• David Herrick

    18/05/2023 at 14:50

    This is a very insightful narrative, Jung! I can picture a movie of your life, with these songs playing in the background at key moments.

    Predictably, I’m going to invoke the Monkees for my experience. I was 20 when I discovered their TV show and their music, and although most of their early stuff was aimed at 12-year-olds, they did record this sober and introspective song that really crystallized where my mind was at at that time. I think of it as their equivalent of When I Grow Up to Be a Man:


    • Jung Roe

      18/05/2023 at 15:21

      Thanks David! Yeah those songs and music are like my corner stones of my life, when I think of a phase of my life, they come to mind, they wrote the soundtrack of those times in my life. The music had a huge impact and made a difference in my life.

      Thanks for sharing another surprising gem from the Monkees, not that I am surprsed how talented they were as artists, despite the acting and doing the Monkees show that must have taken up most of their time and professional effort, yet they wrote some great songs too like this and others you’ve shared in the past. This one is really beautiful and introspective.

      From how I remember, my older brother first introduced the family to this new TV show called the Monkees, and he said they were just like the Beatles. I was pretty young then, and only knew of some of their gorgeous songs I heard my brother and older sister play on the stereo sometimes, never knew what the Beatles looked like nor their names, so early on the Monkees embodied the Beatles for me. When I heard a Beatles song, I envisioned the Monkees from the show.

    • David Herrick

      18/05/2023 at 16:00

      Hey, Jung. My perpetual feeling of guilt as a Monkees fan compels me to point out that Shades of Gray was actually written by Barry Mann and Cynthia Weil. They were a great under-the-radar songwriting team in the 60’s who also composed On Broadway (the Drifters), You’ve Lost That Lovin’ Feelin’ (the Righteous Brothers), We Gotta Get Out of This Place (the Animals), Kicks (Paul Revere and the Raiders), and many others.

    • Jung Roe

      18/05/2023 at 16:09

      Hey David, I guess it’s not unlike the Beach Boys “Surfin USA”, a remake really of Chuck Berry’s “Sweet Little Sixteen”, rearranged with new lyrics, but in a lot of cases of great songs by artists, that was not written by them, they put their heart and soul into it and create the magic to make it great and all their own, I think the credit is all theirs still.

    • David Herrick

      18/05/2023 at 16:30

      Good point, Jung. Actually, when I was looking up the writing credits on that song I discovered that it was originally recorded and released by a group called the Will-O-Bees, who performed it in a sunshine pop style that is totally inappropriate for the message. The Monkees’ version appeared on an album in which the group did all the arrangements themselves, so we know it’s really how they wanted the song to sound.

    • Bud Jackson

      07/01/2024 at 21:42

      David & Jung,

      That’s a very nice song that the Monkees recorded here. I enjoyed that, thanks! How does time slip away so fast!
      Here’s another appropriate song for this time of year. I think it’s one of the best of ABBA’s later songs.
      There’s celebration, yet sadness as one couple had broken up, & the other was to divorce also.
      I’m sure Mona & Lisa could do a nice version of this, but I don’t know that they would ever do an ABBA song. You don’t hear Pop songs like this anymore! (Except songs by the MLT’s!) — Bud

      ABBA – Happy New Year (Video) (youtube.com)

  • Jung Roe

    05/06/2023 at 15:36

    David Bennett posted another great video on Bach, the father of all music, past, present and future. Seeing this, I am thinking perhaps to save music for the future, the schools should include Bach in their music curriculum to instill some music appreciation and what great music is. It’s obvious many of the great rock and rollers of the 60s, 70s, and even 80s and 90s realized in the height of their careers the significance of Bach (Beatles, Kinks, Deep Purple, Led Zeppelin and on and on), and why/how a piece of music can be timeless and move people. Then the younger generations today would be more discerning and seek out good music of the great rock legends of the past, and inspired artists today like Mona and Lisa, and not passively accept the canned pop music being pushed by the music industry. Last weekend I listened to a local radio station that plays only “todays top chart hit songs”, and I almost gagged. It is really that bad, it’s not a generational thing. There was so much great music in the previous decades that music education was not necessary as kids could just listen to the hit radio station and find some good music, but that’s not the case today. Todays music industry is really trashing music.


  • Jung Roe

    10/06/2023 at 22:05

    In this beautiful song, although the lyrics may be interpreted as a song about a broken relationship, David Gates of Bread wrote it in memory of his father who died in 1963 before he achieved his success with the band. It’s such a moving song that expresses so many emotions better than any words ever can. It expresses that longing for the one you love, that is not with you anymore. For me, I feel that longing in MLTs songs like The Wide, Wide Land, June, and Close To You. Songs like this has the power to heal, as it lets you express those emotions you need to release. Thus is the power of music.


    • Steve Kirk

      11/06/2023 at 02:20

      Oh my word. Everything I own. This could be about my parents. Every word hits home. I miss them so much, this says what I want if only I could. Not a day goes by when I don’t think and miss them. There’s a big hole in my life. Thank you Jung. You really got me with this one. The power of music you’ve nailed it my man….

    • Jung Roe

      11/06/2023 at 03:21

      Hi Steve. Yeah this song just says it all for me too about me and my mom. I was watching an old home video the other day and this song was playing in the background, that I hadn’t heard in decades. Listening to it again now, it hit me like a ton of bricks, can’t get to the end of the song without getting teary eyed. I’m glad this song let you feel the love for your parents like it did for me. When David Gates wrote this, he certainly put his heart and soul into it with so much love, and for everyone who ever lost a parent or someone very close, it rings so close to the heart.

    • Steve Kirk

      11/06/2023 at 08:37

      Hi Jung. I’d not heard this for a long time till you put this on. Never taken much notice of it but oh my word does it ring true now. The power of music to capture feelings. Growing up our parents are always there, we take no notice, they live forever but actually they don’t. This song reduced this supposed ‘strong northern guy’ to bits. It is where I am and have been for the last 17 years but I put a brave face on it. You put this on because you feel the same. Thanks Jung, indeed this is the power of music…..

    • Daryl Jones

      07/01/2024 at 13:52

      Jung, this song always brings tears to my eyes. So very deep with emotion and the aches of a broken heart for the loss of someone dear. Not necessarily just in death, but also in my case of a lost love. Like so many of David’s masterful works, he puts pain and sorrow into it with a rejuvenating hope and a promise of happiness somehow. When I was younger I could reach the high registers in the vocals, but those days are mostly gone now so I have to find other more suitable for me ways to sing most of his songs. I sometimes have trouble even playing his songs, they often make me swell with emotions so powerful I have to stop as the tears roll freely down my cheeks. Painfully sad, but also very beautiful.

    • Jung Roe

      10/01/2024 at 15:38

      Daryl, this song is so moving isn’t it. The song comes from a real place of love, all the emotions it evokes by the writer is all so real, as he wrote it in memory of his father. This song really underscores the power and timeless beauty a song is capable. Music can express so much for us, and it can be different for each of us, and it can change for us with time. When I first heard this in the 90s it was a beautiful song, today it has so much more meaning.

    • Dave Johnston

      27/06/2023 at 02:35

      I had all but forgotten this masterpiece!! Thx Jung.

  • Jung Roe

    25/06/2023 at 21:11

    It was the first day of grade 5, and I sat in the new class room with new class mates and teacher. The desks we would sit in for the next whole year were arranged in rows of two. I wondered who would sit next to me, and a new kid came and sat in it. He was new to the school as I hadn’t seen him before in grade 4. 50 years later we would still be the best of friends, through high school and all of our youth. It’s funny how life works.

    This past week I experienced the power of music. My childhood friend Glenn was diagnosed with a rare cancer 6 years ago. It’s a terminal cancer with a survival prognosis of 1 to 7 years, and my friend Glenn is in his 6th year. We were able to do a guys vacation get away together like we use to do on many California road adventures together in our younger days growing up. This time it was a week long Alaska trip together, that some how felt like a final time together, and our wives MJ and Lillian understood and let us do an all guys trip together.

    It was a fairly new ship and they had this superb rock lounge where they had a nice live band that did all the great rock classics from the 60s, 70s, and 80s. They did Beatles, Cream, Hendricks, ZZTop, and on and on…all the music Glenn and I grew up on. The magic was how the songs they played transported us both back to our early youths and brought back so many memories like nothing else could, evoked feelings of those times I hadn’t felt in years. Glenn and I often looked at each other saying hey do your remember that one!!! Music is so special indeed.

    The week blew by like a flash, but was full of so many fond memories we created. Just reminds me our time on this crazy merry go round is fleeting, and it’s the special moments and memories we make with the people we care about that remains with us forever, and all the things we do with our talents that help others and enrich lives that matter the most.

    In 2018 shortly after Glenn got sick, MLT released their Orange album, and were so kind and gracious to write a little note for Glenn in the Orange vinyl I got for him that he still talks about. I got him the Christmas, Duo Session and latest Why albums. It’s MLT’s beautiful music, and a host of kind and gracious things they do accumulated over the years week after week, year after year that make me want to be a life long MLT fan, and I can never contain my enthusiasm and love for them.



  • Dave Johnston

    25/06/2023 at 21:22


    That was so touching it brought tears to my eyes. Friendship is what it’s all about. At this point in my life my friends and family are the most precious assets I have. I am glad he has made 6 years and do hope without pain (or much). Thanks so much for sharing this!!

    • Jung Roe

      26/06/2023 at 01:35

      Hi Dave

      Thanks for the kind words for Glenn. He is one of the most positive persons I know, and whatever challenges life put in front of him, he never let it faze him and always came up on top. He manages his pain, gets along with people and strangers around him, such a positive spirit. I can’t even imagine what it must be like to be in his shoes right now, but I know he has incredible courage, facing his illness every single day, staying active, working part time, doing everything he would normally do as much as possible, and continuing to be the great kind friend he is to me, and living life without flinching or giving up.

  • Dave Johnston

    27/06/2023 at 02:27

    So happy you were able to spend quality time with each other!!

  • Jung Roe

    08/07/2023 at 04:51

    I haven’t seen this Beatle live performance in it’s entirety before, found one with enhanced video that looks and sounds great. The Beatles didn’t need any special costumes, stage theatrics or effects, they just had incredible vocal and musicianship talent, mated to their lovable personalities that made their performances second to none. MLT are exactly like that too.

    Ringo’s talent as a drummer really shines here, and Paul’s vocal depth and power at the end comes through in spades. Ringo’s drumming and singing remind me of a young Mona on the drums doing Twist and Shout, just fabulous.

    No one captured the power of music to the level the Beatles did in the 20th Century.



    • Tom Fones

      08/07/2023 at 16:57

      Jung, best of luck to Dave. He is lucky to have you as a friend.

    • Jung Roe

      09/07/2023 at 19:59

      Thanks Tom, Glenn is well and we already talked about doing another travel adventure in the future some time. He talks about our old California road trips, no air conditioning, and doing it again. We’ll see.

      DO IT AGAIN.


  • Jung Roe

    07/01/2024 at 07:50

    I’ve been a little distracted the last few days. My friends cancer has taken a turn for the worse. What comforting words can you give someone when they are running out of runway and options.

    Ordered him the Duo Sessions II CD/calendar/notebook bundle just before Christmas. Hope that will cheer him up a bit when it arrives. He loves music.

    • Tom Fones

      07/01/2024 at 16:24


      everyone is wishing the best for your sick friend.

      Tom Fones

    • Bud Jackson

      07/01/2024 at 20:22


      I am so sorry to hear about your sick friend! It’s just so unfair, especially for someone as nice as he is! It’s so very wonderful for you to help him through this especially difficult time! My heart goes out to both of you! Thanks for sharing this story. Life doesn’t always turn out the way we want it to, & we all need to appreciate the times we have together, & the things we do for others.

      I pray that it will be easy for him when the time comes. You’re doing all you can, so take heart!

      — Bud

    • Jung Roe

      08/01/2024 at 03:42

      Thank you Tom, Bud, Jacki and all for your kind words and thoughts.

      I’ve tried to prepare myself for this inevitable outcome with my friends terminal illness for a few years, but when the time comes, it is never easy. We made many fond memories in the last few years, including the Alaska cruise we did together last June. Every moment was a gift. Perhaps a reminder, how we should see our lives, every moment with the ones we love and care for is a gift to cherish and never take for granted.


    • Bud Jackson

      08/01/2024 at 03:58


      You’re welcome! Your words ring true! It’s hard enough when someone passes who is up in years, & it’s still not easy. But when someone hasn’t lived out their full live yet, it is much harder to take. This may not be a consolation, but at least he’s been given time to prepare. He’s a very brave soul, & he’s lucky to have you for a friend! — Bud

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