the first time on pot.

    The Beatles had fallen under Dylan’s spell. John and Paul tried writing songs in a style like Dylan’s—acoustic, with lyrics that had something more substantial to say than the obvious triteness of pop songs.

    The ironic thing is that, while the Beatles tried to copy Dylan, Dylan tried to copy the Beatles.

    Dylan saw how enormously successful and popular the Beatles were and he wanted some of that. Whether he really cared for the Beatles’ music, we don’t know. But he definitely cared for the popularity that went with the music.

    So Dylan ditched his acoustic guitar and got an electric. In 1965 he just about caused a riot at the Newport Folk Festival by playing the electric guitar on stage.

    His going electric was very controversial. Many folk fans were upset. And then, Dylan recorded the six-minute rock single “Like a Rolling Stone.”

    In a span of 15 months Dylan released three rock albums, “Bringing It All Back Home,” “Highway 61 Revisited” and “Blonde on Blonde.”

    While the Beatles had essentially gone folk, playing acoustic guitars and such, Dylan had, in effect, gone electric rock.”

    Wolfgang Ambros – Allan wia a Stan (Like A Rolling Stone)


  • Howard

    08/10/2019 at 13:48

    Eric Clapton And Bob Dylan – “Don’t Think Twice, It’s All Right” – Crossroads (Benefit Live 1999)

  • Jung Roe

    08/10/2019 at 15:12

    Howard, aren’t we fortunate the Beatles stopped with the acoustic guitar and the 4 of them did not start singing like Dylan too.  ?

    But seriously the mutual admiration and rivalry made them each expand their musical horizons, trying new and different things pushing each other up.  That is the artists journey.

  • Howard

    08/10/2019 at 15:18

    I think you mean when Dylan stopped with an acoustic guitar (when he saw how popular the Beatles were). We’re definitely fortunate the Beatles could actually sing. Dylan has always been a brilliant poet and musician, the singing didn’t matter as there were so many others keen to put their vocals to his songs.

  • David Herrick

    09/10/2019 at 13:10
  • Howard

    09/10/2019 at 14:21

    Unfortunately, that link doesn’t open in my country David. Is it something like this?



    • David Herrick

      09/10/2019 at 15:50

      Yes, that’s a fragment of it.  I’m sorry you can’t view the whole thing, but you get the gist of it.

      It keeps going on like that until Dylan says something that the host doesn’t understand, so he calls in Tom Petty to translate.  Then Dylan and Petty nasal-mumble back and forth (with subtitles) until they finally break out into a duet of “Free Falling”.


    • Jacki Hopper

      09/10/2019 at 18:57

      Lol… I kinda recall seeing on TV that SNL sketch…

      I’m curious though what it is exactly that calls for certain videos to be banned/unavailable in other countries?!… Is it a cooyright/content-questionable/combo of sorts?!

      I’ve had that issue in trying to watch videos from other countries, though I’m in Canada, and even have had issues not being able to download the BBC players or whatever player platform to access audio/radio stns, etc due to either incompatibility issues for my devices to just not available for outside UK and/or other countries if I was trying to download from elsewheres outside UK but still in Europe or even abroad but not affected by USA…. It just fascinates me… But then again, not all devices whether Android/Apple or whatever makes are inter-universal compatible for players/apps, etc…. Lol

  • Howard

    10/10/2019 at 10:46

    And now for probably the definitive Dylan cover by probably the greatest guitarist ever. This version was so good it changed the way Dylan played the song himself!

    The Jimi Hendrix Experience – All Along The Watchtower (Audio)

    I bet Lisa and Mona have already tried this one out in the past. It would be a wonderful number for Lisa to test out her guitar skills!

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