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  • " The POEM of ORANGE "

    Posted by Jacki Hopper on 19/10/2018 at 03:03

    “The Poem of ORANGE”

    Juicy with zest
    Bursting with flavour
    Freshly Squeezed Music
    To devour and savour
    Such apPEEL
    Care for slice !?
    Perhaps fancy a wedge
    Live life Groovy
    Nice and a tad on the edge
    Tangy yet sweet
    And with zip and zing
    Groovy Best
    The POEM of ORANGE…

    Jacki Hopper replied 5 years, 11 months ago 4 Members · 4 Replies
  • 4 Replies
  • Timothy Connelly

    19/10/2018 at 04:30


    I am certainly not qualified to analyze poetry but not being qualified at something has never stopped me before…LOL

    A number of things really stand out about your poems- you aren’t committed to a rhyming structure- which is good in poetry and bad in lyric writing. Great songs lyrically often have a more complex rhyming structure and of course, a necessary aspect of poetry is a certain level of imagery. Songs that don’t have vivid images can be awesome lyrically- they can go beautifully with the music, they can have a great message, they can make you think but I feel like the presence of imagery is what turns a lyric into a poem.
    That’s what makes your writing so good- every line isn’t always understandable, I don’t always know exactly what you mean. But your use of words and their unpredictable nature creates a feeling that’s pure poetry.

    Paul McCartney wrote, “Any time, any day you can hear the people say, that love is blind, I don’t know but I say love is kind.”  The rhyming structure is perfect but it’s not poetry because there’s no particular beauty in the way he brings the words together. In Eleanor Rigby he writes, ” Waits by a window, wearing a face that she keeps in a jar by the door, who is it for.”  Wow, that’s brilliant poetry!

    “Juicy with zest
    Bursting with flavour
    Freshly Squeezed Music
    To devour and savour”
    The idea, the bringing together of words- it’s brilliant!

    I write more like the “Listen to What the Man Said lyrics- fine, understandable, easy to follow but without poetic sensibilities. That is why I appreciate a poet like yourself!

  • Jung Roe

    19/10/2018 at 04:51

    That’s great Jacki.  Every line is so vivid.  You have a magic with words.

  • Howard

    19/10/2018 at 05:01

    Yes, another good one Jacki. Like Tim, I’m not qualified to analyse, but as they say, I know what I like, and oranges are very appealing!

  • Jacki Hopper

    19/10/2018 at 23:03

    Thankyou All for your lovely commentary…I appreciate it…I did as a gift to MLT a few years ago created 2 MLT poetry booklets  that I made 2 of each for M & L  and even a photo of them with the booklets was posted on their FB page at the time.

    I do write non-MLT poetry and MLT kindly acknowledged my poetry blog link on recent Tweet of theirs to acknowledge #NationalPoetryDay✌️☮️????????????????❤️????

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