MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion The MonaLisa Twins Do Dylan


  • David

    16/08/2020 at 22:47

    Sinead O’ Connor – Meet Me In The Morning

  • Howard

    17/08/2020 at 02:33

    Bob Dylan London Hotel Room – 1965, with a nervous Donovan looking on

    “Love Minus Zero”

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    17/08/2020 at 14:32

    When you say “Dylan”, I think you’re talking about Dylan Thomas.  Whoever he was.

    Sorry, that was just me being unhip.


  • Michael Thompson

    17/08/2020 at 14:54

    Fold Rock. I’ve lost my harmonica Albert.

    • Howard

      17/08/2020 at 15:43

      That ones way too cryptic for me Mike.

  • Howard

    17/08/2020 at 15:42

    Dylan Thomas was a Welsh poet and writer. Not sure if you were being sarcastic or just cryptic!

  • Michael Thompson

    17/08/2020 at 16:22

    It’s lyrics from a Paul Simon song although for the life of me I can’t remember which album or even the title of the song! Maybe Lynn can help me!

  • David

    17/08/2020 at 19:18
  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    17/08/2020 at 22:28

    Funny story about the song above ( A Simple Desultory  Philippic).  I became a S&G fan back in ’67 (Thanks to my older sister, who also got me into the Beatles in ’65).  As a young teenager in the late 60’s I was a bit naive and I thought a line in this song was “It’s alright Ma, everybody loves this song.”  Years later I figured out what they were really saying.  Fast forward to around 2006 when I turned my youngest son onto S&G.  I was passing his room when he was listening to this song and when it got to that line I sang loudly “Everybody loves this song”.  I did this several times and somewhere a long the way he figured out those weren’t the right words.  But, also being a naive young teenager, he could quite make out the actually words, so he finally asked me.  And I told him, “Everybody must get stoned”.   side note confession:  I was 21 before I finally did what everybody must do.

  • Howard

    18/08/2020 at 07:00

    Okay guys, I’m a bit slow but with you now. Great song and lyrics there! As for being 21, for many young men in my country, it took the Vietnam war and conscription at the age of 20, although I had an early start at the age of 18 in strangely enough. the central north of the deep north of Australia’s most conservative state. My eyes and mind were opened during my military corps training when I was bundled off to our southern state where I got to mix with Australians from every state for the first time. Interesting times indeed!

    I imagine it would have been similar (the culture shock), to our baby Mona and Lisa visiting California for the first time and then Adelaide a year later.

  • Lynn T. Newcomb

    18/08/2020 at 13:23

    Speaking of culture shock, when I listen to Lisa singing Hotel California when she still had a distinctive accent, I get a whole new picture of what that song is all about.  Its about a foreign tourist struggling with the craziness of California for the first time.

    By the way, Lisa, if you read this, I loved your accent in your early songs.  I knew it would disappear.  Even the Beatles can’t sing their songs with much of an accent and you’ve learned to sing them the way they do.

    Okay, I’ll let you get back to discussing Dylan (Bob).

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