MonaLisa Twins Homepage Forums MLT Club Forum General Discussion The Most Depressing Time of the Year?

  • The Most Depressing Time of the Year?

    Posted by Roger Penn on 28/12/2023 at 01:13

    Every year at advent I get accustomed to spending every day with Mona and Lisa in one form or another and conversing with you all and getting to know everyone in the club better. It’s almost a daily addiction. Then we have the Christmas Eve (eve) livestream and it’s a complete high. And then all of a sudden…

    Nothing. It’s like waking up from a wonderful dream only to realize you have to go to work. Or quitting a comforting habit cold turkey and fighting withdrawal terrors. Three weeks of immersion in the most wonderful people and music in the the world and then…poof. I think I listen to more MLT music the week following Christmas (basically 24/7) than the whole rest of the year put together just to stave off the emptiness. And re-watching the livestreams. It feels like my best friends that I’ve grown up with since childhood suddenly moved to another country.

    At least this year we have the promise of another livestream early in January. It will be like the most joyous reunion.

    Chris Weber replied 8 months, 3 weeks ago 9 Members · 18 Replies
  • 18 Replies
  • David Herrick

    28/12/2023 at 01:35

    I always feel the same way, Roger. But this year, with the 11 live streams in 23 days, I can tell myself that I’ve overstayed my welcome at a friend’s house and should give them a little time to get everything back in order.

    • Roger Penn

      28/12/2023 at 01:53

      LOL. Yes, that’s very true. I hope it didn’t sound like I was ungrateful. I don’t begrudge them their down time at all! Just lamenting the post-advent crash. 😀

  • Jung Roe

    28/12/2023 at 04:04

    Hi Roger

    I know how you feel. I feel home sick for MLT. I think it’s similar to going away on the most wonderful vacation you could imagine for several weeks, and it has to end, and you come back home, and you miss those previous weeks so dearly, you feel home sick for it. You wish you can go back. We have their wonderful music to tie us over until the weekly Friday posts commence, and there is that additional livestream for the general public. I hope as a suggestion MLT will do some livestreams through the year. Just hanging out with them is absolutely magical, a most wonderful time. 😊🎈

    • Roger Penn

      28/12/2023 at 07:46

      Exactly. Kinda like coming home from summer camp as a kid. Yeah, a quarterly livestream would be great.

    • Bud Jackson

      29/12/2023 at 05:42

      Hi Jung,

      I’m replying to you, but also to everyone else. I was busy & gone all day, but I’m back to check up on things!

      I too miss vacation spots when I return home, BUT I have so many great memories, even from vacations years ago! No vacation can last forever anyway! But as far as depressing times, I’ve never enjoyed Winter. The cold wet weather is no fun for me. When it’s sunny it’s better, but then usually colder. Snow? For me it’s fine in the mountains, or in pictures, but anything having to do with snow & cold turns me off. I’m just uncomfortable all the time. (Now, I HAVE hiked in the snowy mountains in the springtime, when it’s sunny, & that’s fun when the air is not TOO cold!)

      <font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”> I know that other people suffer from SAD Syndrome, (Seasonal Affective Disorder.) So at least I know I’m not the only one! I also get affected by the pollution here, which is worse in </font>the<font color=”rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)” face=”inherit”> Winter, & traffic jams also bother me.</font>

      I realize that some people enjoy the cold & snow, & I can understand that, but for me, it’s a major bummer! I believe that being born in Hawaii affected my negative feelings towards the cold; even though my parents brought me to Seattle when I was only 3 months old!

      It seems that some of us have a NEW disorder. That is “MTMLT’sS,” or — “Missing the Mona Lisa Twins Syndrome!” (I just named it!) But rather than suffer too much from the New Syndrome, I’m choosing to instead “ATMLT’S,” or “Appreciate the MLT’s,” because they’ve been very generous with their time with us! But also, we help them to make a living doing something they really enjoy! So, we have a Symbiotic Relationship, where each side benefits!

      So, while I do miss seeing the MLT’s after Christmas, & I don’t enjoy Winter, I do have some solutions that help! They are:

      1.) Exercise 2.) Getting outside, even if for a short while. 3.) Listening to Music. 4.) Practicing instruments for fun, & with goals in mind. 4.) Rehearsing & performing with a Band. 5.) Spending time with Family & Pets. 6.) Teaching Music, even though there’s always behavior issues to deal with, at least I’m helping those that need it! 7.) Reading, or watching a favorite video or TV program. 8.) Getting enough rest & sleep. 9.) Watching Music videos, like the MLT’s & others. 10.) If you can get a Cat or Dog to lay on your chest or legs, THAT HELPS TOO!

      I’m sure you guys & gals have other things that you do too, to relieve the boredom & stress.

      I’m not pretending to know all the answers, because I don’t. But following some kind of positive routine like I listed above definitely helps me! And YES, I still have depressing moments, & I sure ain’t perfect! And if in doubt — Take a NAP!

      If that was at all helpful to anyone, please let me know! THANKS, & HAPPY NEW YEAR! Mona & Lisa will be back with more new livestreams & Videos. HOORAY!!!!!

      — Bud Jackson

    • Roger Penn

      29/12/2023 at 07:50

      Thanks Bud. I do suffer from SAD. I have Moodozi LED therapy lamp here on my desk that I use every day I don’t get out in some sun and I have to take lots of vitamin D. But MTMLTS is definitely a thing, too!

    • Bud Jackson

      29/12/2023 at 23:18

      Hi Roger,

      Thanks for answering back! You’re S.E. of Portland Oregon, right? My daughter went to Linfield College in Oregon. It’s a nice area, with all the horses & wineries! I’ve heard that bright lights can help with depression. I use a bright light at night when I’m practicing or open the shades during the day.

      Do you, or did you play the French Horn? On the MLT site I read where someone thought it was a French Horn solo on the Beatles “Penny Lane.” But it was instead a Piccolo Trumpet. Not many people know about that I suppose. In case you’re interested, here’s a video interview with David Mason, the London symphonic trumpeter who was asked to record the Piccolo Trumpet solo for “Penny Lane.”

      David Mason Penny Lane Trumpeter (

      I do think that the French Horn is and awesome instrument too!

      Have a nice, relaxing New Year! — Bud Jackson

    • Roger Penn

      02/01/2024 at 01:01

      Hey Bud,

      Yes, I’m SW of Portland. And yes, the McMinnville area is gorgeous. I’ve been to Linfield a couple of times, for concerts no less. I certainly wouldn’t mind living out there.

      I did play the French horn. I don’t remember mentioning that. Or are you psychic? LOL. I sure would love to pick it up again. I’ve never been the biggest trumpet fan (sorry, I know you are!), but the piccolo trumpet is a whole different matter because it has such a soaring, inspirational sound. I love its use in the Brandenburg concerto #2, how it dances and flirts with the recorder and oboe, and it’s often played on French horn as well. That was a great video! Thanks for sharing that.

    • Bud Jackson

      02/01/2024 at 03:14

      Hi Roger!

      Sometimes I’ll read MLT Members’ biographies, just to see what they’re interested in, & you mentioned French Horn. I WISH I was psychic though! Oregon is a beautiful state, as is Washington, and the whole West Coast for that matter!

      Most people haven’t heard of the Piccolo Trumpet, so it’s nice that you appreciate it! I really love ALL the instruments, even the traditional ones from various countries. Everybody has their personal preferences, so mine is trumpet, but I also like to play the Guitar, Marimba, Flute & others. It’s just hard to keep up with everything!

      Thanks for getting back to me & have a GROOVY NEW YEAR! — Bud

    • Jung Roe

      29/12/2023 at 15:32

      Hi Bud

      Yeah I ‘m with you on the weather. Living in the Pacific Northwest, and technically a rainforest along the BC coast, we get a lot of rain, and in the past years a drizzle that starts in October and ends in May HAHAHA. We are not the biggest consumers of coffee in the world by accident, with Seattle being home to the very first Starbucks in Pike Place Market, I’ve been to it many times over the years. We need that soothing and picker up java boost a lot. A very renowned piano man busker performs around there often too, Jonny Hahn, check him out next time you are in the area. Local KING 5 and KOMO 4 have done news features on him over the years.

      Thanks for all the wonderful pointers to stay physically and mentally healthy, a lot of golden nuggets of wise advice there. Here are a few inspirational quotes and reflections I’ve collected over the years in my journals:

      1..Spending time on what interests you, like your hobbies, is also a form of self love.
      2..Without music/art, the crudeness of reality would make the world unbearable. – George Bernard Shaw. (an important one for all of us!)
      3..If you want to live a happy life, tie it to a goal, not to people or things. – Albert Einstein
      4..And here is one for Mona and Lisa: One person can have a profound affect on another. Two people can work miracles. They can change the world. – From an episode of Northern Exposure (Andrew Schneider).
      5..I have no special talents, I am only passionately curious. – Albert Einstein

      Here is a bonus:

      6..Being happy doesn’t mean everything is perfect. It means you’ve decided to look beyond imperfections, and see the beauty of life.

      Happy Holidays to all.


    • Bud Jackson

      29/12/2023 at 22:35

      Thanks Jung,

      You have a lot more good answers to our dilemma here for how to NOT be so depressed. Very good! It basically comes down to keeping yourself busy, to forget your cares! As much as I dislike the rain sometimes, without it we wouldn’t be so green here! (And now the sun just came out!)

      The stark contrasts between dry & rainy are very apparent on Oahu in Hawaii. The Leeward, sunny side where Honolulu is located is drier & a little warmer than the Windward side. When you go through the tunnel in the mountain from Honolulu to the wet Winward side, it’s immediately apparent how green everything is! But in Hawaii the rain is warm, & only lasts for 10 to 20 minutes on average. Then the sun comes out! And of course, here in the NW, it’s much colder this time of year. But yesterday it was 56 F. That’s better than most places, but in Kaneohe, HI today it’s 78 F, & rainy, going back up to 80 F. in a few days.

      I DO get depressed, but I stay busy, & Mona & Lisa definitely help me feel a lot better too! I’m looking forward to seeing them & their new Music in the New Year! Take care Jung, & HAPPY NEW YEAR! — Bud

    • Bud Jackson

      29/12/2023 at 22:52


      I used to go to the Pike Place Market more, but rarely now. The last two times this year were to get presents for Mona & Lisa! I’m sure I’ve seen that keyboard player you mentioned. Musicians need a permit to work there. I used to play in a club in the market with a Jazz Band years ago, but we play other places now.

      My wife was a volunteer there & led school tours in the Market! She & I & our daughter (who is Mona & Lisa’s age,) used to help turn on the Christmas lights there after Thanksgiving! It was fun, we got to go on top of the buildings, & had a table of treats afterwards!

      Btw, Seattle only gets 38 inches of rain per year, because we’re protected by the Olympic Mountains, about 40 miles west of Seattle. However on the western, Pacific Ocean side, they get 150 + inches of rain per year! I think your area gets somewhat less protection because of the Strait of Juan de Fuca?

      OK, thanks for answering me! Dats all fer now boss! — Bud

  • Daryl Jones

    28/12/2023 at 16:38

    Every high has a low or withdrawal to it. Christmas in general can do that to a person, so much activity crammed in a few days with family and rushing around doing last minute chores and getting ready. Then it’s over and gone and life returns to the regular grind. I notice it more this year for some reason, maybe the number of livestreams had an influence…?
    I’ve spent more time at the hospital of course, and that weighs on all of us. Makes the alone time even more empty I think. I try to make myself available to my brother, but he is a very stoic and private person and refuses most offers. Being business partners since the mid 70’s I’ve learned to let him do his thing, he’s very particular and old fashioned that way. Even if I could make several things easier on him, he’s still a personal “hands on” guy and will never change. C’est la vie.
    But we do have this place to come to whenever we want, that’s a very good thing.
    Stay groovy all.

  • Tim Arnold

    28/12/2023 at 17:40

    I hear you Roger, I was bummed out after the livestream ended on the 23rd. This has been such a wonderful month with all the livestreams and to be honest, the days in between sharing stories and memories with each other. It was like friends and family telling stories with each other only we were doing it from all corners of the world. I really continued doing the same thing the last three days, only with family and friends, sharing memories, exchanging gifts and enjoying good food and too many cookies, Lol. It’s been my best Christmas in many years and it all started with the first livestream. I hate to see it end but if it never ended then it probably wouldn’t be so special. I think a lot of us have become friends in the last month and I hope it will continue. We can still continue to share stories and ideas and share music, I am looking forward to it. When the Twins decide on a date for the public livestream we have to do what we can to spread the word around. If this first livestream is a success I am sure the girls will want to keep doing them. The more people that hear them, the more people that will stick around and support them.

  • Thomas Randall

    30/12/2023 at 01:30

    Just remember that old saying folks, “Absence makes the heart grow fonder”.

    Everybody have yourselves a happy new year! And another great year of MLT Club fun!

  • Jacki Hopper

    03/01/2024 at 17:00

    Likewise , with tge majority here Advent Calendar ends, and ya get missing tge routine, but Thankful it’s kept here all year round to rewatch … I’m definitely not a fan of winter, I hate it, only like it for on Xmas Day, I’m a Summer gal, but prefer no humidity , and enjoy late Spring , I think I suffer too from that Seasonal Disorder thing, and I’m always down in spirits somewhat during Winter and ever since my late Dad passed on my birthday in January 2011, it depresses me a little more at this time of year ….

    • Roger Penn

      03/01/2024 at 22:45

      Totally Jacki. The number of people that have had Christmas season ruined by the death of a loved one. As if the weather wasn’t bad enough. I, too, love summer. I’m not a fan of extreme weather either way, but I’d much rather be warm than frozen, and the sun… I’m kind of a dichotomy: I love verdant green and warm sunny weather. You can’t have both, at least not all the time. I don’t like a lot of humidity either, but neither can I stand getting electrocuted every time I touch something metal, so I need enough to “ground” the air.

  • Chris Weber

    04/01/2024 at 04:28

    I am very much looking forward to the public Livestream. Maybe this could turn into a series of Livestreams. Livestreams at regular intervals, often enough to maintain momentum, predictable enough so people can tell their friends about it, can get people to hit that Share button. That can move the needle.

    There are already tens of thousands of MLT fans. At least. I’m not depressed – I’m excited!

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